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Ganesha did drink milk.

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I still remember personally giving milk to the ganesha statue at two places and all the milk went in with nowhere to be found, and so did from all those in front of me and behind me.

But when i gave the third time, none went in.The third time was when the milk drinking stopped worldwide.


2.Why is it so difficult for us to believe that Ganesha will drink milk that we offer in real life?

Isnt with that faith , we offer fruits, water , milk , daily to the idols.

3.Ganesha only wanted to reveal to the world that He is real and True, but , the moment people know God Ganesha is drinking for real, you could see, people are shocked.And if he continued drinking, you think, we , hindus would have continuously poured milk to him? Oh now, we wouldnt. Even then, people have started to critisize and condemn and laugh and make comical jokes.

4.Ganesha came in during the latest technological cable tv CNN , to show us we are believing in the ultimate and He can be everywhere in everything of every religion.

5.None hindus shivered that truth is prevailing and they have to murder truth, so once they used sword and money; now ,they used media to belittle.

But truth is truth.


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or at least I want to believe.


However, just because the Ganesh statue stopped drinking milk doesn't mean for sure that the miracle is "real". It could still be a natural phenomenon. Because of all the people giving him milk, and the milk was being absorbed in the statue, maybe the statue was saturated with milk, and couldn't accept any more. Have you tried giving milk to any other Ganesh statue since then? or even that same Ganesh statue? What about any new idols, or any idols made of different materials? If Ganesh doesn't drink milk any more regardless of the material of the statue and how new it is, then yes, I believe it has to be a miracle that Ganesh drank milk that time.


Even the scriptures do talk about statues weeping and such, so yes, I do want to believe in this, and I think it's real. I find it odd, if it's a natural phenomenon that nobody thought to test this before, in the millennia we've been worshipping Ganesh.

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I did try later on but no response. I've tried on different satues but no response so what do you think of that. It was a miracle of the 20th century and the world should accept it as a miracle and pray to Ganesha for peace and prosperity of this world. There will be another miracle soon within the next few years where all statues in Hindus temples will communicate through telapathy to true devotess which will see non Hindus becoming Hindus my the millions in the first half of the 21st century.

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while I may have some doubts, I do want to believe that it happened and it was a miracle.


However, I don't know where you're getting the information that statues will communicate through telepathy with true devotees soon. I think that stuff happens all the time though few ever hear about it.


My uncle was worshipping Balaji once and he saw a vision of him and it spoke to him, though he does not like to talk about it. I don't think many people want to talk about such things as it just leads to people ridiculing them.

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However, just because the Ganesh statue stopped drinking milk doesn't mean for sure that the miracle is "real". It could still be a natural phenomenon.


IF it is a natural phenomena, then :


1. The milk-drinking incident shouldn't be the first. It should have happen before 1985. No reports of such.


2. The Milk-drinking incident should start again - it didn't even so it had been 10 years.


3. There is still no explaination on why ALL the statues made by the same material didn't drink milk, only Ganesha and His family (which include Lord Shiva from the clip I saw).


4. Despite of all the rationality that Indian (so-called) Rationalist shoot out, 10 years have passed and not a SINGLE scientists have come out with any experiments showing that they can duplicate the process again.


IF it is natural process, then it CAN be duplicated to some extend in the labs. So where is the duplication?

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I find it very odd there were no reported incidents as such of this happening before the day it happened.


however, the bull statue also drank the milk, not just shiva, parvati and ganesh.



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Sometimes, I cannot be sure whether you agree or disagree.


I find it very odd there were no reported incidents as such of this happening before the day it happened.


And don't forget that no incidents such as that occurred after that incident also.


And that no labs in the world could duplicate the process once again, which gives rise to the question whether this was a natural phenomena or a miracle.


Anyone argues it is natural phenomena, just ask this three questions and it should be enough to shut them up. That's what I do in another forum also.


however, the bull statue also drank the milk, not just shiva, parvati and ganesh.


Nandi is the Guardian, right? I got my information mostly from watching Tamil Spiritual Dramas on Astro.


This gives rises to another question. If it is natural phenomena, then why didn't other statues (like those of Lord Vishnu and such) drink milk? They also made from the same substance and many of them made about the same time and kept in the same condition also.

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