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Hindu "Caliph"?

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India needs to expel all muslims and christians and return to being Bharat. We need to establish a Hindu state. Like the jews, who have Israel. Muslim countries can have a Islamic Rebublic, then Hindus can have their paradise also. These muslims can go live in Pakistan or an Arab muslim nation. They want to live in an Islamic Caliph anyways. Bharat need to be home to all Hindus. Christians should leave as well, they're just as bad. We deserve to live in peace away from muslims. We need this to happen immediately, before we are forever lost. If you disagree what are the reasons Hindus shouldn't have their own country, but Jews and Muslims can.

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I think it's unrealistic and silly to kick them out of India as dare I say it, it is their country too. If they are working against the country they should be done for treason. Nepal is a Hindu kingdom and look at that country...it is a mess! If that is an example to go by, India must never become like that.


You need to have intellectual debates on Religion, then Hinduism will shine. People just don't know how great it is and too many people are promoting the wrong propaganda about Hinduism. Also openly criticise all religions and Hinduism will still be left standing. It has stood the test of time, so it's not going to die soon. The minority Christian and Muslim community need to realise they are causing more problems for themselves when they disrespect Hinduism. They need to learn to behave themselves and learn to respect the majority. In other countires in the world they don't have it so good, being a minority.

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Like the jews, who have Israel.


Jews still struggling after years to own a country on its own. Israel still not taken shape yet, Muslims not allowing them to do so.


Jews were in Jerusalem and surrounding areas for nearly 2,000 years ... Christians coupled with Romes abused them. Jews ran to Europe and in some places, coexist with others. But during Crusades, Christian kings abused them and many returned to Middle East and co-exist with Muslims.


Now Muslims' turn to abuse them and kick them out. Jews are running out of place to move already. Some did settle in USA but, do remember that USA is a Christian country (whether they are Christians or not is another matter) so don't expect much.


They want to live in an Islamic Caliph anyways.


Yeah, but problem is, they want an Indian Muslim Caliph. They will not move, but will stay and try to gain a place in India. Overpopulating the society is one way, establishing Muslim scholars is another.

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