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A good write up from IndiaNest.com

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Dear Barney,


You had cornered yourselves.


As per Koran, that is the final version and Allah safeguards it against corruption.


Now if you say it is not only corrupted, but 90% corrupted, then it means Koran is False. However if you say it is true it can't be corrupted, then it is Evil.


So either it is false or evil and you don't have a third option, that is the reason muslims don't argue they just kill anybody asking question.


The websites you browse, may be deliberately lying, a concept called Taqqyiah, in islam, where they lie to lure more people into islam.


Unless you are also following taaqyiah, you will see the light now.

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Dear Guest,


The Koran is not being safe guarded by God as the Muslim's believe. The Koaran is kept by man a he is bound to make changes to whims or translate it as he think fit. That is why I say the koran being used by Muslims aree corrupted. In actual fact Mohammed assimilated the Koran from the Torah and manu smirti. Why I say manu smirti because in manus it emphasis on safe guarding the Brhamins and so is the koran which emphasis on respecting the Arabs and whoever kills and Arab will be burned in hell. So, you see the original koran is nothing but directly copied fom these two ancient religions.


Mohammed was not a prophet but a reformist who wanted the Arabs to follow what the ways of Jews. But if he had directly aske his people to follow the Jewish religion he would not have suceeded and so began his quest by bluffing his followers that he had been chosen by God to deliever this new message and that angel Gaberial had spoken to him.


After much thoght in the caves he proclamied himself as the last prophet of the Jewish faith and that new laws are given to him by God. So, when I say the opriginal Koran it means the original text which he copied form the Vedas and Torah. I do not support Muslims but meely saying that not all muslims are as bad as we think. If a Hindu commits atrocities would you condemn all Hindus? No, we will not and nor will others.


There are fanatics in all religions and we want this world to be a safe place from such fanatics. I will know when a Muslim lies and no one not even a Christian can convience me. I had debates with both and none were able to convience me that thier religion is better than mine. So, rest assure when I speak I soeak for Hinduism and what it has thought me thus far.

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