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Do we know if the trinity concept comes from vedas. If so which veda.


And how did it get popularised to represent common worship in Hinduism. Who was the spiritual leader and what was the time when this thinking became popular.


How does the trinity concept lead to the vedic objective to realize bramhan.

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vedic trinity: brahma, vishnu, siva

is mentioned by god himself,

and we can see that their three respective functions

- creation, maintenance, and destruction -

are going on all the times, and are cyclic also.



I also like to explain the Trinity as -

Generator Operator Destroyer

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the so-called Hindu trinity was 'invented' by Max Muller and other missionaries to fool the Hindus into thinking that their religion is no diff. from Christianity, which also has a trinity.


In real Hinduism or Sanatana Dharma, as propounded by the great acharyas, there is only the Supreme Person or Purushottama Krishna and his devatas; therefore, the so-called trinity is no different from other devatas, nothing special. I am not saying there is no need for the trinity, obviously creation, preservation and destruction are three aspects of life, but to reduce Hinduism to this concept is mischievous. Do not fall for this X-tian trap. Hinduism is not restricted to such a puny concept like trinity, it is much more than that.

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i dont know whether the trinity concept was introduced by MaxMuller or not but i do know that in hinduism u cant that this Giod is supreme and the others are His devoties....who told u that Supreme person is Krishna? point one place where the word Krishna occur in the 4 vedas?


if that is ur opinion then u should have made it clear by saying 'in my opinion'.....


and who said that the trinity concept reduces hinduism and that its mischievous? hinduism has always been an open book and it has welcomed all truths from anywhere...that is why hinduism grows....its not like the closed minded christianity....


Hinduism is not restricted to such a puny concept like trinity, it is much more than that.



ofcourse hinduism is not restricted by the trinity concept....nor is it restricted by the so called claim of Krishna's supremacy by the vaishnavas and ISCONites....


the main concept of hinduism is to know oneself....that God is all....


"the truth is one, the wise know it in many forms"-RigVeda


"Shiva is the heart of Vishnu and Vishnu is the heart of Shiva"

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i didnt expect this from u Maadhav....i dont fight for supremacy for one GOd over the other but i can keep quite when one calls other Gods to be inferior to the so called Supreme...and that the trinity is nothing special from the other devatas....



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In the Veda, show me where there is the trinity concept? There is no Shiva but only Rudra, who is described as a devata. Even Brahma is not alone, he comes with Brahaspati and Brahmanaspathi. Later, Hindus eliminated the last two and gave Brahma the status of the creator. But Vishnu is never described as a devata, or just part of the trinity (cuz there is no mention of trinity, by the way). Vishnu is described as the all-pervasive Godhead, the Supreme Person.


I suggest Hindus give up their lame attitude of believing everything the christians tell you. The trinity is a later interpolation which, though appealing, doesn't do justice to the great depths of Vedantic thought. It is a childish concept, and it makes Hindus look like jokers to the rest of the world. That's a pity, since there are much more profoudn ideas which form the basis of Hinduism, rather than this trinity business that's made fools out of hindus, thanks to Muller and his minions.

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there are several threads in this forum which discusses the Shiv/Vishnu superimacy...iam tired of all these now...

"Rudra alone yields to no second".....no where in the Vedas is Vishnu dipicted as supreme, for that matter Vishnu is given little importance....if vedas were very clear then there would have been no sects in hinduism....

iam tired of such arguments.....pls for the sake of God dont fore ur thoughts into others....if Vishnu is supreme for u , have it....iam happy for u....but dont go saying that the rest are inferior to him...that makes u no different from a christian and a muslim....iam more happy with the advaitha concept of God....who can claim monopoly over absolute truth?the greatness of hinduism is that it accepts the truth evry where and knows how to respect others....if u want to be a RSS then thats ur wish




end of such discussions......

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these discussions are so shameful /images/graemlins/frown.gif.


if you don't realize that shiva and vishnu are one and the same, and that all these deities portrayed by hinduism don't exist but are rather symbols of ONE divine force, then you do not understand hinduism.

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when did i say that Shiva is superior and where did i mention that Vishnu is superior?


u have understood me completely wrongly.....i stongly believe that God is one


"the truth is one but the wise know it by many forms"-RigVeda

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Jai Ganesh


Pranam Thiru Ji



(there are several threads in this forum which discusses the Shiv/Vishnu superimacy...iam tired of all these now...)


Please dont give up, your frustration i do understand, we have to learn to overcome this superiority complex, which exists within many factions in our vedic dharma, little do we know that without subduing the ego no one can reach the lord.Everthing happens for the best and nothing moves without the will of the lord.


