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The Hindu Milk Miracle

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Although I am not a "Hindu" by tradition, I believe in "Sanathana Dharma". Hinduism is not a "founded religion", it is rather highest knowledge (Veda), adapted to cultural circumstances throughout the ages.


I consider it therefore as a high honour to present a documentation of one the greatest paranormal phenomenon of modern times: The Hindu Milk Miracle. Therefore, I'd like to take the opportunity of the 10th anniversary of the Milk Miracle to invite everyone to watch the 6 minutes video with live camera shots of the Miracle of September 21st, 1995.


Jay Ganesh

Philip Mikas

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I had come across some people recently who had claimed that such miracles do not happen, and cited that the Hindu Milk Miracle was really a fraud caused by some straw or something that was hidden behind the statue sucking up the milk. Naturally, I straightened them out pointing to how it was occurring worldwide, and that it wasn't a straw that was sucking up the milk, but the so-called "capillary action" explanation by scientists. Of course, I haven't heard of any statues drinking milk since that incident, so I find that explanation to be thoroughly inadequate, and basic rubbish.


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What I would say is that if scientists have the answer to this and know how it was caused why didnt they replicate the process and demonstrate it in front of the public by creating that sort of an environment that caused the statues to drink milk.And moreover if it was a scientific thing why didnt anything else any other structure suck up milk why was it just those idols?Its crazy i dont know why peoplemcant believe in miracles and just want a logical scientific answer for everything.


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Everyone (Hindus) talk about this in Malaysia back in 1995. Everyone seems to rush to buy milk to offer to Ganesha during that time. But I don't remember it stopping within 24 hours, though.


And yeah ... if Scientists can explain it, then they should demonstrate it in the lab. Fact that they didn't shows, means that they couldn't do it, other than to make sort of logical explainations without proof. Science is weak when dealing with Faith.

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It will not happen again as people now know what the capillary effect is.


Scientists and Labs are are not necessary to demonstrate this simple phenomena. You can try it right at home and check this for yourself. Let us leave the scientists to devote their time to more useful activities.


The good lord -- if he wishes to perform random miracles for no reason -- has to think of a new way to impress the Janta. Until of course, it is subject to tests and proven to be within the realm of science...after which he will have to start all over again. One would think the Lord is smart enough to come up with a miracle that can be clearly demonstrated as above science like for example, a 100 lbs idol of the Ganesha floating in mid-air for 24 hrs (and perhaps wave his trunk or flap his ears once every 10 minutes for added effect) in an easily accessible area for everyone to see and test to their satisfaction, thereby putting a final end to all speculation. But history says miracles happen either at places where they cannot be tested or else, they turn out to be explained by science which means they are not miracles at all.


Since nothing like the 1995 milk miracle has happened for the last 10 years, either he is not in a mood for random miracles or else he is at a loss to find a new one. Which one do you think it is?



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Cheers to you!


If you're an atheist, stop coming to these forums, you're not doing anyone any good other than satisfying your own ego.


In any case, there are lots of places where this USED to happen and has stopped. If it has stopped, it cannot be a natural phenomenon, thus capillary action is an inadequate explanation.


Of course, there are some places that can still do this, but who knows why? Even if people SUSPECTED the capillary action was the cause, they still offer milk to the statues because they still drink it, which again refutes your opinion that people don't do it anymore because they fear it is indeed capillary action.


When people in various parts of the world say the phenomenon has STOPPED after a certain period of time, it means literally that the miracle is over and the statues aren't accepting any more milk.


Yes, by looking at the video it does seem like capillary action is a plausible explanation, but there are enough doubts to be raised to say that it might NOT be capillary action at all, but a genuine miracle.


