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How to realize Krishna

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one needs to fall in love with krishna.

to do it, one needs to know krishna.

to do it one needs to read pastimes of krishna, and associte with those who love krishna.

then one needs to glorify krishna.

one can also talk with krishna,

or pray him for the good things one wants.


then one needs to do averything in relation to krishna.

before one does something, one askes oneself,

"how will this please krishna?"

if it does not, then that is not to be done.


also, krishna pleases with you when you can also please his devotees. this is like if you please the children, the mother of the children also will be pleased with you.

(This fact has potential to unite in harmony all the Hindus and eventually the world.)


so, start at you pace and choice of activities,and your intensity of desire how you want to realize krishna.


krishna has said that if you move one step towards him,

he moves more steps towards you.


falling in love with krishna is one-way.

even when no one forces to keep one loving krishna,

there is hardly any case where a krishna devotee gave up krishna. and there is no loss in it.


there is no greater guarantee or insurance or assurance than what krishna has give in giti:


kauntya pratijAnihi

na me bhaktah praNashyati


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What is Krishna Mahamantra is it "Hare Krishna Hare Rama Hare Krishna Hare Rama" or is it something else?


Also how do I do this properly, usually when I try to do this my mind wanders off.

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hare krishna

hare krishna

krishna krishna

hare hare

hare rama

hare rama

rama rama

hare hare


maya is very powerful, so it is natural that she's trying to make you stop your path to krsna


simply go on.. mahamantra itself will give you the concentration to chant him perfectly..


many thanks, chanting hare krsna you are making this world a better one

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immediately many people feel entusiasm to go on with spiritual life and increasing of intelligence to grasp the essence and meaning of scriptures...


if one chants very concentrated he wants to chant more.... then he wants to find a spiritual master and take inititation.. if he's sincere krsna sends a real pure devotee, His eternal associate, to save him from material bondage and to give him krsna prema

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Does it have any effect other than helping your spiritual beliefs (i.e regular life etc.)


Also, somebody mentioned maya, why has god created maya if in the end it stops us from realizing god?

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did not 'create' maya, it exists eternally as his inferior energy. The jivas are his marginal energy and since they're qualitatively similar to Krishna, they too have the freedom to choose either the jada-prakriti (lower nature) born of his lower energy or para-prakriti or Vaikunta of his supreme shakti.


Higher jivas like Siva and other devatas are nitya-sidha, they never fall because they're never attracted to Krishna's inferior energy. They are always on the transcendental plane, serving Krishna. We serve maya instead. So how to come out of it? Chant the mahamantra. Speculation will not help.

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"Does it have any effect other than helping your spiritual beliefs (i.e regular life etc.)"


mahamantra, being the name of krsna, is the most powerful mantra.. if krsna wants you to be socially well situated, he will make you rich and famous..


"Also, somebody mentioned maya, why has god created maya if in the end it stops us from realizing god? "


god has with us a relationship based on love... and love is to be free or it is not love. So we are free to come in this world with the purpose to forget krsna, and, being our nature super effulgent, sat, cit, ananda.. it requires a forse so powerful as maya to make us unconscious of our nature...


simultaneously krsna is offering to us various path for enlightening us and coming back to our previous state.. the most powerful is the chanting of his most intimate name...


in this way, as a true lover, he givs us the freedom to go and the freedom to come back.. without any attachement, because krsna is atmarama, complete in itself.. he has no need of us, he does not need to be served and praised, he wants only love us...



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  • 2 months later...

you have to want it bad enough to experience it... those who seek God according to the gita are those who suffer, those who want knowledge, those who seek truth, and those that are wise. your experiences in meditation will be equal to your pure spiritual desire, this is a fact. Gita describes this process, of being stable at a certain level of faith. the greater your faith, the more you will know God. i can give you an example, where if you split with your wife / husband, you will be in great pain. ironically it's during the time you suffer your experiences of the joy of God will be exponentially as great, because it's all that you know. you've possibly heard of the cliched stories where a woman will somehow develop great strength if it comes to saving her child from a burning car. similar in the example above where you suffer, your mind opens to experiences that were closed to you before, because you must inveil the layers of truth, ego, which suffering so unscrupulously rips off at the time you most need it.


knowing God by meditation is not a quick fix to your problems. that would be prayer. meditation is a serious gnostic practice to undertake on a regular basis, with correct guidance. however, if you seek God, know that he will seek you too. think of a symbol that represents God for you. as vivekananda stated, the mind of man is unable to relate to God in another way, therefore we need an image (not the same as an 'idol'). eg. a flame, or the aum symbol. the easiest way is to meditate on the aum mantra alone. repetition and practice will bring you to phase out of the material world, and gradually experience the world inside you, where atman lies.

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vivekananda stated, the mind of man is unable to relate to God in another way, therefore we need an image




How about when your out of your house you talk with nobody for your entire life, except thru the interent. Then your going to need an image. That's rubbish. God is image, He IS what He IS. Vivekananada was a Kali-worshipper. So his comments are void, literally...

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