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US's military/political strategy - self contradiction

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US's world political strategy is this:


"we americans look every where in the world.

if we think that something is happening that has the remotest chance of hurting our interests, then we do everything to influence that event

and convert it to support our interests.


our interest are:


- maintain doninance/superiority in every field (except spiritual). we want to remain cultural, econonic, social, science. and military power.


- we want to hold monopoly on nuclear arms.

- we want to hold monoply to determine what is best action for any one.


- we cause factions among neighbors and keep them fighting.

that way they have no energy to challange our dominance.


- we want all the world's oil because, without old no country can win a war and cannot fly bombers."


now, this US strategy is in conflict with US principle of

"not guilty until proven guilty".


so, the world could press US to not use their pro active strategy and meddle with the world on their assumptions of future events. however, US may be right in preventing the nucuear technology going into the hands of islam. there, waiting is too dangerous for the world.


now the indians know that the war with china was wrong, because nehru followed the fabricated border maps made by the british. it was india's misunderstanding. so, india and china could be friends, but india cannot/must not support communism. recently china has shown to reslove all the border issues very peacefully. china even said to india, "check our maps, and if you see something wrong, we will correct it."


it is a saying in india that says:

your first true relative is your neighbor.

india needs to strength ties with the neighbors.


india is not enemy of US,

but US needs to stop acting anti india.

while US is just 250 years old,

India is 250 M+ years old.

so is china.



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Jai Srhi Krishna Madhava ji,


It is not the India which went to war with China, it was the other way around. China should be grateful for what India has given her, Buddhism, Karate but unfortunately it is becoming one of the worst materialistic countries in the world. A recent statistic shows that there are around two million divorcs in China everyyear. Just see what they have done to Tibet. It has become spiritually a void country though materialisticaaly a very rich country......


Similarly, USA is in a habit of creating Frankestein monsters,they funded and encouraged Talibaan against Russia, IRAQ during war with IRAN, now Pakistan inspite of the known fact that their nuclear father Ayub Khan sold nuclear secrets all over the world.... I think USA should genuinely do an introspection whether its policies are on the right track. While USA is extremely capable of doing so much good to this world with its richness and capable peolpe......it has got misdirected.


Power without spiritualism gives rise to proud, arrogance and exploitation..a sure way to degeneration.


India.... has again chosen a path of self deception...


Swami Vivekananda said the India without spirituality will die and what we see today.....where is spirituality in India...


It is a country where everything coming from foreign is a chic and fashionable including ....goods, music, NYT best sellers, food, feng shui, vipasana, movies, marxism,.....


Speak about Hinduism and you are a fundamentalist.. speak about other religions and your are a liberal, modern, educated, secular, decent person..


Why yoga/pranayama is not taught is in schools? Why sanskrit is forgotten? Why true history of Hindus are not taught in the schools? Why not same law for everybody in India? All the corruption..... inefficiency... Where doees Bhagawata Gita says against any religion.. why it is not part of curriculums...


Whta we see is the moral degeneration... of the generation Z or internet.....mobile movies & others....


Hope you do not take this otherwise,











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"India is 250 M+ years old.

so is china."


no, it is not. dinosaurs only existed as recently as 65 million years ago. sorry, india did not exist then. otherwise, dinosaurs eat indians. in fact, human beings in our current state of evolution did not exist then. but if you mean the land of bharat existed 250 million years ago (permian age), then you are still wrong as the whole earth was one giant continent scientist call pangea. reading the gita is good, but i fail to see how some people still take literally writings proven to be false by science.






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Surely Dinausaurs existed in this world and the Universe is even older than Dinaosaurs.


Do you know that USA was founded by "Christopher Columbus" a Spanish explorer who wanted to come to India hearing about its richness and fabulous stories? Do you know the father of civil rights movement in USA, Martin Luther king was inspired by Mahatma Gandhi?


Sure science has made progress! How many stars/planets of the size of earth or bigger are there is this universe? How many have been explored by Humans so far .. only moon .. probably Mars...In how many further years do you think that all the planets and stars can ever be explored by humans?


Where does sun gets it energy from? Surely not from nuclear power...


Big Bang is a theory.... nobody has seen it... right. Untill the aircraft was discovered nobody believed that humans could fly! Similarly there are many things/thories in this world yet to be proven and discovered?

