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Maanoj Rakhit's web page awakens Hindus

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It is not true that only illitrate and ignorant masses can be brainwashed by fanatic doctrines.


For example, when Hitler published all his barbarian aryan theories and cult worship, the entire german population that fell for it were well educated and civilized.

The result : Millions were "cleansed"!!


and yes, Hitler derived inspiration from Max Mueller, the great Vedic scholar!!


Are we seeing history repeat itself??


Just change of name, previously Hitler, now Maanoj Rakhit!!

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please browe it, and comment.


Nice books ... but the author left Common Sense and sense of History behind when he wrote it.


He proclaims that Judaism is seed of Christianity. What sort of moron does that? It shows he has no sense of history or read Judaism before he make such comments.


Seed of Judaism is NOT Judaism, it was Greek . and Greek Culture. The Bible you have today is hand-written not by Jews but by Greeks in 3th and 4th Century A.D.


Many of the culture followed by Christians today - like the Winter Solistic (nowadays, known as Christmas) is celebrated by Greeks in the past. Christians do not believe in Karma or Reincarnation because they believe Jesus died for them and therefore, they are saved from going to Hell.


There is Laws of Moses stating that Jews should NOT make and bow to craven image of God (which you will notice Christians have broken), it never stated that Jews must break and destroy other race's temples and idols. That part is added in the Bible.


Last of all, the Convenant with God was not made by Abraham, it was made by Moses in Mt. Sinai. The Convenant was to hold to Moses's Laws and God will perserve them.


ONLY Christians and Muslims believe that Abraham had renewed the Convenant with God to support Christianity and Islam (Jesus and Muhammad said to come from descandant of the two sons of Abraham).


All this is facts in Judaism and I find it odd and annoying that the Author could ignore it and add Judaism as enemies of Hindusm. Finally, I wish the author could at least have common sense to know that Jews NEVER invaded India and have traded with them peacefully before Christians and Islam came.


Know your enemies ... don't kick out friends as enemies. Now is crucial times where you need all the friends you can get.

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i am wondering if your username misleads readers to think you are a hindu.


you, it seems, will also argue that those who fought on the side of pandavas caused cleansing of millions, and that was wrong.


so now, what will you do about it when maanoj is there dong his work?


whose cleansing are you worried about and from where?


please learn more aobut this max muller.

here is one quote.


Quote from Searching For Vedic India

by Devamrita Swami


Pg. 50: (Max) Muller was recruited by the British colonial regime in India. The chairman of the Education Board arranged that Muller would receive funds from the British East India Company to translate the Vedic texts in a way that would destroy the Indians' reverence for them.


The book tells more about him too.

how you like him now?


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Just read why author says so ... read fully ... you will get the point ... you need to read Old Testamemnt (base of Judaism with Laws of God as told to Moses) and New Testament of Bible (based on Christianity as proclaimed by only Son of God)... read the explanations author gives from Oxford Dictionary ...

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Deep anger and resentment toward ALL Abrahamic Religions by the author without proper reasons.


Deep anger and resentment toward Christianity and Islam and what the author thinks is the root of this "evil" - Judaism.


Cut and Paste verses from the New Testaments which even the Jews do not follow.


Lack of Historical Facts which the Author failed to read to know that Jews lived side by side with Hindus (in India) in peace before Christianity and Islam came.



An angry mind doesn't make it a righteous one.

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Hari OM


A good article. But as expected being opposed by victims of century long propganda.


There are three types of people in this world


Pure Adharmis - full of greed, lust, anger, cheaters and liers


Innocent and weak general population - who get overpowered or deceived by the first group


Strong, intelligent and Dharmic people who can protect the second group from first if they choose to, however this group is currently in a confused state and fighting among themselves.


Now we had a double hit, killing of about 15,000 Jihadis in Pakistan and wrecking of US economy (which supports the Pak Jihad financially). They would need some time to recover and come back to their previous efficency level. This may be a window of opportunity for us to act.


In my opinion we CAN do the following things:


1) Explain the truths about Hinduism, so that the gullible intelligent, young people don't fall prey to false propagandas, this we have to do in the middle of arrogant and ignorant postings from others who don't want Dharma to raise back and may go to any extent to prevent it.


