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This is a very nice page. I also visited Nitai's page regarding the Alvars yesterday. Very often the Internet is used as a tool to propogate Kali Yuga. Its nice to know that individuals are able to interconnect and add insight into various spiritual topics. All glories to your promotion of Tulsidas's Ramayana.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Tulsidas says:

jo sampaty siv ravanahi dhinhi diye das math

soyi sampata Vbhishanahi sakuchi dhinhi Ragunath.

Meaning What riches Ravana attained from Lord Siva after sacrificing his ten heads, the same riches is immediately got by Vibhishana just after his surrender to Raama.

Surrender is the best means to attain the God. Vibhishana is the typical example of such surrender.

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Tulsidas says:

jo sampaty siv ravanahi dhinhi diye das math

soyi sampata Vbhishanahi sakuchi dhinhi Ragunath.

Meaning What riches Ravana attained from Lord Siva after sacrificing his ten heads, the same riches is immediately got by Vibhishana just after his surrender to Raama.

Surrender is the best means to attain the God. Vibhishana is the typical example of such surrender.

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Rama! You are the life of life ,the soul of soul, and the joy of joy. Those who like to be in their home away from you, are under the influence of an adverse fate.


No one can speedily know this secret (BHAKTHI is the fountain of all blessings) of Sri RAMA but who ever comes to know it by HIS grace ,can never fall a prey to infatuation even in a dream.


"O" men , abandon your varied activities, sins and diverse creeds, which all give birth to sorrow, and with genuine faith "says Tulsidas." be devoted to the feet of RAMA.



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See unity in diversity. Behold one divine form in multiforms. HIS virtue is immense and HIS glory is unparalleled. Everything exists under HIS control. HE is one who shines with out fuel. The worshippers adore HIM. HE gives the soul vigor and heroism. HE speaks words that bring joy to divinities and men. HE grants power to men HE favors to make them divine and perfect seer. Seek HIM every where for all is with in HIS reach. HE knows everything for HE is full of wisdom. HE determines what is to be done. HE fulfills all our aspirations. HE is the source of all nourishment, vigor, intelligence and strength. By HIS grace the sages realize HIM through deep meditation and sincere devotion.

From Rig Veda.

Hari Bhol!




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Dispel the deep dark curtain of ignorance, Avidya, non-existence; O non-violent seeker! O persistent devotee! Get rid of the feelings of envy, greed, and other evil impulses.

May we always have noble thoughts in our mind; may we never express bitter words in our speech! Through rigorous discipline and strict austerity burn our passionate desires. Get rid of jealousy from our heart and avoid violence.

GOD says to man, I cover your frail body and mind with MY loving care. May all the discipline powers be kind to you in your victorious onward journey.

From Sama Veda

Hari bhol!



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O man, rise up from this lower level of life. Do not sink in the pit of darkness.Cast away the bonds, the fear of death that holds you down. Do not be frustated in this world. Shine like the flame of a blazing fire and glow like the radiant sun.

He is desireless, serene, immortal and self-existent. He lacks nothing and is satisfied with essence. Any one who knows this serene, ageless,yet ever youthful, Supreme soul fears no one not even death.

Atahrvana Veda





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Should Kaikeyi be blamed for Rama's exile?

In my opinion. No.

1. Dasarata had curse before his marriage to kaikeyi that he will die because of the separation of his son. The curse was given by Sravanakumara's blind parents when Dasarata killed Sravana kumara mistaking for an animal.

2. Lord Vishnu took avatara as Rama to kill Ravana, if He does not go to forest He can not kill Ravana. Because God won't punish anybody with out reason.

3. Kousalya is Rama's mother, Sumitra as mother of Laksmana has to send him with Rama to kill Indrajit, they can not take the role of sending Rama for exile. So Kaikeyi has to take the role of sending Rama to forest.

4. Every body in the Ayodya were happy when decision of Rama's coronation was taken exept the Devas who are always swarth, send kali ti spoil the programme.

So we should not blame Kaikeyi for Rama's exile.

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I agree with you. Kaikeyi was just a medium. Lord Vishnu (as Rama) himself wanted to go to forest. After all he was born to destroy evil people. We must not forget that Kaikeyi loved Rama very much.


I don't know whether this story is true or not, but when I was in school I read that when Rama was all set to become king, then devatas went to Brahma. Devatas were really afraid that if he accepted the throne, how would he be able to destroy Ravan and his associates. Sarasvati was near Brahma. She made Manthara provoke Kaikeyi. In fact, I belive that this also must be a lila of the Supreme God himself.


So Kaikeyi accepted the suggestion of Manthara because Rama himself wanted that. Even if we disagree with this, it is not correct to just blame Kaikeyi. Because any mother, out of affection towards her children, will think of the well being of her children. Kaikeyi thinking the well being of Bharat was quite natural.

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Dear animesh,

The story is given in Bhagavat Rahasyam. That is why I mentioned devas were swarth. One thing I won't agree with you. For her child's sake a mother should not give trouble to others. That much blind affection is also a sort of agjanam. I fully agree with you Kaikeyi should not be blamed for Rama's exile.