God chooses to express himself in various ways, who are YOU to decide how he should or shouldn't express himself? For many people, this milk miracle is enough to restore their faith, for others it isn't. I was an atheist when the milk miracle occurred and reamined unconvinced. Seeing the video now, I still don't know if it's truly a miracle, I have my doubts about that, and I also have my doubts about there being a truly rational explanation for what has occurred as well. Unlike you, however, I do believe in God, and do not expect God to prove to the whole world without a doubt that he exists. If He chooses to let skeptics and atheists have their dobuts that is His choice.


I've heard too much about experiences with God from people in my family to not believe that there is something there. I believe God shows Himself to people he deems ready for the Truth, and that it occurs mostly in privacy. Some who claim God came to them are loons, but many who claim such a thing aren't.

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I do not think that this miracle was not a thing"useful enough" for the scientists to demonstrate.It was a world wide phenomenon and if the scientists had an answer to that with so much confidence they should have gone ahead and shown worlwide how it happened.If they could not do this i do not know what other useful findings are they upto,this was a huge chance for scienetists to prove the miracles of science (and NOT god)what do you say?

And even if the biggest miracles happen scientists and intelligent people like you woll still find so called "logic" and scienece behind it.If as you say god would send his staues flying in air people like you and scienetists would perhaps say its a vaccuum effect or something to do with buoyoncy.. so there is no end.

Moreover what do you understand by the capillary action and if that was the reaosn then why were only statues of ganesh and shiva showing that why not durga or any other non-hindy structures like tubes or anything of that sort demonstarting it.This was tried by people just beside the statue when they placed other similar structures but nothing happened?


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From the Shastras we can readily get the information that Lord Ganesh is Akasha/Ether Tathva devatha. And thus the controller of the other 4 elements/shaktis too viz. earth, water, air, fire.


So, it shudn't be very hard for him to show ANY miracle to us at any point of time. Since we(including the modern science researchers) are all totally bound up by these 5 elements and under their control. Jst some common sense reqd. to put these things together for any since seeker of truth.

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Scientists and Labs are are not necessary to demonstrate this simple phenomena. You can try it right at home and check this for yourself. Let us leave the scientists to devote their time to more useful activities.


Yeah ... useful activities like making bombs. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


Scientists and Labs CANNOT demonstrate it because they have no means of demonstrating it. They cannot possibly make a marble statues (of ANY size) drink milk (or any other substance). All they can do is come out with some stupid theory and clam themselves in, avoiding people who wish to question them about their theories.


The good lord -- if he wishes to perform random miracles for no reason -- has to think of a new way to impress the Janta.


God don't have to impress Man for anything. He already impressed a lot by creating such a beautiful Planet which Man has no interest in admiring and thus slowly destroying it. Only when Man learn to appreciate things will such destruction stop.


One would think the Lord is smart enough to come up with a miracle that can be clearly demonstrated as above science like for example, a 100 lbs idol of the Ganesha floating in mid-air for 24 hrs (and perhaps wave his trunk or flap his ears once every 10 minutes for added effect) in an easily accessible area for everyone to see and test to their satisfaction, thereby putting a final end to all speculation.


Wrong ... people like you, no matter how many miracles He perform, WILL always be speculative and doubtful in Him. People like you always find some stupid excuses to satisfy your ego. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


Since nothing like the 1995 milk miracle has happened for the last 10 years, either he is not in a mood for random miracles or else he is at a loss to find a new one. Which one do you think it is?


I think you are blind. /images/graemlins/wink.gif

There's always miracles around you, you just don't see it.

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I totally agree with you..and your answers some idiots never want to accept the wonders of god they just think giving a logical explanation will prove how modern they are

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It was 21dt September 1995. Received a call form a friend that Ganesha statues in Temples all over the world drinking milk. Now, my immediate response to him was what about our temples here and his answer was YES!. So, that evening bought a packet of UHT milk and drove straight to the nearest temple to home Sri Maha Mariamman temple just about two km away. Saw many people lining up so had to wait in line. Cout not see what was happening at the opther end. As those who had finished pass me, I enquired about the reault and the answer was experience yourself. My turn came about 45 minutes later and the priest whom I new smiled at me said it is HIS way of saying I'm here too.


