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Mantra Chanting

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I have recently started to chant a mantra. It is the Hare Krishna Mantra:


Hare Krishna, Hare Krishna, Krishna, Krishna, Hare, Hare.

Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama, Rama, Hare, Hare.


I want to connect with God and let Him cleanse my soul.

But, it is strange because about one or two days after starting to chant this mantra, I began to feel a lot of repressed anger coming to the surface. Is this normal sometimes when someone begins to chant mantras?

Is it part of the cleansing process, like a boil which is being lanced before it can heal?


I think that the worst of the anger is over for now. But, while it was happening, it came over me so unexpectedly and quite knocked me over, so to speak.


Thankyou for reading this, and thankyou in advance for your replies.


~ Nothingness.

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Thankyou for your reply, Krishna dasa. It's true that we have been "polluted" for a very long time. (Lots of emotional scars and attachments to things in this world). I will be keeping up the chanting. But, as yet, I have not reached 16 rounds a day, which is the number of rounds which Hare Krishnas chant. I do as many as I can, however.

I hope that the number will keep on increasing!


Hare Krishna!



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<< But, it is strange because about one or two days after starting to chant this mantra, I began to feel a lot of repressed anger coming to the surface. >>


in my view, it has nothing to do with chanting.


one gets angry on some one thing that comes in your way of fulfilling your desire. so, what was you desire you were trying to fulfil, and who or what came in your way to fail you?


chanting is most beneficial when:


- you know the qualities of krishna and his pastimes and you feel intense love for him.


- you listen every word of mantra intently, and think of nothisn but the mantra or Krishna.


- you have strong faith in mantra and in krishna.


- you are percistant in chanting and do not give up.


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yes i can agree in all what has been said. i'm kinda new to chanting myself and have had hard times while at it. at least, it felt so.


after a short wile i started to play recordings from prerecorded chanting on www.krishna.com on my mp3 player and listened to it almost all working day. they gave me strength and i started feeling what i identify as my paramatma real strong. but it cost me great heartship to get there.

it's like a friend described me as 'being put to a test'


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Hello Dau.


Thanks for telling me about that. I think that chanting brings up a lot of emotions, and some of them are negative ones which we may have been repressing for years.


That link to krishna.com sounds interesting and I will have to check it out. Just listening to chanting can be very uplifting to the mind and soul.


Take Care.

~ Ruth.

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