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Any Address for Nadi reader in Delhi or Noida

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And predicting the future in any case is an imperfect science, because the future isn't 100% set. It never is, though there are some elements that are destined to happen no matter what.



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You are hardly an authority on what is true or not. Did you do proper research into whether these nadi readers are real or not?


One experience does not count as anything but ONE experience.


To label all such people as frauds and to dissuade people from going simply because of YOUR experience, while well-intentioned, is still arrogance.


For instance, you may go to one guru who promises enlightenment, and be disappointed. Yet, someone else may go to the same guru and receive the enlightenment you seek. In your eyes, the guru is a fraud and is imperfect. In another's eyes, you may be the one who's imperfect and probably a liar.


In another example, suppose you go to one guru and he turns out to be a fraud. Labelling all such people as frauds simply because ONE that you met turns out to be one makes you rather limited and narrow-minded. Getting a true guru or a true nadi reading can also be a factor of fate and God in the whole thing, and it just may not have been your fate or God's will for you to meet one and be convinced just yet.


Maybe the nadi reader was a fraud, but I find it arrogant of you to proclaim all such people as frauds simply from your limited experience. It's like a frog in the well saying that his environment is perfect and the largest place in the entire world. Frogs in the ocean would certainly disagree with such a notion.


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Thanks for your comments,


When I say that I feel these so called readers are fooling people, I say after doing my own research and after talking to people who went different readers.


The method that they use (which is same) is faulty and they falsely elude people to extract information.


I asked many questions on nadi in my various posts, but did not get any convincing answers for even one of them.


Let me tell that I had immense faith on this nadi, but when introspected and reasearched more, it turned out to be just hoax for me. If someone can convince me that this is true/right science, I will be most happy person.


For me Nadi = (extracting basic info by fooling) + Astrology.




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