2) Prayer, chanting - particularly Gayatri whenever possible and offering of Argya (water), which tends to arise the Divine forces and diminish the Demoanic forces, most of the things happening today are due to the rising demonaic forces, even though the doers may not be aware.


3) Increase concentration and physical well-being by Yoga and meditation so that we can do the work properly


4) If possible try to acquire the Atharva Veda knowledge , which was almost forgotten during the rise of Bhakti movement, if this can be revived , then it will help in the revival of Hinduism.


Also Hindus need to throw away their pessimistic self-defeating attitude , since it does not matter if others population is increasing or their money is increasing or whatever , because we had read that Kapila by just Hunakara

burnt down 60,000 people. So only thing is we must be Dharmic and also strongly believe in Him that He will protect us and work towards the protection of Dharma for the sake of ignorant and weak people.


We need not really worry much about Adharmis, they will reap their Karma without Fail, the maximum we should try is to inform people on the wall about Dharma and Adharma and to prevent Adharmis jumping on the wall and pulling them down.


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There is no historical facts of Jews and Hindus living side by Side in India, only the fact that Jews flew Israel to escape from christians.


Also the author had left out Zorosortrain, which may be considered as the seed, the Zend-Avesta states that their God would protect Them against Others, from this we see Judaism, Christianity and Islam becoming more and more seggregating, fanatic and violent and in fact all are very similar to each other, that worship THY God and enjoy what He gives.

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Here's some facts :


1. Traces of Hindusm and Buddhism have found up to Afghanistan and in some cases, in Kuwait as well. SO, is it likely or not that Jews and Indians had mingle with each others - Yes, No?


2. We know from Asian History that Hindusm went to South East Asian from 11th to 14th Century via Trade, which means trade had been norm for Indians. Places like Mumbai and Goa is a popular trade route to Arabic Seas, so it is very likely that Indians had found their ways to Arabic continents before.


3. Among the people of Middle-East, Jews have been the top merchants and owns a large portion of the land (which is one of the reasons Muhammad dislike Jews). So, do you think that traders from India, if they made it to Arabic nations (which I believe they did) could trade with commoners or specialised merchants like Jews? I say they will trade with Jews.


And NO, Jews did not fled to Israel to escape from Christians. Christians, working together with Romans had invaded Jerusalem and pushed Jews away. Romans ransacked the Temple of Soloman and destroyed it.


Also the author had left out Zorosortrain, which may be considered as the seed, the Zend-Avesta states that their God would protect Them against Others, from this we see Judaism, Christianity and Islam becoming more and more seggregating, fanatic and violent and in fact all are very similar to each other, that worship THY God and enjoy what He gives.


Zorosortrain is dead according to Jewish Tradition. Zorosortrain was common worship among ancient people in Mesoptamia before the flood which destroyed them in 4100 B.C. Remnant of this people fled to Egypt and started a new civilizations there.


And Christianity which exists today took its roots from Greek and Roman Myths. The author should study the Roman Gods' pantheons first before saying Judaism is the seed.


When Islam came, they took the lies which was in Christianity (current Jesus myth) and added as their own - thus one lie supporting another.

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You say Jews never invaded India - well did they know the route to India? If you do not know how to reach somewhere how would you invade? There is a differencce between 'did' and 'could'. Something you were incabable of doing, how would you do that? You speak a lot about common sense - well where did you leave it when making such claim?


Why did Jews live peacefully in India? Did they have significant numbers to be of nuisanse value? Why did they come to India? Who pushed them out of their country? Did the time cycle pay them back in same coins as they had done to others before?


You also talk a lot about history. Which history did you read? The one propagated by Jews of Hollywood through big banner movies like Benhur and Ten Commandments. Jews had been shown as the oppressed ones. Well what more can an oppressor get from other bunch of oppressors? When they had their time they destroyed every one and every thing that breathed but did not follow Jewish God.


You seem to know a lot about Bible. You may also know that Old Testament of Bible is of Jewish origin. Or did you forget that? You may also have heard of something called Pentateuch. Perhaps you may have heard of Torah. And, of course, you seem to have forgotten the connection between Abraham, Judaism, Torah, Pentateuch, Old Testament, Deutronomy, etc. You may better study the basics before you start impressing every body with your common sense driven extraordinary sense of history.


