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should India buy american f-16s?

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India has not shown interest to buy the fighter planes.


The question posed above is in error and misleading.


The question should be:


Should India accept US proposal to assemble F-18 fighter planes (which are superior to F-16) in India to counter the eighteen F-16 fighter US is giving to Pakistan?


Consider the following first.


US has no good reason (towards world peace) to give Pak the fighter planes and begin an arms race on the Vedic subcontinet. In a recent book by Stephen Cohen on Pakistan, the authro says that US should totally stop aid to Pak, and support fully to India to counterbalance communist china.

In contrast, US/Bush has chosen to give arms to a dictator whose country harbors the greatest experienced and trained terrorits of the world and in large number. So, F-16s US gave to Pak are in my view in the hands of an anti vedic person and country. it is a grave trouble for Kashmir, and India.


Rather than giving Pak back the $s Pak paid in advance and long ago to US for the planes, US chose to begin an arms race in there, and that is not right/good of Bush. I wish all the NRI hindus show their displeasure and opposition to this bush's decision, and request him to revert the decision.


Now Pak has not only the nuclear weapons but also has means to deliver it on large part of hindustan. the vedic people shold be concerned about this.


One response from India to bush could be this:

"No bush, we do not want your F-18 part kits from you to assemble in India. you cannot force us to buy your military weapons by giving arms to our eternal enemy. If while we develop our own fighter planes, Pak causes suffering to India, then the world will see that you are responsible to make the world's largest democracy suffer by giving weapons to a rough nation Pak whose existance has come like a mirage based on false principles. If you kindly stay out, we know how to solve our prolems here. We can finish all the terrorist. your dealing with the devil will hurt you too."


Another response cold be this:

Okay, you have forced us into buying your weapon. We will buy only a small munber of kits and spare parts. Then we will manufacture our own and will not depend on you. but remember that you have not acted in friendly manner to us. we hope your stance chages to a real friend in future.


A third option could be this:

as soon as an F-16 arrives in Pak, bomb it and destroy it stating that it is too dangerous to be on Indian subcontinent and we know it. This may escalate into a larger war, but India should not be fearful of war, only then India could live in peace.


The real question that should have been asked is:

should Pak buy F-16?


That is the most fundamental question.

any answers?


never try to present the victim as the aggressor.

it is sin and devious.

if some one does, resist it strongly.


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USA is a seller.It is interested in selling F-16's to India.India has defense needs.There is no doubt about the fact that F-16's are good planes,compared to the MIG planes which we have.These MIG planes are getting frequent accidents and we should thank god that we did not have any war while we had those MIG planes.


So it is a techinical evaluation by military.I hope our military doesnt choose MIG planes again.I support buying planes from USA.Actually USA is developing F-35 planes.It would be good if we buy them.They are techinically advanced it seems.

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We shouldn't waste our time thinking about politics. krishna knows best. Everything happens according to his plan, not according to India or Pak or US. These countries are simply instruments of his play.

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good analysis maadav. personally, i agree with choice number 1. bharat cannot become indebted to US. Bush's US is imperialistic and we want no part of that. i was born and raised here, i know how these republicans are, they are the dirtiest slime. i myself am libertarian and for limited government, but republicans are very anti-immifgration, anti-hindu and most are bigots. Bush's US sees india becoming very powerful and many here already show some mistrust towards indians because of offshoring.


india should not accept offer. but they probably will. pakistan is such a joke i stopped laughing a long time ago. jinnah was the biggest fool in the world. watch pakistan become another colony in no time. LOL. god bless gandhiji for separating the country otherwise, we would have inherited pakistan's mess and would have had bigger problems.


maadav, read articles by fareed zakaria, he is a very bright person (from bombay) and talks about how in 1 generation both india and china will surpass usa.

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<< We shouldn't waste our time thinking about politics. krishna knows best. >>


Krishna did not say this to arjun.

please read gita, especially when your user name iar arjun.


to follow a fake arjun's advice would be suicidal for hindus, hinduism, and hinsdustan.


even chanakya did not say it.


i cannot expect all to understand it.

but i wish/pray most hindus understand it.


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Krishna asked Arjuna to fight because that was his Swadharma. Your swadharma may be different, as is mine. Every soul must act according to its swabhava. That is Krishna's advice in the Bhagwat Gita-to act according to one's nature. Politicians should worry about politics-that is their swadharma. You shouldn't worry about it, because that is not your swadharma. It is as simple as that.


BTW: I do agree that the Semites are a danger, though. I am not at all a p-sec.

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<< Politicians should worry about politics-that is their swadharma. You shouldn't worry about it, because that is not your swadharma. >>


if all follow your advice in your counry,

its democrcy will crumble in a few days.


do you like democracy?

do you like to be ruled by the politicians or krishna?

do you want politicians to follow krishna or kamsa or hiranyakashipus or hitlers?


you are not the only one who is confused in this matter.

it is unfortunate.


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You haven't answered my questions. Are you rejecting Swadharma, as explained by Krishna? Did Krishna say that all people should fight the war? No, only the kshatriyas. Did he force the civilians to get involved? No. That's because every man has to work according to his swadharma.


Are you a Kshtriya? If so, involve yourself in politics or military. If not, then stay away from it. It is not your dharma. Why is this so hard to understand? If you are spiritual, then Brahmin dharma is the right one for you, and you should never think of political developments. Or if you are vaisya, your dharma is to create wealth, and so on.


Live and work according to your dharma.

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only when you are living in a vedic society that is healthy and functioning well."


And why is it we are NOT living in a healty, vedic society? It is because people have given up their respective dharmas. In an ideal Vedic society, a corrupt politician would be in jail. But in India, they are ministers. This is hardly Vedic.


what will be your swadharma if you were living in the kingdom of ghauri, e.g.?"


The fact that we are forced to live in the Kingdom of Ghouri (hypothetically speaking) is proof that people are not doing their swadharmas.



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America should buy Indian philospohy. We will give them freely. It will have much bigger impact on her tha F16s will have on India.


Americans really need some peace and joy. No wonder amovie like 'Shortcut to Nirvana' has been popular here.



They should worry about themselves first and get some good sleep. We have given them Yoga and will give them more....

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Hi Maadhav,


I couldn't agree more! You're right on. Furthermore, if you give the US the chance to set up an assembly plant in India, you will soon have a presence you won't know how to get rid of! Take that from a non Hindu (Christian), expatriot AmeriKan.



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