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Tamasic related to Tamizh??

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Some scholars believe that the Sanskrit word "tam" could be refering to "tamizh".

The second syllable "izh" has obviously been left out because there is no equivalent phoenetic for that in Sanskrit. Infact only Tamil, its derivative Malayalam and the unrelated Chinese have letters for pronouncing "izh".


It is a well known fact that ancient Tamizhs were worshippers of Shiva, and this could explain why Veda Vyas categorizes Vishnu worshippers as Sattvic and Shiva worshippers as Tamasic.


Since tam in sanskrit means darkness and ignorance, it could also represent a possible clash between the two different civilizations and faiths.

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It is a well known fact that ancient Tamizhs were worshippers of Shiva, and this could explain why Veda Vyas categorizes Vishnu worshippers as Sattvic and Shiva worshippers as Tamasic.


When Veda Vyasa categories Vishnu Worshippers as Sattvic - it means that Vishnu worshippers trying to find God by promoting "Goodness" within themselves - Love and Compassion, and maybe total surrender to God. Key note - eliminiting Tamasic elements from the Mind and promoting only Sattvic qualities.


When Veda Vyasa categories Shiva Worshippers as Tamasic, it means that the worshippers blend both Tamasic qualities with Sattavic qualities into a equal mix and promote a balance way of life. Something like Yin/Yang principles in Taoism or Middle Path in Buddhism.


If Veda Vyasa were alive today, he probably consider Jews and Muslims (Note : I didn't add Christians here) as Tamasic quality because they were required to live and strife in the world while going forward God.


Main weakness with Sattvic approach is, Sattvic followers attend to ignore the World and its Beauty and conduct themselves in separating themselves from the World, with mind toward Lord Vishnu alone.


So don't be so quick to jump into your own conclusion.

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Dear Sephiroth,


>When Veda Vyasa categories Vishnu Worshippers as Sattvic - it means that Vishnu worshippers trying to find God by promoting "Goodness" within themselves - Love and Compassion, and maybe total surrender to God. Key note - eliminiting Tamasic elements from the Mind and promoting only Sattvic qualities.<


Good people always see good things. I'm happy that you have derived such interpretation from Veda Vyas' categorization.


I read in a islamic website that islam preaches love and affection to animals.Why? because koran prescribes using sharp knives to slice throat of animals, since sharp knives would not cause much pain and will finish the job soon, it is much more "humane" than methods used by western countries like electrolucation, etc..


I find your justification of Sattwik and Tamasik similar to the above /images/graemlins/smile.gif


However, anthropologists and linguists who interpret sciptures and ancient writings must be free from emotional attachments they have with their faith and must make observations from detached and neutral perspective.

I'm just trying to see the motive of Veda Vyas' categorization based on the premise that the Sanskrit Tam could mean Tamizh.

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Good people always see good things. I'm happy that you have derived such interpretation from Veda Vyas' categorization.


I believe Veda Vyasa's interpretations is determined by the people's actions, not Vyasa's own emotions and feelings toward the people. In another word, Vyasa interpreted according to what others are doing and not what HE thinks others are doing. That is main difference between people today and the Ancient ones (like Veda Vyasa).


I read in a islamic website that islam preaches love and affection to animals.Why? because koran prescribes using sharp knives to slice throat of animals, since sharp knives would not cause much pain and will finish the job soon, it is much more "humane" than methods used by western countries like electrolucation, etc..


Meat eating still leaves a bad taste in the mouth of most Vaishnavas but they have to understand - Muslims and Jews comes from the desert and its ain't a rose garden out there.


Not sure about methods like electrocultion and such but I did hear a lot of complains on ill-treatments of animals in slaughter houses in USA.


I'm just trying to see the motive of Veda Vyas' categorization based on the premise that the Sanskrit Tam could mean Tamizh.


Good luck. Many people failed to see in a clear picture because they live in a world which is different than what it was during the time of Veda Vyasa.

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>Who said that I was a good person? <

Probably it is my fault that I see most people as good persons /images/graemlins/smile.gif


>Many people failed to see in a clear picture because they live in a world which is different than what it was during the time of Veda Vyasa.<


You are right, no one can conclusively say this is what Vyasa meant. All we can do is speculate based on the contemperory history during his era.

Again that history itself is clouded in great deal of mystery.


Problem with ancient Indian history is that it is so much intricated with religion, philosophy and science.

That is why hinduism is not just a religion like Christianity or Islam, but is a way of life.

Because it incorporates elements of religion, mythology, history, medicine, social science and several others.

Another civilization haunted with same problem is the Chinese civlization.


That is why it is best to consider hinduism as a way of life.

This is what I meant whenever I say even Atheists can be hindus and not just believers of Vedas and Gita.

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Probably it is my fault that I see most people as good persons


There is NO good or bad person, only :


Those who do not care (Atheists)

Those who do not know (most of the populations)

and Those who do not understand (who believe but don't understand how God works).


You are right, no one can conclusively say this is what Vyasa meant. All we can do is speculate based on the contemperory history during his era.

Again that history itself is clouded in great deal of mystery.


History - yes, God's knowledge? No. God never hide any secrets from Man, it is Man who is not capable of understanding what He wish to teach. In one lifetime of Man (100 years), Man cannot even learn 1% of the secret of the Universe and even this own World - yet he boost his own intelligence and pride with whatever knowledge they managed to understand.


Another civilization haunted with same problem is the Chinese civlization.


Chinese civilization? Explain.


This is what I meant whenever I say even Atheists can be hindus and not just believers of Vedas and Gita.


No, I don't think you can. Atheists are people who deny existence of God, Soul or an Afterlife. How can they say they are Hindus when they do not believe in Vedas or Gita?


Same way, how can ANYONE believe they are Hindus when they do not believe in Vedas or Gita? Even Shiva Devotees use mantras derived from the Vedas to worship Lord Shiva and some even make their own mantras (like Gayatri Mantra) to worship Lord Shiva.


Your claims is like saying a person can claim to be a driver when he has no knowledge on Rules and Regulations of the Road Safety and Laws. Even so such person can drive, sooner or later, he will end up in an accident and will reach the destination much much later than others who know the Rules and Regulations.

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