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You are right. Blind affection is definitely bad. But, what to do? That happens whether we like it or not. Should Kaikeyi be blamed or not is definitely a subjective issue. But most of the people who blame her talk as if she was a kind of woman who should always be hated upon. But a large no of people do what she did. Somebody for children, somebody for money, somebody for oneself and so on.

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Women's great weakness is her blind affection to her children. That is a great ignorance too. All the women should be encouraged to take spiritual path & should be encouraged to recite Vedas & Upanishads. Taking spiritual path sould not be confused with renouncing the world. Reciting Ramayana & Gita will help them. But people have time for everything except for sparing few minutes for prayer. I feel the ignorance arising out of blind affection is the cause for all social evils which can be avoided by removing their ignorance. May Lord Hari showers HIS blessings on ladies to overcome their ignorance.

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Dear Viji,


I have a doubt. You have written that Kaikeyi should not be blamed because if Rama had become king instead of Bharat, then Rama would not have killed Ravana and other rakshasas. But did Kaikeyi asked for Rama's exile for this reason? I don't think so. I think she asked for his exile out of affection towards her son. It may be argued that she was made to think that way because Supreme God himself wanted that. In that case, should we blame anyone for doing anything? Because, isn't it that whatever happens happens because Supreme God wants that to happen?


Please note that my personal feeling is that if somebody does something wrong, then (s)he (including me) is to be blamed. But then I find this in contradiction with the argument you have put regarding Kaikeyi.


One more question: Is there any clear evidence in Vedas and Puranas that everything is pre-determined by Supreme God?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Lord Vishnu took avatar as Rama not only to kill Ravana & other asuras. He wanted to show how a man should live in this world. There is no wonder when Bakthas remember God. It is a great Surprise if God remembers His devotee. That is what happens in Ramayana. He enacted the play of His exile through Kaikeyi to show the greatness of Bharata. Had we known Bharata's love & devotion towards Rama, had Rama did not go to forest? Definitely not. So there is a reason for every divine will. It is pre determined also. Nothing is in our hands. Rama also shows that nobody is exempt from punishment for their bad deeds. Kaikeyi loses her son Bharata's love for being an instument for sending Rama to forest. Rama as Krishna in His next avatar also accepts His death at the hands of hunter who was Vali in his previous birth. Rama accepts the fact that it is not right to kill Vali for what ever reason from hidden place. That way He conveys to the world that nobody is exempt from fruit for their deeds whether good or bad. You can not see even a single sloka about Rama blaming Kaikeyi in Ramayana for His exile. The reason for Rama's exile is mainly to show the greatness of His brother Bharata. If we also behave like Bharata we can also make God remember us. Each character in Ramayana convey certain meaning. May the Lord Rama bless' us to be like Bharata who is a pure devotee & is constantly remembered by Rama!

Hari Bhol!

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  • 2 months later...

Was Rama Aryan as claimed by some Dravidians?

No! Aryan invation theory was created in 19th century.

1. Tradition is unanimous that Rama was a Kshatriya (of the warrior class) whereas Ravana was a descendant of Maharshi Pulyatsya and was therefore a Brahmin. The Jyotirlinga temple at Rameshwaram owes its existence to the expiation performed by Lord Rama for the killing of Brahmins like Ravana.


2. Rama is depicted as a dark man whereas Ravana is depicted as a fair-skinned person in the epic. If Dravidians were dark and Aryans were fair, then Rama should be a Dravidian and Ravana should be an Aryan.


3. Ravana's chief queen was Mandodari, who hailed from Mandor in Rajasthan, part of "Aryan" country. Therefore, even if Ravana was a "Dravidian", it still follows that "Aryan-Dravidian" marriages were prevalent in those days.


4. Ravana is depicted in the epic as a scholar of Sanskrit. When the monkey-God Hanuman went to Lanka, he is said to have seen smoke emanating from the Vedic altars in the homes of the citizens of Lanka. Valmiki, the author of the Ramayana, also states that Hanuman heard the recitations of Vedas from the homes of Lankans. In short, the Lankans were Aryans!

5. Barring Rama and his brother Lakshmana, the entire "Vanara-sena" (army) was comprised of the natives of South India. Therefore, the war could very well be characterized as one between Dravidians. By no stretch of imagination can the battle/war between Rama and Ravana could be characterized as one between Aryans and Dravidians. It is said that when Rama first met Hanuman, the latter addressed Rama in such mellifluous speech that Valmiki makes Rama say that Hanuman has to be a scholar in the Trayvidya to be able to speak so well.


6. According to anthropologists, Sri Lanka was originally inhabited by a people called Veddas who were not Dravidian. Thereafter, the North Indians from Gujarat and Tamils from the South migrated to Sri Lanka. This view of anthropologists puts a big question mark on the Aryan-Dravidian theory propagated by Christian missionaries and racist historians.

courtesy vnn.org

Hari Bhol!






