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Is Non-veg food prohibited in Hinduism? What is considere Veg food and non-veg food as Plants also have life, but vegetarians eat plants? What is Vegetarianism? What consists of Vegetarian food and non-vegetarian food?

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We cannot compare the life between an animal and a plant,,Its crazy to compare both these things,they are entirely different.If they are the same then plants should also move around like animals,they should scream loudly when they are cut into pieces...they SHOULD ALSO be talking with each other.

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Q: Are Hindus forbidden to eat meat?


A: Hindus teach vegetarianism as a way to live with minimum of hurt to other beings. But in today's world not all Hindus are vegetarian.


Longer Answer: Vegetarians are more numerous in the South of India than in the North. This is because of the North's cooler climactic conditions and past Islamic influence. Our religion does not lay down rigid "do's and don'ts." There are no commandments. Hinduism gives us the wisdom to make up our own mind on what we put in our body, for it is the only one we have -- in this life, at least. Priests and religious leaders are definitely vegetarian, so as to maintain a high level of purity and spiritual consciousness to fulfill their responsibilities, and to awaken the more refined areas of their nature. Soldiers and law-enforcement officers are generally not vegetarians, because they have to keep alive their aggressive forces in order to perform their work. To practice yoga and be successful in meditation, it is mandatory to be vegetarian. It is a matter of wisdom -- the application of knowledge at any given moment. Today, about twenty or thirty percent of all Hindus are vegetarians.


Explanation: This can be a very touchy subject. When you are asked this question, there are several ways that you can go, depending on who is asking and the background in which they were raised. But there is an overlying principle which gives the Hindu answer to this query. It is called ahimsa, refraining from injuring, physically, mentally or emotionally, anyone or any living creature. The Hindu who wishes to strictly follow the path of noninjury to all creatures naturally adopts a vegetarian diet. It's really a matter of conscience more than anything else.


When we eat meat, fish, fowl and eggs, we absorb the vibration of the instinctive creatures into our nerve system. This chemically alters our consciousness and amplifies our lower nature, which is prone to fear, anger, jealousy, confusion, resentment and the like. Many Hindu swamis advise followers to be well-established vegetarians prior to initiation into mantra, and then to remain vegetarian thereafter. But most do not insist upon vegetarianism for those not seeking initiation. Swamis have learned that families who are vegetarian have fewer problems than those who are not.


There are many scriptural citations that counsel not eating meat, such as in the Vedas, Tirukural and Manu Dharma Shastras. For guidance in this and all matters, Hindus also rely on their own guru, community elders, their own conscience and their knowledge of the benefits of abstaining from meat and enjoying a wholesome vegetarian diet. Of course, there are good Hindus who eat meat, and there are not-so-good Hindus who are vegetarians.


Today in America and Europe there are millions of people who are vegetarians simply because they want to live a long time and be healthy. Many feel a moral obligation to shun the mentality of violence to which meat-eating gives rise. There are some good books on vegetarianism, such as Diet for a New America by John Robbins. There is also a fine magazine dedicated to the subject, called Vegetarian Times.



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The orignal question was, 'Is eating meat prohibited in Hinduism?'

The answer is no.All castes including Brahmins were eating meat in vedic times. All scriptures are full of references to meat eating.All yagnyas were essentially animal sacrifices and vedas even lay down ruls as to what portion of the sacrificial animal's body is to be eaten by 'Hota'[bahmin priest for yagna],Adhihota'[brahmin priest],Yajman[the host] etc. Eating meat or not is a personal, moral and health choice . Religion has nothing to do with it.The aversion to meat eating in religious sense is post Budhdha.

Why should people win arguments against meat eaters or vice versa.

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Hari OM


Yes non-veg is prohibited in Manu-smiriti when people move from Grahasta (family life) to Vanaprastha (Forest)


There are four types of Vegeterianism defined, each one to be practised and acquianted for a few years before moving to next stage


1) At the start of Vanaprastha-- all non-veg food banned


2) All cooked vegeterian food banned--only fruits, leaves and vegetables are allowed (since while cooking many micro organisms die in fire and water)


3) Only fruits,vegetables and leaves fallen from tress by themselves are allowed, this to prevent hurting of trees while plucking.


4) Only air, water and sunlight and moonlight is allowed for body nourishment, same like a tree. This is considered the highest form of veg.


All this successive steps are mainly defined to get liberated from the bondage of tounge (the taste sense), if you just avoid non-veg and eat hot spicy bondas (specially designed to look like chickens), you will not reap the benefits of restraint.

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Prohibited means no hindu will eat non-veg ever, the way pork is always and for ever prohibited in Islam.Meat is not prohibited in hinduism in that sense. Vanpratha asram example is just one ,which is an injuction only for wanpratha ashram.

Hari om,I not a a puppet.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I am not expert, but I think Non-Veg is prohibited in hinduism. Now most people will not accept this fact as they are now eating meat for whatever reasons.


I accept that there are no strict guidelines for this, but all the scriptures only gives hint for eating Veg stuff. I dont know of any place, where they have advised eating Non-Veg stuff.


I am a vegetarian and remained so even when I was abroad for sometime. Its difficult but not impossible.


The main advantage is that it will curb the cruelty for animals. They are treated very very badly for purpose of meat consumption.


May God Bless Us All.




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