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Peace for varNas

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a brahma feels peace when he has freedom to study scriptures, practice, dharma, and preach it un hindered to interested.


a kshariya feels peace when there is no oen doing adharma in the society, or when he subdues or kills adharmis, and sees that the vedic soceity functions properly.


a vaishya feels peace when he can work like a farmer, or cow protector, or trading freely without hindarance. he cannot function if there is terrorism.


a shudra feels peace when he is paid fairly for his labor ans service, and knows that his master cares for him, ad treats him with due human dignity.


a vedic society is compared to a person whose brain is the brahmanas, the arms the kshatriyas, the belly for digestion the vaihyas, and legs, shudras, for moving around.

a person feels happy when all these four parts function well. although no one part can feel happy without proper function of any other part, still the order of importance is:


brahmana (brain, intelligence)

kshatriya (protection, keeping law and order)

vaishna (prodction and trade)

shudra (labor, service to other three parts.)


no one part of the vedic body should fight or misuse the other part of the body.


in emergency like situation any varna can pick up the duty of another varna if it can do it reasonably nicely.

this helps the survival of the person as well as the society.


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brahmana (brain, intelligence)

kshatriya (protection, keeping law and order)

vaishna (prodction and trade)

shudra (labor, service to other three parts.)


There are some duties which overlaps the other Varnas which one shouldn't overlook or ignore.


Brahmana's duty (as the brain) is not to study and keep what he had studied (the knowledge) ALONE. In till a Brahmana learn to share what he had studied and develop it into wisdom to use in daily life, his duty is not fullfilled.


Kyastria's duty (as protectors) to ensure that the Laws and Dharma is followed. At same time, he must make sure his own Varnas follow the duty properly.


IF a Kyastria overlook the fault of his own Varna (clan) while forcing Laws and Dharma onto others, it will be adharmic in nature. Just as Dorna - Kyastria and a great guru to both Pandawas and Kurus had overlooked his own son (Aswathan's) fault.


Vaishna's duty is to trade and produce but if they themselves couldn't produce proper products or sells it in a proper price, then they are adharmic as well. Also, they should be fair to the society in terms of price and learn to give support to the society instead of making profits alone.


Finally Sudras ... which I believe the most important group as they are the backbone in a stability of the nation. Which is why God place them as the Feet. It is not as an insult, it is to show their importance. Any man whose legs cannot function is a cripple.


Sudras must be protected by the other groups. Brahmanas must provide them with proper spiritual educations, Kyastria must protect them from harm (even to extend of jumping in harm's way) and Viashnas must ensure they are well-taken care off (since Vaishnas also trade using Shudras' product).


Shudras in return must work the best for sake of the country and I have NO problem saying this group are the LEAST problematic in a nation, despite of being the most important group.



So ... important - Do not look outward alone and expect to find enemies of Adharma outside. Sometimes, the enemies are yourself when you (intentionly or unintentionally) walk in the path of Adharma.

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Jai Sriman Narayan:


Importantly, people of all Varnas must feel that they can reach God by doing their duties in the most beneficial way.. not just what the Brahmins do. That will be only motivation for all to do their best. The current so-called caste system is just a perverted system of varnashrama dharma that the Britishers created. All people must be somehow made to realize this truth.


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Jai Sriman Narayana:


I believe in the Gita, so I know this from there. But, I have had people asking me "Why believe in the Gita? Why is it auhtoritative?" How do we answer that? People do ask why to believe that whatever the Vedas says is true?


I give some very common examples to prove that Vedas are God-given (I heard this at a lecture from an Aacharya). Let me know if you want me to post this. Once they accept that, it becomes easier to accept the other teachings within it.


Jai Sriman Narayan

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