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white american hindus and dark indian hindus; same race

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my roots are aryan (i am latvian so these even greater sanscrit roots for me then any other indo-european person)and yes i am a white skined person with several hindu tattoos and you slap me i will break your nose as i am very good at aryan martial arts. the indians share hindu culture with us. as a caucasion i am from aryan stock and not from christian of hebrew or jew stock for that matter, europeans have not ties to bible religions as we are not semetic peoples. yes there is a international bolshevik criminal race mixing conspiracy i do agree with that, but hindu religion is a slap in the face to the liberal bolshevics. but indians are the same race as white caucasions (DNA tests prove that) so you are a idiot!

hinduism is my culture any indian that tries to deny me this is not a hindu he is a ethnic bigot. your dislike of whites is nto racism by the way is ethnic bigotry only. we the same race twit

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"my roots are aryan (i am latvian so these even greater sanscrit roots for me then any other indo-european person)and yes i am a white skined person with several hindu tattoos and you slap me i will break your nose as i am very good at aryan martial arts. the indians share hindu culture with us. as a caucasion i am from aryan stock and not from christian of hebrew or jew stock for that matter, europeans have not ties to bible religions as we are not semetic peoples. yes there is a international bolshevik criminal race mixing conspiracy i do agree with that, but hindu religion is a slap in the face to the liberal bolshevics. but indians are the same race as white caucasions (DNA tests prove that) so you are a idiot!

hinduism is my culture any indian that tries to deny me this is not a hindu he is a ethnic bigot. your dislike of whites is nto racism by the way is ethnic bigotry only. we the same race twit "


Glad you have a sense of humour about yourself. Anyone else who writes and expresses these thoughts should be embarrassed as they would display a lack of maturity, intelligence and wisdom.


A lot of Indians are of mixed blood, but they aren't of any particular "race". And Hinduism certainly did not originate from "white" people. Hinduism is true spirituality, nobody can claim authority over it. However, the Vedas did originate from India, and Indians. However, I don't think Indians meant any particular race, as I believe ancient India comprised a variety of people that spread out in different directions from ancient India (which was much larger than the present India).


However, I'll say this much about you: You are no aryan, aryan doesn't mean race, it means culture, which is something you clearly lack.


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So Indians are a mixture of races, but is there any way to know what exactly we are? Is it true that it differs from region to region, caste to caste? How do I know what exactly my genetic make-up is? I asked my mom about our ancestry, and she just looked at me and said "You're blood is Indian."


I heard that Indians are just a "hodge podge" of every race imaginable out there.

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If you look back to the evolution when there was no Human Being on this earth. The first Human species formed was in Africa who was a black in color. Then slowly Human’s skin color changed

To various colors because of climatic conditions. That being the case how can you claim whites are superior in fact they are the last to come.


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  • 1 year later...
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There are various theories out there that the first Indians were "aryans" of central asia, where the Rg Veda supposedly originated or that the original Bharatiyans were Africans.


The oldest DNA group in India is found in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands and those tribes are definetly "negroid".


Anyway, if you google the subject you will be bombarded with so many different theories.


Try "africa india" or "indian links to africa", etc.


Some scholarly pieces have been written on that subject, as well as other possible origins of Indians.

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Hinduism did not begin in India, it didn't even begin on earth, the vedic religion was brought to the earth from the sun-planet.


Sanatana Dharma is the religion of all beings in the Universe.


In past yugas, the Vedic religion was said to be the ONLY religion on the earth.. but some Kings travelled far from the motherland, and overtime the Vedic religion was lost to their descendants. Still we can find remnants of it, for example, in some of the ancient European traditions, like Druidry.


Have you heard of the term Indo-European? and seen how Sanskrit language is a mother language for some european languages? obviously there is a past-connection between the Vedic arayans and the caucasian arayans.

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But my point is that Indians and Caucasians are two different races. We share blood with every human race, yes, some are closer to each other. But they are still two different races. We need proof that "aryans" came to India, just because there are some light skinned Indians does not mean it came from the Aryans.

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But my point is that Indians and Caucasians are two different races. We share blood with every human race, yes, some are closer to each other. But they are still two different races. We need proof that "aryans" came to India, just because there are some light skinned Indians does not mean it came from the Aryans.


I believe there is more than one ethnic group within India. Dravidians have a distinct look to them, compared with the lighter skiined northern Indians. Just like Italians look distinctly different than Nordic Europeans.