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what you said is true.


we have problems, and we need to solve them.

do something to solve, please.


china has problems too.

china should get out of tibet and leave nepal alone.

but becaues it is next door neighbor, we need to talk to it and deal with it more than others.


we in 1960 went to war with china on wrong assumption.

nehru belived britisher's fabricated wrong maps.

a copy of real map was found later in harwward univ. library. that made nehru realize that he had no reason to go on war with china. he died of the shock of his mistake in 1964. other than that, we did not have any war with china, to my knowledge. in contrast, with pak, we had three wars in short time. china does help pak, and that is not good.


no problem can be sloved without talking/communicating.

so we should be talking with china.


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(from Francois Gautier/correspondent South Asia ‘Le Figaro’)




Once more, China has duped India, as it has done so many times in the last fifty years. Remember how Mr Jaswant Singh came back all glowing from Beijing and announced “that the two sides would enter consultations on establishing a security mechanism”. But yesterday, when Nawaz Sharif was in Beijing, China reiterated its call for a cease-fire… Which is exactly what Pakistan wants ! And Chinese Premier Zhu Rongji had earlier slapped India in the face : while expressing a token “satisfaction at a new warming in Sino-Indian relations”, he repeatedly kept silent on the above-mentioned security co-operation, which Jaswant Sinngh was so keen about.


How is it, that after five decades of bitter experience at the hands of the Chinese, of double talk, betrayal and contempt, India - and a ‘nationalist’ government at

that - still gets hoodwinked by the Chinese ? And on top of that, hasn’t Mr Singh proposed that India and China celebrate 50 years of friendship ? Fifty years of friendship - is that a joke ? Doesn’t Mr Singh know that China still occupies one third of Ladhak, which it took during the 62 war, still claims for herself the whole of Arunachal Pradesh and uses Pakistan - to whom it furnished its missiles (c/o North Korea) and the know-how to manufacture nuclear weapons - so as to neutralise India ?


How can Mr Singh (who otherwise is a fine gentleman), say that China is not a security menace to India ? Doesn’t he know also that according to the CIA, China has transferred one third of its nuclear arsenal to Nagchuka, 250 kms away from Lhassa, a region full of huge caves, which the Chinese have linked together by an intricate underground network and where they have installed nearly one hundred Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, many of them pointed at Indian cities ? The reason for this is that the Chinese, who are probably among the most intelligent people in the world, have always understood that India is their number one economic, military and nuclear competitor in Asia (remember Beijing’s hysterical reaction after Pokhran II). Does Mr Jaswant Singh also know that the Chinese have killed 1,2 million Tibetans, that 6254 monasteries have been razed to the ground, that 60% of religious, historical and cultural archives have been destroyed and that one Tibetan out of ten is still in jail ? Today a quarter million Chinese troops are occupying Tibet and there are 7,5 million Chinese settlers for six million Tibetans - in fact, in many places such as the capital, Lhassa, Tibetans are outnumbered two to one...


To understand this Indian obsession for hindi-chini bhai bhai, this crave for appeasing China, whatever the cost, one has to go back to Nehru, who had decided that India and China were the natural ‘socialist’ brothers of Asia. Nehru should have had second thoughts when China showed its true face in Tibet - but he chose to ignore the warning. In a brilliant forthcoming book to be published by flamboyant Narendra Kumar, editor of Har-Anand, Tibet specialist Claude Arpi throws light for the fist time on the Tibet-China-India triangle and Nehru’s iniquitous role. Mr Arpi first recalls how shortly after Independence, the Indian Army Chief of Staff had drafted the first paper on the threats to India's security by China, along with recommendations for a clear defence policy. But when Nehru read the paper, he said : "Rubbish. Total Rubbish. We don't need a defence plan. Our policy is non-violence. We foresee no military threats. Scrap the Army. The police are good enough to meet our security needs." We know the results of that remark : when the Chinese invaded India in 1962, the Indian army, thanks to Nehru’s blindness and appeasement policy, was totally unprepared and was so badly routed, that the psychological scars even show today.


