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Proof of Reincarnation.

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If we talk about Karma than it should not hinder. It would give us a better perspective of our future. It would give a guide line to change for the better. May be you have a different point of view over the matter. But I would say it would give us a better understanding of our religion and the course of our life. May be it would be for the better rather than think of it as nagative. Some people has the fear of knowing their past life for reasons best known to them only.

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Some people has the fear of knowing their past life for reasons best known to them only.


Some people? Such statement can only come from a person who do not know about his past self.


When one becomes aware of his past self, he will also become aware of a few things, like :


1. Attachments to the past - like in the above example with the young lady. She now becomes a burden to her pervious husband and son. Mahatma Gandhi knows about it, so Mahatma suggested she comes and stay in the asthram.


2. Your past sins. What if it comes back to haunt you?


Sure, if you are a great devotee to God, you can become an example to your present self in promoting a better you.


But what if you were a Commander of an invading force, who is in charge of hundreds of men who follow your commands, who you love them as your own family. What if this people, followed your command and did so much evil, now damned and it is falls on your shoulders to be reborn as a man, pray and do good deeds so they (your men in pervious existence) will be allowed to be reborned?


If such pressure falls on your shoulders, are you capable of smilling and accept the deed?

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That's what we are here for. We are here because of our past karma and will here in the next life if we do not redeem ourself. To redeem ourself we should know the past karma otherwise it is a BIG question mark. People are suffering in all kinds of situation, sickness, lost of livelyhood, lost of wife or children and the latest to the list are victims of tsunami. They all would like to know the reason for their sufferings. May be by knowing the reason and the bad karma of their past life, it would give them a chance redeem for a better life after this.


Yes, truely I do no know about my past life. What was I or who was I and where do I go from here. It would be interesting to know all this. Although the scriptures tells us of our existence it does not tell us precisely about our bad karmas in the past life. May be by tapas one may aquire the knowledge to know the secret but it would not be possible for all to do such. So, my learned friend could you tell me of your past life? And how did you go about knowing it?

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To redeem ourself we should know the past karma otherwise it is a BIG question mark. People are suffering in all kinds of situation, sickness, lost of livelyhood, lost of wife or children and the latest to the list are victims of tsunami. They all would like to know the reason for their sufferings. May be by knowing the reason and the bad karma of their past life, it would give them a chance redeem for a better life after this.


If people know their past existence, there will be trouble, like :


1. Muslims will make noise, saying it is devil's play.

2. Christians will make noise, saying it is devil's play also because, if reincarnation is proven, Jesus's so-called sacrifice is false.


3. Buddhist and Hindus are least to make noise, I guess.

4. Atheists will call it illusion and swallow a few dozen medicine to correct their brains. /images/graemlins/wink.gif


Furthermore, some will accept it and improve on present life, some will be attached himself to his past self (like the day in the example), and some doesn't care. Some will be burdened by his past sins, and he will view whatever he is doing now will not be enough and that could lead him astray.


Yes, truely I do no know about my past life. What was I or who was I and where do I go from here. It would be interesting to know all this. Although the scriptures tells us of our existence it does not tell us precisely about our bad karmas in the past life. May be by tapas one may aquire the knowledge to know the secret but it would not be possible for all to do such.


That because God wants you to concentrate in living in the present self. Know which is bad and which is good and do it accordingly.


Also, according to Buddhist scriptures, Buddha stated that by doing meditations and spiritual activities, one can remember his past life as his spiritual strenght increases. So, it is safe to say, to know your past, you must become strong to accept it, and many people cannot even accept their bad deeds in this one.


So, my learned friend could you tell me of your past life? And how did you go about knowing it?


Sufficient enough to say ... some people have less attachment in Life than others.

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#If people know their past existence, there will be trouble, like :


1. Muslims will make noise, saying it is devil's play.

2. Christians will make noise, saying it is devil's play also because, if reincarnation is proven, Jesus's so-called sacrifice is false.#


Why worry about Muslims, they themselves are playing with the devil otherwise would they decapitate their captives and call for death to non Muslims?


