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The Greatest Hymn in praise of Mother.

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I start this topic to say something special about Mother Lalithambika and Her SahasraNamam.

Please dont take this post as a blasphemy to any of the deities. I will give concentration in this post to the Holy Mother's Sahasranamam which is the Greatest Hymn in praise of Mother.

I saw somebody in the thread DIVINE MOTHER accused badly about the Lalitha Sahasranamam and I dont want to accuse them, but want them to know the real things about the Lalitha SahasraNamam, the most effective hymn ever written by anyone other than the SupremeBeing.

Someone said in one of the posts that these are mere stories and nothing to do with the Divine one.Such people need not read my posts.


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Once, Sage Agasthya Maharshi, who is a great scholar of all the Vedas and Vedantas and who is a well wisher of the world , travelled to several Theertham(holy places) and Janapatham(townships), and wherever He went, He found all creatures immersed in ignorance and their fondness was only towards material pleasures like the belly and sex.Then the Maharshi felt very much sorrow and thought of a way to enlighten this pitiful life of people and raise them to Spirituality.


In His course,He went to the Holy Place Kanchee and there He

performed Puja and meditation towards the Ekamranatha(Siva),

KamakshiDevi and the Loka-Rakshak Vishnu Bhagavan.Then Lord Vishnu was pleased by the strict Tapas(meditation) of the Rishi for a long period , and He appeared in front of Agasthya with KevalaJnanam(knowledge) as His form and holding in His four arms,the Sankham, Chakram, Pusthakam(book) and AkshaMala(beads stringed together, represents knowledge and spirituality) and His face was like an aswam(horse) ,and with His brightness,the Lord illuminated the whole world and His holy name was Hayagreeva(=horse-headed).


When the Lord Vishnu appeared in this magnificient form, Agasthya praised Him and prayed to Him for a complete remedy for the disease of ignorance of the creatures which caused repeated births and sufferings in the world.


...contd in the next post

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Then the lord Vishnu was extremely pleased by the selfless request of Agasthya Maharshi and He spoke the eternal truths.


Lord Vishnu explained that He is the Primordial principle(tatwam), and the Source and the End of everything.Though He is above forms and Gunam(attributes),He involves in them.He goes on to explain that a person should recognize that He is the Pradhaana(primordial) which transformed into the universe , and that He is also the Purusha(conscious spirit) who is transcendental and beyond all qualities and forms.However to recognize this, one has to perform severe penance ,self-discipline etc.Since this is difficult, Lord Vishnu advises that the worship of the Mother-Godess will achieve the goal of life, which is "liberation from bondage", very easily.



...contd in my next post

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  • 2 weeks later...

When Agasthya was told some truths about the Tripura Devi by Lord SriVishnu, Agastya could not help begging for more details about Tripura Devi.

Lord accepted his prayer and introduced him to Hayagreeva Devarshi(Devarshi= Godly saint) who was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu Himself and was preaching the glories of NaamaSankeerthan(chanting of holy names).

When Hayagreeva Devarshi appeared, Vishnu told Agasthya " Whatever you want to know,this Devarshi will tell you".

And the Lord disappeared.

............contd in my next post

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Mata Durge Sharanam Namah


Bhadramoorti ji I will add these two verses:


Book 1 HYMN LXXXIX. Visvedevas.


10 Aditi is the heaven, Aditi is mid-air, Aditi is the Mother and the Sire and Son. Aditi is all Gods, Aditi five-classed men, Aditi all that hath been born and shall be born



RV Book 1 HYMN CLXIV. Visvedevas.




41 Forming the water-floods, the buffalo hath lowed, one-footed or two-footed or four-footed, she, Gauri, Who hath become eight-footed or hath got nine feet, the thousand-syllabled in the sublimest heaven.


42 From her descend in streams the seas of water; thereby the world's four regions have their being, Thence flows the imperishable flood and thence the universe hath life.




Ma, you are not Maya. Foolish people say so. You are life. You are prana since you are Vayu, You are Water. Adityas are your sons. Not knowing that all manifestation is you is ignorance.


Mata Durge Sharanam Namah


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After becoming a Devi devotee, I didnt read the Vedas further.

Thanks that you notified me.


Rigvedam gives a chance of praising all deities.

Too much Gods are described in the Rig-vedam.


Some persons know only the "MAYA" aspect of the Mother.

They unknowingly blasphemy the Mother.

Maya is also said to have a female form.But I dont think that Maya is the real supreme Mother Durga.

That Maya is just the illusionary potency of that ILLUSIONIST god.

Durga stands all above that.

Nice that you recognized the truth.




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.....Mother's story contd:


Agasthya ,by now had found His Guru in the form of the Seer Hayagreeva Devarshi.Hayagreeva was also pleased with Agasthya and told Agasthya about the tales of the Divine Mother from the Beginning.


"..The Divine Mother emanated from meditation of Brahma (the Creator). Her name then was Prakruti (The nature) ............... For the second time, the Divine Mother manifested as Mohini at the time of the churning the ocean by the celestials and the demons............."


Agastya heard these stories in detail from Hayagreeva and said, “Hayagreeva,the cleverest one, Kindly let me know in detail which form of Para Shakti (The Divine Mother, the Supreme Power) will bestow both food and salvation to the devotees in the Kali Yuga”. Hayagreeva replied, “Lalita Devi is the only Goddess who has the power to do so. Listen to her story”.


...........contd in my next post.



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  • 3 weeks later...

.....Mother's story contd:


Then Hayagreeva Devarshi tells the story of the Divine Mother's incarnations in the world.


He tells the story of Mother Sati.(I think everybody know the story of mother Sati who was married to Lord Shiva.After Sati Devi burned Her physical body in the fire of the Daksha Yajna, Shiva used to be in a state of ecstasy of yoga continuously.Sati Devi was reborn as the daughter of Himavan and Menaka as Parvathi.The son born to Shiva and Parvati only could kill the demon Taraka .Hence Manmatha(similar to cupid) sent an arrow (of lust) on Shiva so that Shiva’s ascetic attitude be lessened and He be attracted towards Parvathi.At once, Shiva’s third eye (in between the eyebrows) opened and the fire rushing therefrom reduced Manmatha to ashes.)



...........contd in my next post.


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...Mother's story contd:


This was how Bhanda Asura was born:


Chitrakarma, the commander of one of the Rudra Ganas one day started toying with the ash of the burnt Manmatha and prepared a doll out of it. He took this doll to Lord Shiva.As soon as the doll nearedLord Shiva, it sprang to life as a boy.

Chitrakarma was overwhelmed with joy. He gave the boy the Upadesha ofShata-Rudreeya Mantra and asked him to undertake penance. When the penance reached the stage of fruition, Lord Shiva appeared before him.

He asked Lord Shiva to grant him a special boon-“anyone who fights against me should immediately lose half of his strength and that strength should be added to my strength. None of the weapons of my opponents should be able to defeat me” .

Immediately Lord Shiva granted the boon and added, “I am also bestowingon you the boon of ruling the kingdom for sixty thousand years”. After giving these boons, Lord Shiva disappeared.


....contd in my next post.

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...Mother's story contd:


This was how Bhandasura got his name:


Lord Brahma, who was witnessing all these incidents , grew frustrated and swore “Bhand”“Bhand” (shame, shame ). From then on, he got the name “Bhanda”.Because of his qualities he became an Asura (demon) and entered the domain of Asuras. This is how he got the name ‘Bhandasura’.


....contd in my next post.

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