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Divine Mother

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Dear Badramorti Prabhu,


ask you is Kali demigod? Yes. Krishn says worshp me only not what what god you will be Tamas man, Prabhu. Not do that, Prabhu. You hindu Prabhu dont mensn Christ or Alla. We hindoo Prabhu. Krishn bless.


Hare Ram Hare Ram Ram Ram Hare Hare

Hare Krishn Hare Krishn Krishn Krishn Hare Hare


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Thanks .You told explicitly that Mother Shakti. Is a demigod.I think demigod is something inferior.If it is really so,one should not worship Her.

But I dont want to see Her as God .

I just see Her as my Mother.

Do you and Lord Krishna have any problem with that?

But i cant still believe that Krishna told that my mother Kali is a demigod.

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You said:

"..Most scholars, Hindu or Non-Hindu, agree that Puranas are not scriptures.Only Shrutis (The four Vedas containing Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads) are considered true Scriptures by learned Hindus...."


I got a new idea by reading your post.Thanks.

I have realised that all the Puranas are stories from your post and they are NOT SCRIPTURES at all.


Please wait while I reveal this truth to all Hindus of the world:

Hear all Hindus, whatever deities you are worshipping are products of false stories.May it be Krishna or Kali or Shiva.They are true only if they are said about in the four Vedas containing Samhitas, Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads.

Is it enough man?


Since I have realised that all the stories are fake,I hereby abandon all my sayings in my previous posts and ask appology for evrything written in it about a "FALSE" mother.

So they are all stories right?

So the Mother Kali's stories have no support from the scriptures,rite?

Then why you ask:

"..If Mother did not create demons, who does?.."

They are after all stories and you should not believe stories.And such a Mother doesnt exist at all(since you said they are stories only).

If my mother doesnt exist, why ask such doubts about an imaginary entity?..a myth?


You said:

"Here is where you go off the deep end. If Mother did not create demons, who does? You worship Mother as the Embodiment of Supreme Reality, right? In that case, Your Mother needs to take responsibility for everything including creation..."


I didnt say anywhere that my mother is the supreme reality nor God.I dont have the right to say so.

The supreme being may be something which I cant perceive.


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"...And which of the Avatar of ANY Trimurtis are supposed to have killed for fun?.."


The story books according to you(in my terms,the PURANAS) can be updated such that the trimurtis kill for fun.Anyway they are stories na? since you have said:

"These are, again, nice stories but still, just stories. Yes, yes, yes. In these stories, The Mother kills the demons to protect Her children in the stories."

So they have nothing to do with God (as you said)

They can be interpreted as killing for fun and the characters like Trimurtis as Killers (like in a fairy tale)

After all they are mere stories rite?


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You said:

Your Mother won't? Your Mother, My Mother...what is this? Do you have some kind of private rights over Devi? And which of the Avatar of ANY Trimurtis are supposed to have killed for fun?


Again, these are mere stories according to you,right?

So Mother Kali is also a character in a myth ,Right?


No private rights are required for imaginary mythical "DEVI" right?

Or are you saying that these STORIES are copyrighted and so that cant call Kali (sorry, imaginary KAli) as MY own Mother?

"...In that case, Your Mother needs to take responsibility for everything including creation..."


Here again, only stories right?

so ask those who wrote these IMAGINARY stories .

My question is:

can an imaginary being be responsible for creation(since you have said that mother Shakti is imaginary ,unreal and a myth)???

Answer please.




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You said:

"...I personally have no problems with Mother in the form of Lalitha, Durga or Kali. But I think your understanding is a little flawed. If you consider Shiva and Shakti are separate entities and you want to worship Shakti alone, then you are contradicting the scriptures. If you consider God in the form of Shakti, then your logic is bad..."


since you have explicitly said in your post that my mother and my worship are false, I need not answer this question.

You said that my understanding is a little flawed.

But since they are only STORIES(according to your post),it doesnt matter whatever I understand !It is afterall a fairytale,rite?

Only if my belief is true, I need to answer your Qn.

Since my belief is FALSE(according to your post) I need not answer.

reason:FAIRY TALES without copyright ie, can be modified!


You said:

If you consider God in the form of Shakti, then your logic is bad.


But I never said She is GOD.

It is you guys who call HER God.I only call Her mother(even though She is false for You)

And where is logic?

The concept of Shakti as God is false(as you said) right?

And one could say the concept of God is also false.

So no explanation needed for stories, right?

Since you said they are imaginary characters, what is the use of worshipping them (as separate entities or as united ) ????????????????????????????????

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Some guest said:

o krisna, player of the flute , surely u are not greater than radha ,those who are in distress may pray to you

but when you are distressed it is radha u call upon with your flute.

jai radhe

'millions of krishnas are born and exist in infinitesmal portions of radha.'.."


Any comments from Vaishnavas?



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Its all divine love exchange between Radha and Krishna.

That too,our Bhagavan Krishna is very attracted to devotees and become so dependent as a child in the hands of them.


Yet,Bhagavan is the original Narayana controlling the entire material and spiritual energies.But he is fond of devotees and nama kirthanam that he sometimes come and live among them and associate with Gopis to exhibit love exchange.


These statements are high appreciation of escstatic flow and not to be taken in literal sense.


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