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Keep out the cancer culture.

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out of your home, state, and country, and community, if you want your culture to survive and hope for world peace.


Below is a quote from the book

The Clash of Civilizations by Samuel Huntington,

a mid 1990s publication.



p. 269: "..(Izetbegovic) is a devout Muslim, was imprisoned for his Islamic activism by the communist government, and in a book, The Islamic Declaration, published in 1970, argues for "the incompatibility of Islam with non-Islamic systems. There can be neither peace nor coexistence between the Islamic religion and non-Islamic social and political institutions." When Islamic movement is strong enough it must take power and create an Islamic republic. In this new state, it is particularly important that education and the media "should be in the hands of people whose Islamic moral and intellectual authority is indisputable."



Jinnah in 1947 said the same thing that Islam is not compatible with Hinduism, and he led to the division if India,and Pakistan was created.


The strategy of Islam expasion described above has been seen in practice in history of several counries.


The vedic people should know this, and persue countermeasures pro-actively to keep the vedic dharma and the vedic culture alive and unchallanged in Bharat.


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