I think North Indian aryans may be closely related to some of the eastern European caucasians.. probably some of the distant ancestors of the eastern europeans were ancient travellers from India. Just like in modern times the gypsies are travellers from India, that have since intermingled within Europe.

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But my point is that Indians and Caucasians are two different races. We share blood with every human race, yes, some are closer to each other. But they are still two different races. We need proof that "aryans" came to India, just because there are some light skinned Indians does not mean it came from the Aryans.


I think it's possible that the aryans never came to India, rather they were an indigenous group, that left India and came to Europe (becoming the caucasians). The reverse of the so-called Aryan invasion theory. I think this is what I have read in some vaishnava books, where they were quoting from ancient sanskrit writings.

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Okay, I see what you're saying now. Sorry, lol. Just the invasion thing doesn't make much sense.


yeah, I don't agree with that invasion theory either. The true origin of the vedic religion on this planet is so ancient, the scientists and researchers can't accept it at this time, because it conflicts a lot of their present theories. Maybe one day the truth will be known. :)

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Much hoopla has been made over the centuries about India's connection with Caucasia, but not much about India's connection to Africa and ancient African cultures like the Egyptians. Perhaps this has something to do with India's obsession with fair skin or feeling that fair skinned people are superior to dark skinned people? A result of colonization?

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Let's keep it simple.


Aryan is not an Indian word but derives from Arya, which is not a race but a world meaning 'noble'. Any truly noble person is an Arya. This word had to originate somewhere from a people and a culture. This culture is believed to have originated in ancient times in the North of India. Back in those days India included Afghanistan and bordered with Persia (iran). This was before King Bharata's time and the land was called Aryavarta. This land is from present day Afghanistan across North India through Punjab all the way to present day Nepal. Because these people were of that civilisation they referred to themselves as Arya. Even Buddha said he was Arya which proves Arya culture/civilisation existed there. That was the ancient times and what Arya meant. But after those times India was repeatedly invaded and races inter-mixed. For example a certain proportion of North and Westcoast Indians are mixed with Greeks, not just from Alexander the Great's invasion but from the indo-greek culture that flourished after. There was alot of inter-mingling and inter-racial marriages at this time. This was when the shruddi ceremony was done for those who adopted or "converted" to the Vedic religion.

This is probably the reason there are some Indians with strong European features who hardly look Indian and this doesn't make them any less or more Aryan.

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Are there any documents certifying that Aryavarta did indeed exist and was known as such by those outside of its boundaries also? Like any ancient governmental documents or whatever?

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Much hoopla has been made over the centuries about India's connection with Caucasia, but not much about India's connection to Africa and ancient African cultures like the Egyptians. Perhaps this has something to do with India's obsession with fair skin or feeling that fair skinned people are superior to dark skinned people? A result of colonization?


In my understanding, India has an ancient connection with all the people of the world, who are the ancient descendants of Vedic Kings. So we should be able to find traces of the Vedic religion all around the world, from Africa to Europe.


Some secular Indians might have an obsession with fair-skin, like we see in Bollywood, but spiritual Indians should pay no attention to skin-color. There are Hindus of all races, and the same eternal soul is in each of our bodies.


Who cares what color a person's skin is?


Mother Amma, probably the world's greatest living saint, is dark-skinned. Her millions of devotees all around the world could care less about her skin-color, all they see is a shining light when they look at her. The same is true of all glowing devotees. :)

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  • 4 years later...

Hi Bros,


A lot of discussion is going on here about race, origin etc. Let me remind you about something. What Hinduism is all about. Its all about attaining Wisdom. Semitic religions ask the believers to follow a lot of rules. but hardly mentions the way to attain it.On the other hand Hinduism urges the followers to practice yoga(for beginner), which will make him mentally and physically strong to do constant meditation, which is the ultimate way to nirvana.


All other things are baseless like skin color, race, origin etc are of no importance in Hinduism. Even temples are only relevant to a beginner.

so pls practice yoga and meditation .....

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  • 2 years later...

hindu Aryan is a north region religion stupid! I know because I am north indian and by the way you are not a hindu  as you cannot convert to Hinduism dummy! only Islamic and Judaism Christianity you can convert there is no such thing as converting to Hinduism nice try liar!aryan culture is only in north region of india and the rig veda is the oldest history of the Sanskrit and mentions nothing about Europe.

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