As for Christians, they should study thier bible well. It is stated i the bible that John the babtist was the reincarnation of prophet Elija. And they do believe in the coming of Christ and again this is a sign of reincarnation. So we can rule this two out.


#3. Buddhist and Hindus are least to make noise, I guess.

4. Atheists will call it illusion and swallow a few dozen medicine to correct their brains.#



As for the atheist, it would not trouble them coz than theu would believe in the creater and Karma.


Yours is only assuption, may or may not do such. But there are those lucky ones who have recalled their past life and are able to accept it. By knowing our past life would give us an opportunity to make amends and steer of the bad path in order to attain motcham.


#That because God wants you to concentrate in living in the present self. Know which is bad and which is good and do it accordingly#


The present self is not living but discovering. We are not puppets and God is not the puppeter. We have our own free will and it works according to our past karma while God is only a wittness to all our action. Discover thy self before dicovering God. "THE TRUTH IS THAT TRUTH IS"


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As for the atheist, it would not trouble them coz than theu would believe in the creater and Karma.


Nope, they will whine like pigs and complain that God pushed them into situations which requires work (in their behalf) to mend the situation.


I have been "fighting" Atheism in another forum for weeks and I conclude that, many become Atheists not because they don't have logical defination of God, but many of them choose not to believe in God.


To a person who do not believe in God but remembers his past life, it just be another excuse to show how unfair God is.


Yours is only assuption, may or may not do such. But there are those lucky ones who have recalled their past life and are able to accept it. By knowing our past life would give us an opportunity to make amends and steer of the bad path in order to attain motcham.


You can say I make assumption and I can say you making assumptions also. Both are correct, no one is wrong. Our assumptions is based on our view of society - your view maybe one with Hope for better outcome in Life, mine is one without Hope, just Cold-hearted Strictness.


The present self is not living but discovering. We are not puppets and God is not the puppeter. We have our own free will and it works according to our past karma while God is only a wittness to all our action.


I never said God is a puppeter. Karma (past and present) is our Puppeteer. We are bound by it.


Discover thy self before dicovering God. "THE TRUTH IS THAT TRUTH IS"


Is there a true Self in me? Some say got, some say don't have. If God is true, I rather choose to discover Him rather than waste it on myself.

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#Is there a true Self in me? Some say got, some say don't have. If God is true, I rather choose to discover Him rather than waste it on myself.#


Now I understand your predictment. You are seeking GOD elsewhere, whereas you do not realize that GOD is within you. So, in short if you have dicovered yourself than you have discovered GOD. Do not be like the Muslims or Christians looking for GOD in some place they call Kingdom of GOD. Jesus himself had said that Paradise is in your hands. Where there is paradise there is GOD. It is up to your to make your life a living paradise whereby you will see GOD. Be contended with what you have, help the needy in whatever way you can, do not demand or be greedy, be humble to all and love all as you love yourself. If you can do all these you have discovered yourself and GOD within you.

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Now I understand your predictment. You are seeking GOD elsewhere, whereas you do not realize that GOD is within you.


God is everywhere but I don't look for Him everywhere either. In myself, there is my True Self and my Mind (my Self). True Self (Soul) comes from God and my Mind comes from my sensors.


I'm trying to find path back to God by my True Self (Soul) and not by influence of my other Self (Mind). For this, controlling my mind is what I'm after.

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This what Ramakrishna Paramahamsa said:



1.The human mind trying to fathom the nature of God is like an ant trying to carry away a mountain of sugar.



2.You cannot realize Him if you have the least bit of attachment in you. A thread with ever so few ragged fibers won't pass through the eye of a needle.



3.Seekest thou God ? Then seek Him in man ! His Divinity is manifest more in man than in any other object. Man is the greatest manifestation of God.


4.It is said that truthfulness alone constitutes the spiritual discipline of the Kaliyuga (i.e. modern age). If a man clings tenaciously to truth he ultimately realizes God.



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Guest guest

now pls dont talk like a christian/Muslim saying God asks for this and God ask for that....God never asks any thing from man kind....it is left to man kind to experience and understand and then realise.....


"Truth is one but the wise know it in many forms"-RigVeda

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