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dreams of God

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i wanted to know what it means to get dreams about God.


i get these periodic dreams about the diety Vishnu, the diety Shiva and also of a very wonderful and mystical temple of the Divine Mother with a very beautiful image of the Mother.


I also saw Sathya Sai Baba as a sunflower. I saw Hanuman in a dungeon cave and Sri Ramakrishna in a car seat and seated against a soft bolster in my dreams.


Recently i saw a dream of a stone image of Vishnu accepting the flowers i brought for Him and a voice telling me : "Ur worship is accepted"


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Hare Krishna,


"They are psychological. Simply dreams are on the mental platform, and so not really spiritual." (Srila Prabhupada)


The best thing to do is practice Sanatana-dharma, and then real knowledge of God will manifest.


That means chant any name of Vishnu, God.


Jaya Shree Krishna

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how can dreams be just psychological when they concern about God


here are some references


Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "In My dream I went to Vrndavana where I saw Lord Krishna perform the rasa dance with all the gopis. After sporting in the water Krishna enjoyed a picnic. I can understand that after seeing this I must certainly have talked like a madman."( the incident where Sri Chaitanya mistakes the sea for the Yamuna river)


Sri Prabhupada himself asserted a dream he had about Krishna

Trivikrama: Then you had a dream?

Prabhupada: Hmm.

Hari-sauri: What was that, Srila Prabhupada?

Prabhupada: That is...(laughs) The dream was I must come here.

Hari-sauri: It was some instruction that you got?

Prabhupada: The dream was that Krsna in His many forms was bowing the row. What is called?

Hari-sauri: Rowing the boat.

Prabhupada: Yes.


[s.P. Room Conversation, June 8, 1976, Los Angeles]


Jagannath Mishra then said, "In a dream I saw the effulgent abode of the Supreme Lord enter into my heart. Then, from my heart it entered your heart, and thus I can understand that a great personality will soon take birth."


After this conversation, both husband and wife felt very jubilant, and with great care and attention they rendered service unto the household Shalagrama-shila.


However, when Sachimata's pregnancy approached the thirteenth month, and still there was no sign of delivery, Jagannath Mishra became very apprehensive. At that time, Nilambara Chakravarti made an astrological calculation and predicted that the child would be born that very month, taking advantage of an auspicious moment.


the person born was Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu.


Srila Prabhupada also received such messages in his dreams, from his Guru Maharaja, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, as we see in this talk in Seattle, 1968 --




Srila Prabhupada: "Sometimes I was dreaming my spiritual master, that he's calling me, and I was following him. When my dream was over, I was thinking. I was little horrified. 'Oh, Guru Maharaja wants me to become sannyasi. How can I accept sannyasa?' At that time, I was feeling not very satisfaction that I have to give up my family and have to become a mendicant. At that time, it was a horrible feeling. Sometimes I was thinking, 'No, I cannot take sannyasa.' But again I saw the same dream. So in this way I was fortunate. My Guru Maharaja (Prabhupada begins to cry, choked voice) pulled me out from this material life." >>> Ref. VedaBase => His Divine Grace Bhaktiprajnana Kesava Maharaja's Disappearance Day Lecture, (Srila Prabhupada's Sannyasa Guru) -- Seattle, October 21, 1968


Srila Prabhupada also was visited by Lord Krsna by dream on board the Jaladuta while coming to America. Srila Prabhupada wrote of some sea-sickness, and on the thirteenth day of the voyage, during the passage through the Arabian Sea, he suffered a massive heart attack. He was concerned that he might pass away, but in his uneasy sleep that night he had a dream, a vision. Lord Krsna appeared. The Lord was in an open boat, along with His other incarnations. Krsna was rowing the boat, and the boat was pulling Srila Prabhupada's ship with a rope. Krsna was smiling at Srila Prabhupada and was pulling the ship all the way to America! >>> Ref. VedaBase => JD: Introduction


and finally, Srila Prabhupada himself states about god dreams


"So far dreaming is concerned, we regard dreaming condition as another form of illusion or maya, only more subtle, that's all. But just like we may be serving Krsna in our waking state and thinking about Him then, so also it is possible to dream about Krsna and the spiritual master ... if we occasionally dream of Krsna, that is nice, that means you are making advancement in Krsna Consciousness."


[letter to Mahati dasi, 1977]


Sri Ramakrishna also states that one type of Siddhas are dream siddhas where the initiation and spiritual perfection can take place due to dieties visiting the person concerned in Dreams.


