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Man is NOT god, can never become god

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God and his energy are separate, just as a person and his qualities are separate. If a person X is kind, you dont say X is kindness and nothing else. You dont restrict X to that particular trait or even to dozen other traits, for beyond all those traits, he is still X. Even without a few of those traits, he is still X. So one can never say X=kindness or X=kindness+courage and so on and so forth.


Likewise, God's energy has become this world. So one cannot say God has become the world because God cannot be restricted to his energy as in the equation god=energy. And if his energy has become the material universe, then man is simply part of God's energy and not part of God. So man, being just a spark of energy, can never be God who is the very source of that energy. He can NEVER become god either, because a part (of god's energy which is man) can never become the whole. Even if it can, there would still be distinction between God and his energy, of which man is but a tiny spark.


Conclusion: Advaitins are completely wrong. Man is not god, whether potentially or progressively or eventually or whatever.

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God and his energy as spaced out as you put, is absolute nonsense and this is not from veda.


Shiva and Shakthi gives a excellent understanding of god & energy.


Shiva and shakthi are embedded in each and everything all the way upto the atom.


Watch out for the pretention by vaishnavites of belonging to a vedic origin by dropping words such as god and energy, and transcendental relationship etc. All this is nonsense and bookish.

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God and his energy as spaced out as you put, is absolute nonsense and this is not from veda.



Can yo show where in Veda it says that God and his energy are identical.



Shiva and Shakthi gives a excellent understanding of god & energy.


Shiva and shakthi are embedded in each and everything all the way upto the atom.



Bunch of Shivite nonsense. Can you cite a Vedic verse for this.



Watch out for the pretention by vaishnavites of belonging to a vedic origin by dropping words such as god and energy, and transcendental relationship etc. All this is nonsense and bookish.



Oh yeah... You(advaitins) have realized the truth while Vaishnavas have bookish knowledge.


Talking about pretention, please quote Vedic verses for the . you posted above.

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i have to say you may be subject to dualism errors(me and you). It is Absolutely certain that there is Only 'One God' in the form; as an example ...of shiva/shakti.......God or Real God Is the 'source' and 'radiance' of everything......it appears as if condtions are separate from god.......but in truth everything arises in God......thus the Source of all Is all......

If you identify with condtions(maya) in and of themselves then you become lost in the sea of maya or the 'goddess' or 'shakti' or the radiance ....but when you Recognise the 'Source' as Shiva, Consciousness Itself...the core of perfect stillness that never changes and is uncondtional......thus god Is man in the body of a perfect disciple who has transcended the seeking of experience(shakti) and only dwells as Consciousness.....and thus can experience shakti in its fullness without getting lost in maya......

Problem with most people is they have a god-idea of what god is...they talk and think like dualists as well....god is not elswhere...but god is the mystery of being and is Realised Perfectly through a Sat-Guru......as God(Reality/Truth)......the heart of reality(as it Is).......There are many gurus and discrimination is required.

A clearer teaching can be found in teachings such as Ramana Maharishi......but especially Adi Da Samraj.....www.adidam.org

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There are many things that are not part of the Vedas but yet the truth is out there. Vedas were revealed for the period but puranas were later written from knowledge of revelation and immersion with the Supreme Being. The 63 Tamil Saints are and example of real devotion to God and fellow human beings as well as other creatures. You have not learn about them and so you would not understand just like Christians and Muslims who have not learned or have any knowledge of Hinduism. I'm surprised that you are lie one of them.

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Shiva and shakthi are embedded in each and everything all the way upto the atom.***


So? That doesn't mean they are one. Energy is separate from its controller. That means God is separate from his energy, which is what this material world is about. Hence, God is separate from man.

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According to Ramanujam,


All three, brahman, individual soul and nature are eternal

So they are all infinite


But can u explain how there can be 3 infinites......

If two things are infinite, then both must be same


Hence, the logic of dualists is false.......there is a lower truth in dualism, a still higher truth in qualified monism and the highest truth in monism or advaita....





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"If two things are infinite, then both must be same"


the statement of sri ramanuja acharya says that difference and oneness are both eternal..


so there's simultaneously brahman omnipervadent and individuality .. and this individuality is supreme, and we have god, and subordinate, and we have soul..




if i were supreme i should remember it..


supreme is an eternal condition, god does not forget to be god.. if now i do not remember and live my supremacy, i will never do it


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The question was how to attain pure Sattva.

The text said "When Ahara becomes pure"

Now Ramanjuja translated it as food

Ahara-shuddhi was his idea.

So what makes food impure according to him were Jati dosa, Ashraya dosa and Nimitta dosa......the concept of Ashraya dosa (not taking food from wicked persons) led to the concept of untouchability in India....of course, he was not to know but it inadvertednly did.....


Now the flaw with this concept is anyone can take pure food but will it be good karma.And a non veg person is then doomed for life. Then all herbivores would go to heaven. If a monkey is fed milk and nuts his entire life will he become a yogi!


Sankaracharya said the word Ahara means thought collected in mind; when that becomes pure; the Sattva becomes pure; not before that. You may eat what u like, even non veg.


This makes sense, rationally and philosphically.





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