Jews have faded in history because the poisonous seed they had once sown, had in time produced such carnivorous plants that worked to destroy those who had sown the seed. No point making a martyr of one's not so noble past that has been laboriously erased from public memory by use of Jewish Hollywood movies, dozens and dozens and dozens of them, showing Jews as the oppressed ones and thus glorifying their sacrifices and earning sympathy of the viewers. No wonder you reap what you sow. Moses created a phenomenon of destruction that destroyed his own people in course of time.


Good luck, my friend. I won't call you names like puppet and all that, for I know a guy with a shut mind thinking "I know all" by sheer common sense can learn nothing further. So why bother?

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Including some hindus, the point is, should we be judging the present based on that past?


I said "some" hindus, our religion has a glorious past of tolerance and non-violence, who could come up with such a unique idea of ahimsa and vegetarianism other than a hindu?

Only a hindu can become a Gandhi and his philosophies will only be effective in the Hindu populace.


We have a glorious past of tolerance and secularism. Please don't spread message of hatred and violance and destroy our glorious religion.


There is an ancient Tamil saying,

A drop of poison is enough to destroy a pot full of rice.


Please bear this in mind.


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You have mentioned - A drop of poison is enough to destroy a pot full of rice. That is precisely what has happened through the course of the history. Let me reproduce some details from the web site for whatever worth it is.



Oxford Dictionary definitions


Judaism - the monotheistic religion of the Jews - for its origins Judaism looks to the biblical covenant made by God with Abraham, and to the laws revealed to Moses and recorded in Torah (supplemented by the rabbinical Talmud) p 988


Biblical - of, relating to, or contained in Bible p 169


Abraham - (in the Bible) the Hebrew patriarch from whom all Jews trace their descent (Genesis 11:27-25:10) p 5


Patriarch - any of those biblical figures regarded as fathers of the human race, especially Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, and their forefathers, or the sons of Jacob p 1360


Torah - law of God as revealed to Moses and recorded in the first five books of Hebrew Scriptures (the Pentateuch) p 1955


Pentateuch - the first five books of the Old Testament (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy). Jewish name Torah p 1374


Rabbi - a person appointed as Jewish religious leader p 1525


Jehovah - a form of the Hebrew name of God used in some translations of the Bible p 979


Old Testament is the first part of the Christian Bible p 1291



Let us summarize and connect the above information in the following manner:


All Jews trace their decent from Abraham

Abraham was the Hebrew patriarch

A patriarch is one who is regarded as father of a human race

Hebrew is the language that Jews speak


Judaism is the religion of the Jews

Judaism looks to biblical covenant

Biblical is what is contained in Bible

Covenant means a contract, a mutual agreement

Biblical covenant between God and Abraham

It means a contract between God and Abraham as documented in Bible


Judaism looks to the laws revealed to Moses and recorded in Torah

Torah contains Laws of God

These Laws of God are recorded in first five books of Hebrew scriptures called the Pentateuch

Jewish name of Pentateuch is Torah


Pentateuch and Torah refer to the same set of documentation

Pentateuch refers to first five books of Old Testament

Those five books are Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy

Old Testament is the first part of Christian Bible


Thus, the following are inter-connected by a thread invisible to the Hindus:

(a) Christian Bible

(b) Old Testament within Christian Bible

© Pentateuch (Torah) within Old Testament

(d) First five books within Pentateuch (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy)

(e) Jewish philosophy contained in Christian Bible

(f) Christian Bible that begins with Genesis



Please do not forget that present is based on past and future will be based on present.


What had happened in the seemily remote past has continued untill two hundred years ago the documentation of which is now published but they remain out of books of history so we do not know. All that you will find in that web site. But then if you do not have any inclination to know more that you do then there is no point. Why waste time debating?

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You have not spared the other two abrahamic religions in most of your messages, you only had contempt for them so far.

Now how does it feel when someone criticizes your religion using the same hypothesis? I'm sure you must be surprised to find yourself at the recieving end.


You have two choices, either accept the opinion expressed by Guest or take back all the ill opinions you had expressed for other religions thereby proving Guest he/she is also wrong.


I'm very interested to see your reaction.


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Seed of Judaism is NOT Judaism, it was Greek . and Greek Culture. The Bible you have today is hand-written not by Jews but by Greeks in 3th and 4th Century A.D.