But the biggest blunder that Nehru did was to betray Tibet, a peaceful, spiritualized nation, who had always acted as a natural buffer between the two Giants of Asia (in fact, the Dalai Lama‘s repeated offer that Tibet becomes a denuclearized, demilitarised zone between India and China, makes total sense today and Indian leaders should have immediately adopted it). But unfortunately, if there is one thing which all political parties in India share, it is the policy of appeasing China in exchange for a non-interference of the Chinese in Kashmir. But what non-interference ? It can be argued that not only China gave Pakistan many of the weapons that it is using - or will be using against India in the future - but it also may be quite possible that Beijing knew in advance of Pakistan’s Kargil plan (in fact Pakistan’s army Chief was in the Chinese capital at the beginning of hostilities). What Mr Jaswant Singh does not understand is that it is not China that has to appeased to contain Pakistan; but rather, ultimately, it should be Pakistan that has to be appeased (in the true sense of the term = making peace with) to contain China. Because everything - bar religion - unites India and Pakistan : customs, languages, culture, ethnic stock, history… Whereas India and China have very little in common, except Nehru’s elusive dream of a socialist brotherhood.


It should also be clear that as long as India does not stand-up up to its responsibility towards Tibet and continues to recognise China’s unjust suzerainty of it, there will be no peace in Asia. For China needs space and we have to wake-up to the fact that it has hegemonic aspirations : it got Tibet, it got Hong Kong, it got part of Ladhak; now it wants Taiwan, Arunachal Pradesh, the Spratly islands and what not ! Fifty years ago, during the Korean war India’s great Sage, Sri Aurobindo, had seen clearly in the Chinese game: “the first move in the Chinese Communist plan of campaign is to dominate and take possession first of these northern parts and then of South East Asia as a preliminary to their manoeuvres with regard to the rest of the continent, in passing Tibet as a gate opening to India”.


India should also understand that contrary to Indian political leaders, who keep making statements and not acting upon them, China keeps silent, but it ACTS - and then denies having acted with a straight face (like it denies the theft of nuclear secrets from the US). In fact, India should take a lesson or two from the Chinese communist leadership, which first decides upon a clear, one track policy (we will keep Tibet, by all means) - and follows it, regardless of what the world says ! It does not care about a goody-goody image, like India, which uncecessarily appealed to the G-8 …The story of the Panchen lama is a perfect example of that : Beijing decided that one of the ways of getting rid of the Dalai lama was to provide an alternate source of spiritual leadership to the Tibetans - hence the choice of another Panchen lama, overriding the one chosen by the Dalai lama. Now after six years of indoctrination in Beijing, the counterfeit Panchen lama has surfaced again in Tibet - and its very presence there is further jeopardising the possibility of a free Tibet.


What one does not understand is how the BJP, a party which wants to be different, who has always stressed before coming to power, that it sympathises with the Tibetan people’s aspiration to regain their independence, can follow the same old Congress policy of appeasement towards China ! One should be realistic and learn from Swami Rama Thirtha, a great sage of the beginning of the century :”The policy of appeasement is never successful. It increases the demands of the bully and encourages his unreasonableness. He will never listen to you. On the contrary, he will further insult you, by heaping imaginary allegations on you and finding baseless aberrations”.

100 years later, India has still not learnt that lesson : the need of the day is not “hindi-chini bhai-bhai”, but “hindi-chini bye-bye”.





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Pak nuke scientist A Q Khan met Osama: Report



Sunday, 03 April , 2005, 12:24


Pakistani scientists Abdul Qadeer Khan and Sultan Bashiruddin Mehmood had held meetings with Osama bin Laden and other Al-Qaeda leaders, exchanged letters with militant organisations like the Lashkar-e-Toiba and attended their gatherings and rallies, a media report said.



"When the CIA searched (Sultan Bashiruddin) Mehmood’s UTN (Umma Tameere-Nau) office in Kabul, they found large amounts of data on the construction and maintenance of nuclear weapons from the Kahuta laboratories. It also found letters exchanged between the UTN and Islamist extremist organisations including Lashkar-e-Toiba", a report in Pakistani weekly The Friday Times said.


Mehmood, a close confidante of A Q Khan and a former director of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, was arrested on October 23, 2001, at the headquarters of the UTN which he had set up for "humanitarian work in Afghanistan."


Quoting the famed journal Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, the article said Khan and Mehmood and other



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Whoever argues that if bush's policies are vedic or not.......ONe thingg...Bush is regarded by many as a CONSERVATIVE CHRISTIAN....forget about iraq..which I think the war was a fake war for oil....but if it came between cristianity and hinduism ..bush would pick christianity..even a lot of chritians consider him extreemist...never ever forget that...before arguing if he is vedic or not...there is nothing vedic about that meat eating materialist.

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