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The Magical and Mystical Powers of Mantras

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Dear brothers and sisters on Planet Earth,


The simple Mantras can be tried for just 21 days and you will be amazed at the

transformations that will happen through these Divine Energies from the Cosmos.


Visible Life on this Human Planet Earth is governed by Invisible , Sublime and Subtle forces of Divine Energy fields that manifest through our subconcious Minds.


Creation was born out of Divine Sound and Divine Light . Hence these Mantra sound energies released from your conciousness manifests in your Life to change destinies for better and attract positive energies , good fortune , healing , protection and Love.



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Here is an easy and and exciting way to bring unlimited Divine Powers into your lives.

The method uses repetition within your heart of certain Divine Words which carry Divine Energies in their sound vibrations. When you close your eyes and meditate on these short simple Divine WOrds known as Mantras in India (Hinduism) , they release

energies that flow in your Chakras (Energy centers) within your inner world which govern different aspects of your Life and destinies.

The simple Mantras can be tried for just 21 days and you will be amazed at the transformations that will happen through their Divine Powers that they attract from the Cosmos.


Visible Life on this Human Planet Earth is governed by Invisible , Sublime and Subtle forces of Divine Energy fields that manifest through our subconcious Minds.


Creation was born out of Divine Sound and Divine Light . Hence these Mantra sound energies released from your conciousness manifests in your Life and can change your destinies for better by attracting positive energies to bring you good fortunes , healing , protection and Love.


Here are 3 very powerfula nad natural Mantras to try ...


'OM' should be taken with the In-breath ie. while Inhaling ... take in the sound Om in your Mind and heart. Om is the Cosmic vibration that governs and created the entire Cosmos. So you are taking in the Cosmic Energy of purity and Divinity ... The Brahman (The Cosmos)

'HUM' should be taken out with your out-breath ie while exhaling .... this is the natural sound that flows with our exhaling ... hmmmmm or hummmmm. So it is easy.

Visualise that you are exhaling (removing) all your negativities , all your Ego , the 'I' which is an illusion a 'maya' of being the doer. Imagine that you are removing with the HUM sound all your fears, your hatred, your lust, your anger, your greed ... in which our mind , our Ego , keeps us trapped to make us waste our Life rushing and running after things and in return getting stress, anxiety, fear, insecurity .

So take in Om and breathe out HUM. Easy isnt it. Just do it for 10 mins daily and see the experience and magic happen in your Life within 21 days.



This is the all powerful healing Mantra. Try it. The Hari syllable is a very powerful energy . Ra is Fire (Agni) element and Ha is Sky This Mantra will bring Healing energies to your Physical as well as Emotional and Ethereal Bodies. Best time to chant this Mantra is wee hours of morning from 4.00 am to 6.00 am



This is the Goddess Tara Mantra. This Mantra should be used in any emergency and in any difficult situation that you are faced with. It cuts through you troubles and puts you in immediate contact with Divine Powers. It provides you with protection

and reveals all . Phat serves to amplify the power of the Mantra Energy.


Please do send your questions and post your messages for all other Human Beings meeting at this Divine Place on the Net.

Love and Best Wishes

Pankaj Sampat




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I read your posting, but without any offense, I have just one question. In your statements and guidances to chant, you say 'observe...visualise...' so who is the observer or the visualiser . I feel that as long as you have the duality of the observed and observer, conflict and all consequences will remain, and may provide a temporary relief but not an everlasting solution. I am sorry to say so, but i feel, as long as the mind is creating the higher and lower self in us, as the so called 'soul' or 'atma' whatever name you choose to use, will I be any better??

I dont know...


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