What is that supposed to mean? Judaism came from Egypt, from the monotheism of Memphis. The minority nomadic Hapiru adopted these ideas before they fell out of vogue in Egypt. They were eventually enslaved and escaped to Canaan. Later on, the influence of the Zoroastrian Persian empire (all of the "prophetic" books of the Bible were recorded by a Zoroastrian) created Messianic Judaism. Maybe YOU should do YOUR research...

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well did they know the route to India?


Unlike Christianity which came to India after explorers found sea route and Islam which followed the Silk Route from China (across Tibet to India and then Persia), Jews have no reasons to find their way to India nor to conquer anyone.


Their religion DO NOT specify that they should spread Judaism. Their way of life is simple one - nomadic life. They move to a land, cultivate it, take the bounty and then move onward. They usually move around in a nomadic pattern around Mesotamphia region. To conquer others, you need to settle down in the place you conquered and that was against Jews' nomadic ways.


Why did Jews live peacefully in India?


No one said they lived in peace IN India. I said they lived in peace WITH everyone - including Indians.


The one propagated by Jews of Hollywood through big banner movies like Benhur and Ten Commandments.


Hmph ... You are foolish enough to judge others by standards shown by Christians. Christians uses Jews and their corrupted Bible as justifications for war - always has, always will.


By your own standards, I could say Indian girls are sensual creatures who out to seduce men also - the way Hollywood and Bollywood described them. But most of us know (and uses common sense also) this is false, don't we? /images/graemlins/smirk.gif


You may also know that Old Testament of Bible is of Jewish origin.


The "Old Testament" of the Bible is Christian-made, handwritten by Romen and Greek Scholars. Jewish text is called Torah - consists ONLY by 5 subtext - Genesis, Exodus and a few more. There's no indication of Jesus anywhere and it is believe that many parts of today's Bible was written later.


And, of course, you seem to have forgotten the connection between Abraham, Judaism, Torah, Pentateuch, Old Testament, Deutronomy, etc. You may better study the basics before you start impressing every body with your common sense driven extraordinary sense of history.


I didn't forget, I just don't see the connection it has with Christianity and Islam. Christianity is foolishness brought to you by Christians when they followed Roman's way of worship. Islam is foolishness when Muhammad take foolishness of Arabic ways (similar to the Pharoahs) and implemented with Christian beliefs and calls it Islam.


Why do you need to say Judaism is the seed of Christianity and Islam when either religions follow Judaism in the first place?


Here's some links about early age of Jews and their beliefs, including the time before Moses comes around with the Laws of Moses.


Source :




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We have a glorious past of tolerance and secularism. Please don't spread message of hatred and violance and destroy our glorious religion.


When India slice and dice into a million parts by Muslims all over India and when Hindus themselves lead an adharmic lives, living in delusion thinking they are actually tolerance and secular, THEN we will see who is destroying your "glorious" religion. /images/graemlins/smirk.gif

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hinduism/Krishna/gita does not tell us to tolerate adhrma and adharmis.


And yet that is what happening among Hindus. Hindus themselves afraid to tell another person that they are wrong in their approach. Most likely because they themselves do not know Hindusm and wished to avoid unneccassy questions-answer sections and to avoid upsetting the other person.


Why is it that when Christians and Muslims come to a Hindu and preach that Hindusm is wrong, Christians and Muslims do not bother about upsetting Hindus but when Hindus required to speak up, even so they know what is dharma and adharmic in nature, they remain silent by not wishing to upset another person? Tolerance? No ... stupity and laziness.


You cannot speak about Dharma when you yourself live a life of adharma.

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{Why is it that when Christians and Muslims come to a Hindu and preach that Hindusm is wrong, Christians and Muslims do not bother about upsetting Hindus but when Hindus required to speak up, even so they know what is dharma and adharmic in nature, they remain silent by not wishing to upset another person? Tolerance?}


It's because these particular Hindus are spineless cowards...And there are alot of them.

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good post. thanks.


hinduism/Krishna/gita does not tell us to tolerate adhrma and adharmis.


