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Politics and the Survival of the Vedic Culture

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Politics is about keeping law and order is a human society.

It is about producing leaders and bringing them to political power, or/and about influencing the ploitical leaders to the wishes and desires of the polulation.


So, unless one lives in seclusion, one (and so most) live in a society that has some form of government whose rules one abides with. Thus we, all the vedic people, are living under a government.


As the Vedic people, we expect that the government provide us an environment that give us freedom to worship a Vedic deva, devi or god of our choice, and no one stops us from doing so, and no one causes problems to us in doing our sadhana. This requires that we put the political leaders of our choice in power; we also need to raise political leaders of our choice. if we do not do it, then the anti-vedic people do it to serve their anti-vedic interests, and we Hindus could come under their rule.


Islam ruled over us fo several centuries, and the Xians rules over us for 200 years or so in Bharat. And we have suffered a great deal from them.


See a quote below.


Holy Terror - by Amir Taheri, Pg 32:

A true believer (a Muslim) cannot remain indifferent to the political fate of the society in which he lives. Islam is a thoroughly political religion, and cannot be put in position of weakness simply because some means and tactics may be considered immoral.


If we do not want to be the victims of the aggresive predator ideologies such as Islam, we need to take active part in poltics, raise our own journalists, take control of the media, etc. we need to unite and act.


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Untill the time of Imperial Chola dynasty, all Shivite temples of Tamil Nadu had pure Tamil names like Peruvudaiyar koil(Bragadeeshwarar now), Annamalaiyaar koil(Arunachaleshwarar now), etc..


Also worship rites were performed by non-brahmin native Tamilians and language of worship was Tamil. The chants used were from Thirumantiram.


After the advent of Vijayanagar empire and when Sourashtrians and Maratha kings ruled Tamil Nadu, all Tamil names of temples and deities were replaced with Sanskrit names and Tamil priests were replaced with Brahmin priests and worship was performed in Sanskrit.


Even now if you see in Shivite temples, in addition to Brahmin priest, there will be group of non-brahmin native tamilians called "Othuvaars", who will sing devotional verses from Tirumantiram when pujas are performed. However, these Othuvars are not allowed to "touch" or perform pujas to the main deities. Only elite Brahmins have that right.


Going by your argument, can we drive away the vedic brahmins from Tamil Nadu and replace the worship protocol of all Shivite temples with glorious Tamil scriptures?


Can we argue that, just like Moguls invaded North India and destroyed religion there, North Indian brahmins descended to south and destroyed Native culture?


The Dravidian parties in Tamil Nadu are just doing that. They have cleansed the Tamil language of words with Sanskrit origin thereby taking our language & culture back to middle ages. They also insist that all Kumbabishekam and rituals in temples are performed in Tamil.


Past is past, there is no use in causing misery to current generation by wasting effort in simulating environment of past. Let us live in peace and spread message of love and tolerance.



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