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Lord Brahma's first "failure" in Creation

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I was reading through some sites regarding Yama Dharma a few months ago and noticed something interesting.


It said, according to the Purana, Lord Brahma's first attempt to create Life was a "failure" because the creation didn't have an ending (or Death/Annihilation). So, Lord Brahma brought forward Lord Shiva /Rudra to help Him destroy what He had created.


So, I was wondering about this "failure" which Lord Brahma made. What was it? Why did it considered to be a failure?

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I was sitting alone in my car and think about Yama Dharma again (We have a common bond, so attend to do that sometimes :P) and thought how ALL life on this Planet comes to an end.


Then I remember that low-level lifeforms such as bacteria, ameaboes etc didn't have a "true" death because they don't die. What they do is, they multiply by replicating itself into another "copy" of itself.


Even by consuming another low-level lifeforms, the consumed ones do not die but absorbed into the other lifeforms.


So, I thought, Yama Dharma had his limits after all, when something "hit" me. I finally found Lord Brahma's "failure". He was speaking of this low-level lifeforms which first appeared on the Planet 3 Billion years ago.


It fit perfectly ... a lifeform which has a beginning but no end. It continues to strive and multiply without a purpose and seemingly a waste of creation. It breaks down organic and inorganic materials, which probably the reasons for it's existence.


So, why is it considered a "failure"? Simply because, there is no advancement in low-level lifeforms. Bacteria and Ameobeos do not evolve forward into higher-level lifeforms, they just go round and around in multiple, absorb old ones and multiple further.


Source : http://wwwf.countryday.net/FacStf/ms/schniebec/Time/Geologic%20Time%20Line.htm


I now open thread for debate.

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And I believe the single-celled lifeformed was the earlier results of this.


Lord Brahma probably did what the Bible (however corrupted it may) said "God" did - create Life (they didn't say which lifeform, did they?) by "His" own image.


"Image" of Lord Brahma is single-minded and single-purposed. His task was to create. So, He probably created lifeforms which mimic Him in lower-level - single-celled organisms with single purpose (to break down higher level organic and inorganic materials).


Just as He is without Death, Lord Brahma didn't put "Death" to the lower-lifeforms thus, a "failure" occured. His creations could only multiple continuously, and dead occured only by absorbing each other (in energy level, this is not death since the energy is transfered from one level to another equal level). Thus, produce a "waste" and there is no mechanism for Evolution to occur.


I'm not very familiar with Lord Brahma's children. All I know is there was 7 Sages, if not mistaken and Narada is one of them. I also don't know why some refused and some couldn't either.


Design of Male and Female worked because they provided means of carrying genes from two separate organisms into a single individual who has at least 25% of both parent's genes, and 50% chance of acquiring their own individual set of genes (to pass to their children). Thus, in Evolutional level, this is a success.


And besides, none of us are complaining about design of Male and Females, are we? :P

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