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Spiral of Destruction ...

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This thread probably will be deleted, but I just can't keep quiet. Just has to tell someone.


Have you notice that Christians and Muslims seems to in a endless spiral of Destruction and Chaos and seems to be dragging everyone into?


In Book - Ceaser's Messiah by Joseph Itwill (who also wrote The Roman Origin of Christianity), he spoke the possibility that Jesus was make-belief by Roman Authorities to ensure the people (who at that time begin to lose faith in their own Father God - Zeus) will support Romans in their conquests.


If this is true, then Al Quran is on fire. Muhammad had accepted the Bible's version of cruxification, only adding that the person cruxified was not Jesus but someone else. Now, if Al Quran is true (from God) then surely Muhammad could have been told the actual events were conspired by Romans. He was not and the facts that Jews were accused of killing Jesus and prophets shows it.


Now, we have a spiral of two different ideology here - Christianity and Islam. Rejecting Jesus means end of Christianity, but it also means Al Quran is wrong.


Rejecting Al Quran means rejecting the Bible since 75% if the material in the Bible comes from Al Quran, so the Bible automatically rejected by itself.


So what we have here is two parties - supporting each other to sustain each other. Muslims accept Jesus as prophet thus accepting partial his teaching. Christians instead, uses this and make proclaim that Jesus is God. Muslims deny this claims and use Al Quran to demystify it and Christians use Bible to demystify Muhammad. This goes one and one like a Feeris wheel and the bad news is, it is Hindusm, Buddhist, Jews and others who are not Christians and Muslims who gets run over by them.


So, there you have it ... a Perfect Spiral of Destruction by Christian-Muslims.


Thank you.

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good post.

i do not think it willb e deleted.


muslims and xians both talk of "the people of the book",

thatn is jews, xians, and muslims. even turki faisal, the ambassador of saudi to US said so.


the facts are:

- both want to wipe out each other

- both want to wipe out the unbelievers


all we need to do is:


- remind each of the other as their greatest enemy.

- practice dharma per gita, unite and fight adharmis

and defeat them.

- keep Bharat for the Hindus.


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muslims and xians both talk of "the people of the book",

thatn is jews, xians, and muslims. even turki faisal, the ambassador of saudi to US said so.


Jews are originally called People of the Book (because the 10 Commandments came in form of a writing (from God) and later, transfered to books). However, I don't think Christianity and Muslims are people of the Book.


Christians' teaching came by oral teaching of those who claim as Jesus and also Roman beliefs - it is later wrote down in 3rd century or so into Bible you see today.


Muslims didn't write the verses they received through Muhammad during Muhammad's lifetime. They wrote it down about 3 years after Muhammad's death.


the facts are :

- both want to wipe out each other

- both want to wipe out the unbelievers


I think their first priority is to wipe others out first. They are "conquering" new "resources" and non-Muslim/Christians are considered to be this resource. As long as they could gather more and more people to their cause, the strong they are. Like an army gathering troops.


The process of them wiping each other is pre-destined in Armageddon. However, Gita says Lord Vishnu will act as kalki and wipe the World clean and Jews are expecting Messiah who will bring peace and reestablish the People back to Jerusalem, so one can only pray and hope.


- remind each of the other as their greatest enemy.



- practice dharma per gita, unite and fight adharmis

and defeat them.

True also.


- keep Bharat for the Hindus.

This will depends on the first one - reminding each other that they are the enemy. Some people don't be bothered and some won't accept.

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