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Why only Hindus?

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Hinduism is much matured idea. Hinduism is a way to connect directly with GOD. No middlemen needed.


Maturity takes time. And maybe in time others will develop simular concepts in their religions.


Hinduism doesnot attach restrictions in your journey to seek the almighty. you can follow a priest if you want, but that is not a necessity, you can go to the temple to pray, but again, not a necessity. You can pray at home too. Infact, if one of the diety doesnot go with your temperament, you can create your own. Hinduism stresses that you should be one with GOD, the path is your choice. You can do it by praying to jesus too, if you like.


Hinduism promotes that life is simple and in simplicity you can feel the power.

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{I have seen hindus shy away from bowing to the temples and deities.}


Because we don't have to! We're not forced to. There are different paths in Hinduism for it's followers. Murti worship may not appeal to a Hindu and may appeal to others.


{Most of the atheists in india are hindus.}


How can they be Hindus? They may come from Hindu families but that doesn't make them Hindus). Atheists cannot be Hindus. Hinduism is all about seeking God and experiencing God, if you don't at least believe in a path then you get nowhere.


{while muslims and christians are very much adhesive to their religions.}


More like they are brainwashed and indoctrinated since birth!


{why only hindus dont believe their religious stuff?}


Some Hindus say some of Hinduism is mythology like Puranas. Some rituals are superstitious made up by priests. Just because it comes out of the mouth of a Brahmin doesn't mean it is of any authority.

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I don't think such thing is happening in Malaysia, YET.


My guess is, politicians in Malaysia do not dare drag religious matters into politics like what they do in India - thus people are confused and split over their beliefs and their worshipping of Dieties.


Also, western influence potray India as outdated and Hindusm as backwater beliefs so many youngsters today do not even know their own culture and thinking highly about Western culture.


Finally, Hindus themselves - even you guys. Some jokers claim this God is great and supreme, another joker counters it by making another claim and another joker shows off his faith by proclaiming his own god as supreme. This kind of idiotic fighting amount Hindus is the reason why Hindus are not united.


Finally Caste problem. In Malaysia ... no matter what caste you are, such status exists ONLY in your house (or if Brahmins - to temples and such). Malaysian Hindus do not drag their pride of caste everywhere they go like many Hindus do so in India (and even here, I see).

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