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Mo sama deena na deena hita tuma samana Raghuveer

Asa bichari Raguvamsamani harahu vishama bhava bheer

Kaamihi naari piyari jimi lobhihi priya jimi dham

Thimi Ragunatha nirantara priya lagahu mohi Raam

There is no one so miserable as I nor such a friend of miserable as you, O Hero of Raghu's line! Realising this O jewel of Raghu's race take away my fear of birth & death, which is so terrible.

May you be ever dear to me , Raama, as women is dear to lustful man, & money is dear to greedy, O Lord of the Raghus.

Hari Bhol!

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Thab lagi kusala na jeeva kahu sapanehu mana visram

Jab lagi bajatha na Raama kahu soka dhama thaji kaam.

There can be no happiness for a creature nor can its mind know any peace even in a dream so long as it does not relinquish desire , which is an abode of sorrow & adore Sri Raama.


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Hi Animesh,


The sanskrit word Arya [aarya] means Noble, respected, etc. It was basically used as a mark of respect when addressing or referring to a person. It was never used to mean a race.


Enter max Muller...


He introduced the word Aryan into the english dictionary in 1853. Later when the Europeans started using the term to mean a race and when he was questioned about this, he said anyone who used that term to mean a race was a great sinner. But by then it's usage had already wide-spread and is still used so in english. The result is that today we have a sanskrit word Arya and an english term Aryan, which mean different things.





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Ramayana as most of us think is not a mere story. For centuries this scripture has fascinated the minds of millions & a proper understanding of it can help us to lead our lives in an ideal manner. Ramayana shows two contrasting characters Rama & Ravana. Rama was an embodiment of dharma & culture who adhered to duty in His life. Where as Ravana though conquered three worlds could not conquer himself. He was always afraid even while enjoying all comforts. When one does something wrong there is always fear & cowardliness & so he can never be at peace. Rama on the otherhand conquered the slavery of His mind & so was peaceful even though He had to live in the forest.

Another reason for not having peace in our life is because we do not have love in our heart for others. Loving is giving oneself totally with out expecting anything in return. Reciprocal love is like bargain. Rama is a personification of love for He embraced even the brother of His enemy. The moment we understand the true love there will be peace.


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I was watching "Sampoorna ramayana" and was touched to see how Rama carries out the exile order by his stepmother so fondly.


Nextday I was involved in a auto accident and the shock of it had affected me for a day.The kind of effects of illusion on us is so much.I had this conversation with God and am not ashamed to say it "Why me,I am thinking always of you please save me,give me an answer,what happened to all the wisdom which was gifted by you?


I was browsing through the postings at this wedsite which took me on to another and then another and was reading an author who describes the instructions of Christ to his disciples,Chaitanya in his sikshatakam,words of Santa Tukkaram and sensed how God spoke to me at my hour of need.


I want to share some of the consoling words here.


These selected verses are from

"STOTRA RATNA",The Hymn-Jewel of Sri Yamunacarya,the Guru Deva of Sri Ramanuja acarya.


"There is not a single despicable deed in the world which has not been committed by me thousands of times.

O Mukunda!Now,when those deeds are fructifying,I such a person,cry out helplessly before Thee."


"O Mahesa,even if Thou drivest me away,I CANNOT relinquish Thy lotus-feet;

a suckling doesnot atall desire to leave its mother's feet any time,even though IT HAS BEEN REJECTED by her in anger."


some more quotes

" LIFT UP YOUR HEART TO ME IN HEAVEN and you WILL NOT be concerned at your being CONDEMNED by men UPON EARTH.


In the same context I also read that a devotee saying if it brings pleasure to seeing me suffer then suffer be it my Lord.


My prayer :Lord,forgive me again for the offenses committed at your Lotus feet and thanks for the wisdom and saving me and bringing me back in to the path of service understanding the secrets of non resiprocal love.


Thanks Thanks Thanks




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Dear gtam Prabhu


I am sorry that you had a car accident, but it is a chance that you were not too much harm.


In one sens it is allways a chance that Krsna puts us in a situation where we can see some of our weakneses. Only in extreme situation can we see where we are situated in our spiritual life.


Some time ago, my wife had a very big car accident and she said that right after she could not move anymore in the car and she thought that she was dead and she strarted to chant Hare Krsna in her mind, trying to find shelter in God.


But she realised that her chanting was (and had allways been) mechanical, and she didn't find ANY shelter in the holly name. Just when the firemen spoke to her she find shelter in THEIR voice. At that point she fainted, feeling secure.


Of course for a devotee this is a very hard realisation, but it is a great mercy to have the realisation that we are may be not so advance that we would hope. I do not know how she exactly react after this incident, but for me it was a big revelation.


While chanting Hare Krsna we really have to try to enter in contact with Krsna, as said Srila Prabhupada we have to chant as a child is calling for his mother.


Even if I hope not to have to go through such a big traumatism to have some realisation, I hoppe that one day Krsna will put me in a situation where I will be able to see my weaknesses. Only when we start a real job in our adult life can we see if we have understand what we have learn in the university. We can see if we have realise knowledge only if we have the chance to put it in practice in a difficult situation.



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