"In dreams we pass into the deeper and more universal truth." Carl Jung





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dreams are merely pschological. its different people that use dreams as inspiration that motivates them to do certain things. If that 'thing' is successful they thank god and say the dream was almost prohetic or a gift from God.


But all things happen as God intends and only through His grace can anything and everything take place, so the dream that inspired one to be a certain way can certainly be seen as a gift that God has given to a person. But only the person will understand. A wise man will see that it is only subjective percetion of a gift from God. But much of life is subjective, so who's to say it is wrong.

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  • 3 weeks later...

i had another dream recently.


it was of huge silver mountain shaped like a Shiva Linga.


it was amongst other mountains which were dark.


does such a mountain exist?


a huge mountain shaped like a Shiva Linga?


i saw the kailash parvath and i am sure it is not the one that came in my dream.

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Could be the mythological holy mount Meru.


You can take a look at this link for details:




I personally don't believe this theory, but there are lot of references in ancient Tamil scriptures to lost Pandya kingdom KumariKandam that sank under the sea. Including the older Madurai which hosted the first two Tamil Sangam.

The third Tamil sangam is supposed to have taken place in the modern Madurai after the ancient one sank under the sea.

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i found out the mountain to be Shivaganga.


a huge shiva linga 5000ft high. it also resembles ganesa from one direction, a bull from another and a cobra hood from another.


it is called the kashi of the south it seems.

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i dont believe the theory exactly as it is either.


the theory is probably a representation by the public tamil community of an origin coming from accross the seas. it may represent an original landing or perhaps Indonesians or Negritos in the south of India many millenia ago. Or it just represnts the feeling that much of the tamil country has been submerged, which may be quite true.


If one looks at a topographic map of India, you can see that there is land that is underwater surrounding the Indian penninsula. From the Kutch area where Dwarka was all the way down the coast and back up the other side, there is some land that is today udner water. because its under water today, doesnt mean it always was.


but i certainly dont believe that there was some lost continent in the middle of the indian ocean that is now totally under water. theres no such thing in existnace.

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Add to the list u also saw Shiva destroying Ganeshas head,Parvathi making love to Shiva and the sage cursing him,Brahma creating the world,vishnu fighting the demons,i think ur just reading lot of scriptures and puranas and immersing into it,they are just like superman comics,enjoy them until they last,fantasy is good,makes u feel great.Keep dreaming

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What does the scriptures show?They were the artwork of someone,they are like paintings,if someone paints a picture of Superman or Spiderman in NY,do you think they were all over the buildings in NY.same way scriptures dont prove anything.Its just your creative mind tells u different stories,like the blind people describing elephants..

Keep dreaming..

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Hare Krishna,


"What does the scriptures show?"


Pictures of God and demigods and devotees.


"They were the artwork of someone,they are like paintings,if someone paints a picture of Superman or Spiderman in NY,do you think they were all over the buildings in NY.same way scriptures dont prove anything.Its just your creative mind tells u different stories,like the blind people describing elephants..

Keep dreaming.."


So according to you, all the scriptures have no proof. Then how come the Srimad Bhagavatam written 5000 years ago details complex information about atomic time and embryology? These things were only just discovered by scientists in the last 50 years. That is one thing from the scriptures that has already been proven. Other things like the advent of Lord Buddha, Shankaracharya, Lord Chaitanya all predicted and all proven. Anything unproven has not been proven false yet. By practicing spirituality you can prove it for yourself.


Your aspiring servant,


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I wish I had a dream like that. That would be sooooo awesome!!!!!!!! maybe I do... but I just dont remember, because I usually dont remember my dreams.




I want to dream about Godinformof Shiva.

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Sri Chaitanya was singing a kirtan inside a hut one day and there was rapturous dancing. Everyone was enamoured by the Lord and started to swoon in devotion and cry tears of joy.


One person standing outside the hut witnessed everything and felt sad that he didnt have that devotion to swoon in love for the Lord or cry tears for Him.


So he took some red chilli powder and put it into his eyes and started crying and rolling on the ground as if in deep devotion.


Evryone looked at him with contempt for faking devotion, but The Great Lord came and embraced him and said that he was His greatest devotee for he wanted to experience that state of devotion and had undergone pain for the same.


u too by stating ur want to see the Great God Shiva in your dreams have already attained the said state.


be of cheer.

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