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I saw a sticker on a vehicle today in one of the city roads in India stating "Freedom from Caste. Jesus Christ".


Why not Hindus too do something similar...doing exactly the same would be very cheap, which we would'nt want to do!. But, can we atleast not try to highlight the glory of Hinduism with slogans like


(1) Spiritual Kingdom of the world - INDIA

(2) Non-invaders - INDIANS

(3) Land of Yoga, Ayurveda, Classical music - INDIA

(4) Land of tolerance - INDIA

(4) etc etc etc


I know we can think of thousands of such slogans without using the word hindu but still convey the message.


These missionaries who want to destroy Hinduism without any thought about the origin of great works. Would'it it be a good idea for like-minded people to get together and spread the message?


What do you think? Sincere hindus (not christians/muslims in disguise) please respond.


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no ned to wait, but act.


here some more:


Hindu God not jealous, being supreme; xian god jeolous.

Vedic fact: a soul in each jiva; xian think no soul in animals.


Gita give many ways; Bible thinks jesus is the only way.


Gita teaches sin-free living; Bible teaches sins and sin-laundriy cycles for ever.


Hindus don't kill cultures; xians do.



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In my personal opinion, the christians can try all the gimmicks they can think of. It is gonna have little or no impact on the average Indian's mentality.


Keep in mind that Islam and Christianity have had a presence in India for centuries with hardly any impact. Probably India is the only place where local religion did not give way to Semitic beliefs.


If it did not work during all these centuries, why would it work now? Their religions have not evolved in ths time.


People who convert do not do so out of admiration. Most people who convert are those who are below poverty lines and are in need of basics. Since the christians offer them something on these lines, they switch over. Basic necessities to live life are more important than religion.




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Seems like a reasonably good idea but got to think what sort of reaction this will receive from secularists, christians, muslims, politicians, press etc.


Why should Hindus give a damn on what secularities, Christians and etc thinks when comes to expressing themselves?


Like what the guest (who created this thread) stated when s/he saw that poster (about Christianity), if Christians themselves never bothered to give a damn what Hindus thinks about their ads when making it, why should you think of what they could think?


You think it is a good idea - don't discuss whether it is a good idea or what others will think, Just do it.


I suggest Hindus starts with qoutes from Gita and other religious text on anti-caste topic. Start with notion that caste is according to one's individuality and NOT by birth and qoute Sri Krishna's words. He will be with you.

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I suggest Hindus starts with qoutes from Gita and other religious text on anti-caste topic. Start with notion that caste is according to one's individuality and NOT by birth and qoute Sri Krishna's words.



And in turn, I suggest you get your information right.


Nowhere does the Bhagavad Gita say that caste is not by birth. Nowhere is "caste by individuality" practised in the country although the BG has been read and reread for centuries.



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Sorry to say, India is NOT Hindu country.


India is run by anti-Hindus, those so-called re-educated intellectualists who the British had left behind. This "intellectualistis" simply choose America as role model and had been trying to "Americanized" India since 1947.


You make stupid comment stating that the Gita had been read and reread for centuries. Sure, they read it but no one bother following it.


India has Muslim Madrasah which teachs Anti-Hindusm INSIDE its own borders and also have Sunday Schools where Christians riddicule Hindusm INSIDE its own borders also BUT NO POLITICIANS dares to make Gita compulsary topic in school which fools like you boost stating 90% of the people are Hindus. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


Compare to Malaysia Hindus, who despite of having almost NO support from Islamic government when comes to religion, are MORE Hindus in educating their youngsters.


Hindus in Malaysia teach Thevaran (singing to Lord Shiva), Bharata Nayatam etc in temples, especially on Sundays, also have Gita available for ALL people to follow, easily gather youngsters to religious festivals like what happened a week ago on Ponggal and so much more.

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There is some sacred hindu text saying that castes should not exist, because all people are children of God, and children of the same father belong to the same caste.


Sorry, I don't think this is Hindu text.


The four varnas exists to indicate the four personality of Man. While all are children of God, not all are born the same.


Hindusm is based on individuality - a coward person IS coward person, a brave person IS a brave person etc. You cannot force a coward to become brave.


What Hindusm did was, it teach the coward that he too can give service to God by his own way and it teach the brave to do differently.


