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Clash of Civilizations

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Love for the self

Love for what is yours

Love for culture

Love for truth

Love for god

Love for serve god

Love to serve matru-bhoomi


These various loves of the people of the world create motivations to act in certain ways, and the ways collide and cross. Thus wars/conficts are un-avoidable in this material world.


After the end of the cold war, the only fault lines remain that cause conflicts are between the civiliations, says Samuel Huntington.


Now we need to identify who we really are - the vedic people,


what is our home country - hindustan, what is our culture and dharma - vedic,


what is ur persuit - the truth and live per the truth.


what we strive for - peace and bliss for all,


why we unite and fight if necessary - for preserving the vedic culture in the vedic land bharat.


Please read short articles at below link.






It requires some intelligence to find out which culture is better for world peace, and all do not have it. so, even the good guys will get truuble from the bad guys if the good guys remain weak or act weak like gandhi. the bad guys only understand the strength of an iron fist. so, the good guys need to have it ready all the time. we use it only if it is absolutely necessary to keep dharma and check adharma or aggressions on the vedic culture and land and people.


Samual Huntington is a professor of political science, not a saint or mystic, but he made predictions in early 1990s that are coming very true. let us hindus learn from his book.

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