Jai Shree Krishna





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okay. i may not be totally right when i said "correct."


from vaishnav view point the supreme god is one,

and it has many names. so we call him krishna.


additionally, there are devas, many many, but the chiefs are siva and brahma. I have not heard or read about siva taking incarnations like vishnu does, but brahmas are many. they are born and they die, and they have very long life. krishna tells about it in gita ch. 8.


now, in sanatana dharma,

one is free to worship any deva/devi or the supreme.

if a less intellegent person likes to worship a deva, he/she thinks that deva as supreme, because without such a thought one has no motivation to worship a non supreme.


also, krishna says that one who is intelligent to know who is the supreme, should not disturb others who worship devas. so, ideally, vaishnavas should not disturb deva worshipers and say "that deva is not supreme. give up deva worship." as time passes, a deva worshipper will know who is supreme ultimately, even from the deva himself.


it has happened manu many times in the past that a greatly advanced deva worshipper can cause miracles (or they just happen around him/her) where as not so advanced supreme worshipper still is far behind ip spiritual progress. this however does not mean krishna is less powerful than an deva. it just means the deva worshipper is more advanced at the time than a supreme worshipper.


so, basically, no vedic person should fight/argue hard with another vedic person. but one can alwasy debate with respect and to seek the higher truth in dharma and spirituality.


the need for unity is very importantant at this time

when ant-vedic forces are out to totally destroy this great culture. so unite. if we can respect a dog of vrindavan, why no respect a vedic person from the great vedic land as long as he/she is dharma oriented? sure we can.


hope it helps.

i will not argue/debate this issue more.


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if we can respect a dog of vrindavan, why no respect a vedic person from the great vedic land as long as he/she is dharma oriented?


everyone is to be respected.. but a dog of vrindavan is a surely a completely realized and liberated soul, while an hindu leader can be also a complete neophite


and also.. dharma oriented does not means.. liberated

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u have really fallen from my eyes.....let krishna help u realise the truth.....and who is a deva for u?is Shiva a deva? if u say yes then so be it for u.....but remember ur concept brings shame to the dharma.....and u talk about respecting a Dog....of what context will the respect we give for a dos do with that of the worship of Shiva?


i know that u tactly fully avoided the used of Shiva's name....but it was very obvious.....


nor do i want to talk any more of this topic.....


i only believe in this "the truth is one but the wise see it in many forms"-RigVeda

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but such arguments are making me hard towards vishnu...i dont hate Christ but due to the bad behavior of the christians in projecting Christ as the supreme God i have a dont care attitude towards Christ...i dont want to have such an attitude towards Vishnu....for if i do that then i disrespect Shiva....


in Skanda puran (iam doubtful about which puran it is)....Shiva hugs only one gana...when the other ganas are puzzled why this purticular gana alone got the honour, Shiva revelas that this gana alone had understood that Shiva and Vishnu are not different and had treated Vishnu equally as Shiva.


"Shiva is the heart of Vishu and Vishnu is the heart of Shiva"


when ever a valid quote is quote these @#$@#@#4 say that it is an later addition by the saivite....they should not forget that it wont take me more than a second to say the same to them...but i know how to honour the scriptures...they constantly forget that they are making a grave sin.....they shall sure pay....but i wont rejoice their punishment (where as some one else in this forum said that they will enjoy watching shaivites suffer while he is in vaikunta-little did he know that he cant even reach the door steps of vaikunta)


"the truth is one but the wise see it in many forms"



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you are certainly a man of tolerance, Thiru. You tolerate Christians (who have killed millions) but apparently, you cannot tolerate RSS. Along with tolerance, do you also practice hypocrisy?

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It is a fact that no Shiva lover has been disrespectful to any other Deva or God in another name. The reverse is hardly true.



Carry on with shradda and saburi. Visnu will be by your side. But do not enter into arguments, since it an activity of ego.


You feel tired since your ego is bruised. Thank Shiva for that.



You are correct. Shiva and Vishnu is one. Rig Veda says Vishnu has the supreme power. And it also says the strength of God Head never leaves Shiva.



Let other people gratify their egos. You keep loving your god. He will take you in.

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you read more than what i write.

or, you want to find meaning of your choice from my posts.



it is okay if you cannot understand what i write.

you can choose to not read my posts.


i have no problem saying any of these:


om namo sivaaya

hara hara mahaadev hara

sri ganeshaya namah

sri saaradaaya namah



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You feel tired since your ego is bruised. Thank Shiva for that.





true....i feel this argument of who is superior is an clear act of ignorance....but being an ordinary man i feel hurt when ppl in this forum call Shiva a mere jiva and that He ws born out of Brahma etc.....but its ok....i do need to accept the world as it is....Truth alone triumphs at last

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AUM is the trinity that has become all. Lord is the support of AUM.



Book 10 HYMN CLXXXl. Visvedevas


1. VASISTHA mastered the Rathantara, took it from radiant Dhatar, Savitar, and Visnu, Oblation, portion of fourfold oblation, known by the names of Saprathas and Prathas.


2. These sages found what lay remote and hidden, the sacrifice's loftiest secret essence.From radiant Dhatar, Savitar, and Visnu, from Agni, Bharadvaja brought the Brhat.


3 They found with mental eyes the earliest Yajus, a pathway to the Gods, that had descended.


From radiant Dhatar, Savitar, and Visnu, from Surya did these sages bring the Gharma.



Dhatar is ONE. Savitar two – Soma, and Vishnu the Viswarupa. Agni/ Surya represent the trinity. From Surya/Agni all life came. You are one of these creations.


If the trinity is imagination, then what is your reality?



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Dear Thiru


Shiva will kill ego of every one. That is his grace.


Even Devas detest Shiva (initially). All that is evil in Devas, manifest as Rudra. Shiva's destructive anger, Manyu, is manifested to Devas in response to their weaknesses.


Devas did not find peace in this. But later they realise that Lord takes all evil upon himself granting Devas immortality. So what appears as Manyu is actually Shivam Shivam.

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