Caste exists in Chinese Society (before Communism) and even in Fuedal Japan. Only thing was, Hindus failed to learn anything outside India and become like a frog in a nutshell, even today.

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India is run by anti-Hindus, those so-called re-educated intellectualists who the British had left behind. This "intellectualistis" simply choose America as role model and had been trying to "Americanized" India since 1947.



Wrong. Shows how little you know about the country. India has been a closed state for decades since independence and has only just started to open it's eyes to the rest of the world. Spend some time learning about the nation's directions & international policies since 1947 before making a fool of yourself.


I am skipping the rest of the nonsense you have written on hindus as it does not warrant a response ---



You make stupid comment stating that the Gita had been read and reread for centuries. Sure, they read it but no one bother following it.



Perhaps, they were waiting for someone like you to come by and open their eyes?


Let me call your bluff. Show me the verse(s) in the BG that say caste is not by birth. If you cannot, I suggest you get your facts right before jumping in to write drivel on topics you know nothing about. Ot maybe you can find some place where only Malaysian Hindus participate. They may be more tolerant of your lack of knowledge of Hinduism and Indian History.




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India has been a closed state for decades since independence and has only just started to open it's eyes to the rest of the world.


That's another stupid mistake which Politicians made - who asked India to go and close itself to the World? Why so stupid want to close itsef to the world?


And what about so many intellects and scientists who went to India since 1950s? How is it possible for them to do so IF india is closed to the outside world?


Let me call your bluff. Show me the verse(s) in the BG that say caste is not by birth. If you cannot, I suggest you get your facts right before jumping in to write drivel on topics you know nothing about.


IF I managed to qoute from the Gita stating that Caste is by Individuality (and not by one's own birthright), then I want you to LEAVE and NEVER come back in this forum.


Do you agree? Yes or No is enough.

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Ah....the suspense. How many more times do I have to ask before you post the quotes?


I hope you have something better in mind than the verses describing the qualities of the varnas, although I have read (& reread!) the BG and know for sure that no quote exists that supports your wild claim.


Perhaps the Malaysian version is different...





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And the suspense continues...


I wonder why you are feeling so threatened. Anyway, you managed to arouse my curiosity. What do you intend to do if my answer is NO to your simple question? Will you keep these mysterious Bhagavad Gita quotes a secret forever?


You did say -- in a snooty tone -- that Hindus in India although having read and reread the BG for 1000s of years, have not followed its message. Since you seem to know some special verses which radically differ from current beliefs in India, don't you think -- in the best interest of mankind -- you should (instead of playing "you kick me out, I'll kick you out" games) make these verses available to all without delay so that the millions of desi Hindus can realize the errors of their ways and correct themselves? By doing this, you will also have the rare privilege of going down in history as the one who taught the correct meaning of the BG to Indian Hindus -- something which Shankara, Ramanuja, et al., miserably failed at.


In the light of this possibility, it is your moral duty to show the right way to the misled people of India. What then are you waiting for?



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Since you seem to know some special verses which radically differ from current beliefs in India, don't you think -- in the best interest of mankind -- you should (instead of playing "you kick me out, I'll kick you out" games) make these verses available to all without delay so that the millions of desi Hindus can realize the errors of their ways and correct themselves?


Sorry to sound rude and cruel, but I really don't give a damn whether millions of Hindus are going to hell and back. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


Hindus made a LOT of mistakes since 1947. They closed their doors to everyone (in Asia) but concentrated in making India a Americanized India in name of modernization.


Also, Hindus (in India) themselves had backed away from Hindusm by stating it is outdated while chasing after Technology and Science.


Hindus (in India) also follows Christians' way of undiscipline and irrational way of thinking, continued to entertain parasitic Muslims who are draining India of its strenght and resources and allowed Christians to continued to come preach about their god while damning Hindusm on its own soil.


Finally, Hindus (in India) themselves become enemies to Hindusm - allowing Atheist (animals), Communists and all other low-life organism to rule in name of Peace and Prosperity which NEVER came to India for the past 60 years.



Truth in the Gita will come clear to you WHEN Hindus have cleanse themselves of negavity aspects they following now and cleanse India off the negavity influence she is under.


