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Is it (terrorism) war, or is in not?

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The link below has an articel about it.



Two big allies' legal systems differ on the issue.

United effort for common cause need common set of law and rules to follow.


UK legal system still treats terrorists as just individual criminals to be dealt with police.


The article also talks a bit about how to sweeze info out of bad guys including terrorists. Providing physical comfort, foods of their choice (halam meat), and a cup of tea cannot make them give the info, in my view, how they operate and who is where and doing what, etc.


The method to deal with asuras is different than how one should deal with the suras.


Krishna and Arjun, in Gita, use many adjectives for each other that are appropriate for Kshatriyas. These adjectives ( or some of them) tell how one can get info out of the asuras.


Gita is universally good for all.

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duryodhan was of asuric mentality, and adharmi.

so krishna says arjun to fight, and not give up fighting.

in contrast to gandhi, krishna never said to keep suffering silently the adharma of adharmis.


one cannot win over an enemy - perticularly the terrorists - by causing suffering or death to one's own self. hunger strike or protest is not the way recommended by Krishna to win over enemies.


per the vedic literture, the aatataayis must be killed.

there are six kinds of aatataayis:


- one who attacks with deaddy weapon,

- one who kills by poison

- one who sets fires

- one who takes away anothers wife

- one who gabbles another's land

- one who plunders or destroys community property.


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