As I poured the milk on to a table spoon, my hand was shaking and seeing this the preist assured me there is nothing to fear as this is HIS leela. I took the spoofull of milk and placeed it directley under LORD GANESHA's tusk and within seconds the milk was being drained off. That very moment I felt something verLORD GANESHA is there always to help us in times of trouble. As far as I and millions of other HIndu devotees who had their experience of this "MILK MIRACLE" is concern we believe that GOD was assuring us that no matter what we have his protection if we walk the right path.

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All superstition is much the same. The deluded believers observe events which are fulfilled, but neglect and pass over their failure, though it be much more common - Francis Bacon



In short, to sum your opinions, questioning and analyzing are foolish activities while passively accepting everything is a sign of intelligence. In case you have not thought about it, it is possible to be a believer in God and yet accept the milk miracle was no miracle. At least, one guest gentleman who called me a fool above, although a theist, acknowledges the possibility that the incident may not have been a miracle.


When miracles are challenged, believers usually hand out one of the two following arguments.


1> Skeptics will never get convinced, no matter what...


This is actually blasphemy as you are limiting the potential of the all-powerful God. You are saying God has tried, but has been unsuccessful in convincing the skeptics. How can you impose such artificial limitations on the limitless?


2> God remains well hidden for non-believers...


This is the apologetic answer given, when cornered or shown the alleged miracle was not real. The same logic can be used to justify the existence of just about anything.


Santa Claus is real, but remains well hidden for non-believers

The Easter Bunny is real, but remains well hidden for non-believers

Elves, goblins, etc., are real, but remain well hidden for non-believers

There is a green colored, talking elephant in the middle of time square, but it remains invisible for non-believers.


The interesting point is, there are several believers from whom God remains well hidden. What to make of that?


Aside from all this, there is the big question of motive that goes unanswered with the milk miracle. When Jesus turned water into wine, it was because there was a shortage of wine. When Krishna lifted a mountain and held it up with his little finger for 7 days & 7 nights, it was to protect his people from thunderstorms (he could have done it in a more simple way, but...). When Shankara turned the course of the Pampa river to flow right behind his house, it was to help his mom as she had to otherwise walk long distances for her bath.


No such reason is obvious with the milk miracle. It happened abruptly and stopped soon as it was discovered to be capillary action. What did it happen for? It was not to convince believers as they already have faith and do not require miracles. It was certainly not an attempt to convince the non-believers as any average Joe can see through such shallow miracles. So what was it for? One cannot say it was for no reason. as that would make God a whimsical entity. One cannot say it was for reasons we cannot fathom, for what good was it then?


The believers saw the miracle and said "Yes, we are right after all". The skeptics saw the capillary effect and said "Yes, we are right after all". But this is what they were saying even before the miracle! So what was actually achieved?



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Hari OM


And focused on the trivial issues


If Drinking of Milk is purely capillary effect, then why did it start and stop suddenly? why did statues suddenly acquired Capillary effect and then suddenly lost it?


If drinking of milk itself is not a miracle then acquiring and loosing of capillary effect is.


Regarding the motive of the miracle, we can only speculate can't be sure only He knows.



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What was the purpose? I would'nt know really but if you aks me if I had wittness the answer is yes. Jesus turning water inot wine was not in my time. But this miracle ws in my time and yours too. Marble statues of Ganesha or granite stone of Shiva , it was all the same. They sipped and people throughtout the world wittnesed this incident. THe question why it happened no one knows. Does it happen now? the answer is no. Why then and not now no one can tell.


To many it was a miracle to me it was an assurance that GOD is OMNIPRESENT and having faith in HIM can work miracles.


Capillary action is what the scientist say but none had proven so in their test. The just come out with their statement jsut to prove that they can solf all riddles but can they really prove their point with prove of their experiment? None had coem forward to show their prove of experiment on this matter. So, my point here is I beleive what I saw and experienced and that is more than enough for me.

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