If India cannot do all this, then please PERISH with the rest of the Adharmic people of the World. Hindusm will survive with Hindus in Malaysia who, despite of living under Muslims, STILL maintain a good and peaceful life and follow Gita BETTER than Indians could.


Whether you live or perish, is no concern of mine.

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And what an anti-climax!


After all that talk, you have no evidence to support your "caste by character" theory. I knew from the start that you were just another phony full of hot air.


Your rants on Indian Hindus are plain nonsense. Anyway, like I said before they do not warrant responses.


Hereafter, avoid making snooty comments on topics you know nothing about, unless you do not mind looking like a fool.




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Do you know what the term "Playing Chicken" means?


It's American term for someone who, when challenged to do something by another person, the person who challenged first will chicken out last minutes.


You talk so much, challenged me to proof "caste is not by birth", I agreed with condition that the winner could remain here and the loser MUST leave this forum, not to come back again. You'd chicken out. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


Therefore, I have no obligations to entertain insult from a chicken who doesn't have basic guts to stand up for what he says.


Have a nice day.

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"Finally, Hindus (in India) themselves become enemies to Hindusm - allowing Atheist (animals), Communists and all other low-life organism to rule in name of Peace and Prosperity which NEVER came to India for the past 60 years."


I can´t believe somebody from such a traditional non violence belief can speak in such a way refering to other human beings. Hitler use to call jews a lower race. you are insulting the human being that arenot hindus in India "low-life organisms"...it´s a pity to read thaty in a hindu forum.

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I can´t believe somebody from such a traditional non violence belief can speak in such a way refering to other human beings.


My dear Spanish forumer, there is NO such things as Non-Violence belief in Hindusm. No Violence is just an option which believers should choose over Violence to solved problems.


Gita teached Hindus NOT to tolerate adharmic people and their adharmic ways, YET that is what Hindus are doing right now. In name of peace and non-Violence, they tolerate foolish Christians who come to mock Hindusm, Muslims who are traitors in their own midst and Atheists who talk . and live like ..


Even the Great Gautama Buddha once said that if you witness and tolerate injustice done by one onto another and do NOTHING to help, then you are guilty as well of performing such actions of injustice as well.


Which means, if you see someone trying to rape some girl, you don't sit on your butt, close your eyes and pretend it's not happening and you will not be sinful by seeing it.


Hitler use to call jews a lower race. you are insulting the human being that arenot hindus in India "low-life organisms"...it´s a pity to read thaty in a hindu forum.


What pity according to me is when I see Hindus, sitting on the same table with atheists who insult and mock Hindusm in their faces with a smile and Hindus keeps their mouth shut.


Do you think such thing could happen in a Muslim society? Hell no, the atheists could be killed for mocking Islam. So why is Hindus keep quiet and tolerate a direct attack to Hindusm?

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Christianity is not the only religion to have assimilated other cultures into its religion, and Hinduism is not excempt from this. Dont paint all Christians with the same brush...just because a minority of Westerners have opressed some cultures does not mean that they do so because they are christian. Equally there have been examples in the East of opression. Since you would argue I pressume that this is a minority that shouldnt be taken out of context, One would hope that you would not do the same regarding Christians. It would also be best remembered that Christianity is NOT a western religion-Christianity developed from Syria and was TAKEN to the West by the Roman Empire who are responsible (like so many) for the assimilation of other cultures into Christanity. Given that the Roman Empire extended from Italy both West AND East it would be a misrepresentation to lable them Westerners I feel.

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Maybe in another time of history. Not all Xians are the same, there is a diversity, like in hinduism. Even Bush´s faith, presbiteryan and epyscopal doesn´t establish anywere to destroy cultures. Maybe some sort of dictatorship (communism in Tibet)...

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Hi all,


I was a mute spectator in this forum. I am afraid, some people started using this forum to project which religion is at the top. Every religion says that GOD is ultimate. Therefore, no question of Top, middle and bottom. When everyone starts following their religion and believes in GOD there won't be any TERRORISM, CONVERIONS, INVASIONS etc...


People, who involve in TERRORISM, CONVERIONS, INVASIONS etc.. are making the religion belittle. Please stop discussion on pointing towards any religion. We Hindus follow our religion and beleve in GOD. We can show other religon that without any sinful activities or gommick, Hindu religion can survive forever.


In GOD I believe.







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