<< Yet that is what is happening >>


yes, but not all hidnus do it.


and it needs to stop. we have to work to stop it.

this is our internal work;

but we should not stop our external work.

why? let me give an example.


any family always has some quarrel within, small or big.

now if an external enemy invades or causes destruction,

then the family needs to fight back.

there is no law or moral ground that says:


"hey, you family fight within and some of you do not follow your own dharma; and therefore you have no right to fight the external enemy."




So, the argument - "Follow dharma correctly before fighting the external invaded emeny or internal enemy" - is baseless.


Once we know the problem, we need to act to fix it,

in any possible way we can.


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by Guest 2


It's because these particular Hindus are spineless cowards...And there are alot of them.


Maybe they are fooled into thinking that they could live in peace with Muslims and Christians? You should give them the benefict of the doubt.


Furthermore, "Blind Love" concept, from Christianity comes into play also, stating that, in order for a person to reach God, he or she should have Love more. I believe this is false.


To a Brahmin - Logics and Rationality is important.

To a Kyastria - Bravery, Valor, Strenght and Sense of Justice.

To a Vaishnavas - Honesty, Intelligence, Compassion and Willingness to Share (the Wealth).

To Sudra - Hardwork, Love, Willingness to Learn (from others).


Each follows their own Nature as we all have our own nature (given to us by our individual and unique Souls). By forcing others to follow your way or them forcing you to follow their ways, it goes against nature of things and your own nature as well.


People should learn to understand this - that Man are NOT born equals. He maybe equal in eyes of God but he is not equal among Men.


by maadhav


hinduism/Krishna/gita does not tell us to tolerate adhrma and adharmis.


Never did, but that doesn't means others are listening. Many come to believe that tolerating adharmic people means Love and those who intolerate toward adharmic people will only bring forth destruction and war.


Not many people know that "War" and "Battle" can be fought in many ways, and many of them can be fought by using Ahimsa methods (like what Gandhi did).


and it needs to stop. we have to work to stop it.

this is our internal work;

but we should not stop our external work.


True ... many problems exists within Indian society itself. Main reasons I could see is - Indians do not see outside the box and learn from others.


India turn toward America after her Independance because it got so used to having to hold White men's hands while walking. Even today, many of Indians choose to follow Americans' ways and do not see within our own Asian countries which have similar problems and managed to overcome.


When Malaysia become independant, it turn to the East and took Japan as a model to progress. Now, 50 years later, Malaysia is one of the most advance nations in Asia.


Internet IS a good place to learn (as well to fight). Matter a fact, I think one of the purpose for World War 2 (besides to Liberate Asians) is to create Computers which will bring forth the Internet. So go and learn about Asia first.


why? let me give an example.


any family always has some quarrel within, small or big.

now if an external enemy invades or causes destruction,

then the family needs to fight back.

there is no law or moral ground that says:


"hey, you family fight within and some of you do not follow your own dharma; and therefore you have no right to fight the external enemy."




So, the argument - "Follow dharma correctly before fighting the external invaded emeny or internal enemy" - is baseless.


Once we know the problem, we need to act to fix it,

in any possible way we can.


Sorry ... I disagree. I think you are rushing without proper plans or strategy. If you dealing from Brahmin's point of view, it is correct - we do need to fix problems whenever we see it, as soon as possible.


I have read several Military Strategy books like "Sun Tze's Art of War" and "Musashi Miyamoto's Book of Five Rings". From Military point of view, rushing in is a bad thing.


To win a war, your army must be strong internally first. What military generals do is, they place the strongest and the most capable men on the outer rims of the army. This will act sort like a flag to the men (who are doubtful) within the army itself.


In times of war, when the general orders the march, the men will rush in but the capable men will allow the less experience men to rush in and cut through, and in midst of confusion, the capable men will do as much damage as possible and try to take out the Commanders and leaders of the opponents.


If you see this in Hindu society's point of view, we are lacking of :


1. A general - in Hindusm, there is no single leader which Hindus could look up to as a leader.


There ISCKON leader - Srila Prabupada but ISCKON dislodge itself from mainstream Hindusm (thus sign its own demise).


Many of Hindus' so-called "Learned Teachers" choose path of Love and Compassion, rather than to change the society activitely.


Advantage of the opponents (Muslims and Christians) have - Every (Muslim and Christian) societies can produce their own "Generals" in form of "Father Superior/Bishops" and Muallahs.



2. There is no field of Capable Men within Hindusm.


Many of the Capable Men are too busy fighting to show off their beliefs and strenght. Those who believes in Lord Shiva fights against those who believe in Lord Vishnu. And within this two, there are countless other sects, each trying to fight to show they are greater.


Advantage the opponents have - they have countless Capable men in form of "Priest/Fathers" etc. Muslims are lacking in this field.



3. Footsoldiers are not disciplined enough.


Hindus themselves lives in life of adharma, with irresponsibility and lacking in sense of duty. How are they going to fight if they are not disciplined enough or even cared enough to fight?


Those who do wish to fight, lacking in leaders and Generals to follow, and many of them attack blindly, causing Hindusm more harm than good (like when they commit rape and wantom murder of women and children).


Advantage the opponent has - there are tonnes and tonnes of footsoldiers in Christianity and Islam, ready to die in meaningless deaths if needed. Christians from overseas willing to come to India to preach and "save" souls. They are willing to donate money and effects to "rescue" the infidels.


In Islam, there is a disadvantage in form of disunity among Shiahs and Sunnahs. India has Syiah populations who are mild in manner and approach, just like Iran people. My guess is, this disunity is what preventing India from been overrun by Muslims right about now.



4. Resources


Hindus are lacking resources in form of money and political supports. Those who have talents, wish to make quick bucks overseas, those who have money attend to make more money and politicians rather be silent in the matter of fearing to lost their seats.



So, you see ... you cannot win a "war" if your army is ill-equiped (lack of resources), lack of discipline, disunited and lack of leadership.

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In my humble opinion the biggest problem of Hindus is that theyforgotten who they are and are mindlessly following western culture which is bringing with it all the vices such as mistreatment of women, cheating, and other adharmic reactions.


Hindus have been totally overcome by extreme TAMAS (darkness and ignorance) due to 100s of years of colonization and persecution. They have been exploited so much by foreigner that they have themselves started to hate their culture which is unique in the world. This is the only culture which pursues truth for the sake of God.


Now let me give you an explanation of my arguments:-


Hindus education system has been totally supplanted by western education system (which has been a bane and boon both ...another topic for later stage).

Read books by Swami Vivekananda until 200 years back the education in Indian was available in every village , of course in local language taught by selfless Brahmin teachers free of cost to any body. When westerners imposed their education system , local people withdrew their children fearing the foreign language and culture. This resulted in massive illiteracy in villages breaking down the education system.

The caste system was exploited by colonizers to establish themselves and weaken the Hindu society. They create myths about Brahmins class and some times used unscrupulous people to create a rift.


All the knowledge og Hindu India was taken away by Arabs, Greeks, Europeans and they later claimed that this was their original achievments. As a results over a period of time newer generation of Indians started to believe that their country is a backward country and hence this undue admiration for anything western. Their is a concerted effort going on by some institutions to spread lies and untruths about Hindu religion so that Hindus never develop prde in their culture and heritage.


Coming to question of colonization as Vedas says that everything has a cause and effect, hence the sufferings of Hindus must have been due to a cause (karmas ) odf their past which has been now retribute enough. Or we can say that due to Kaliyuga effect Hindus were ruled by SHudras and Mlechchas for 1000 yeras.


In any case, the worst part is over and India is a free country. Hindus are rediscovering themselves...slowly albeit surely. The karmas which now colonizers have sown by colonizing India is going to bear fruits to them.....present scenario in the world is already indicating enough....


All genuine Hindus should continue their endavor to learn more about their culture and past and should not forget that...India is a country of sages, rishis and munis, and avatars.......and spread truth wherever and in whatever manner possible.


Jai Shree Ram

Jai Shree Krishna

Jai Shiv Shambho







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In my humble opinion the biggest problem of Hindus is that theyforgotten who they are and are mindlessly following western culture which is bringing with it all the vices such as mistreatment of women, cheating, and other adharmic reactions.


Like I said before, this sort of people are "foot soldiers" - makes up 95% of the "Armies" mass. By default, most of them are confused as hell. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


I guess from starting period of Hindus are to raise an "Army of Dharma" is by educating this people - the general mass, about Hindusm.


From this starting periods, new leaders will emerges, ones hopefully will concentrate in unity among Hindus rather than separation like what ISCKON had done.

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