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Manifestations of God

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Manifestations of the Unmanifest Supreme Brahmam


Often a question arises in our mind that, if the Vedas teach us of One God, why do we have several images as different "Gods". Are they one and the same? Do these `gods' just represent people who once lived on this earth in ancient times, very much like us amongst our ancestors and are raised to a high position for prayers? The earliest verses of Rig Veda, later Vedantha theories of Vyasa Maharishi and Sankara's Advitha Philosophy teach us of One God as Paramathma who is unmanifest and all the Jeevathma or Souls of all created beings including humans, animals and plants and all inanimate objects of universe. They are considered as part of this Universal soul of Paramathma or the unmanifest Divine in His manifest form. The concept of Avathara is explained in all the Agamas, Ithihasas and Puranas. As the religious Dharma is practiced over the years, some amount of lust and greed occurs among the people with the decline of wisdom and peace, and injustice prevails over righteousness. This is the time, when God, as Creator and Preserver, wishing to ensure the continuance of this Universe, incarnate Himself in various forms through his Yogamaya.


Some of the other theories like those of Dwaitha, Panchrathra Agama and the followers of Vaishnava Sampradhaya believe that Paramathma is never Nirguna or unmanifest. He is actually manifest but not comprehensible. Sri Vasudeva or Narayana is the Savisesha Brahmam or Iswara who takes the various forms to be understandable for our prayers. Similarly, Saivas according to their Agamas, believe Siva as the Supreme God, as Nirguna Siva in the form of Sat-Chit-Ananda. He created the Universe and is the cause and effect of all beings with all His grace, force and energy. Sakthas worship Sakthi as the Supreme Deity, as the Mother of the universe, who created the world and all the forms of Gods for our worship. They consider Sakthi as the dynamic force of Brahmam and the Creative energy or Force behind Siva in His manifestations. Smarthas perform Vedic rituals to 'Devas'and perform prayers to Siva, Sakthi and Vishnu and to their various manifestations as "Ishtadevatha" at home.


The concept of Avathara is explained in all the Agamas, Ithihasas and Puranas. Avathara or Divine Manifestation is the descent of God on earth for the ascent of man, with the establishment of rule and spiritual discipline. The Bhagavathas followed Panchrathra Agamas, with prayers to God as Vasudeva. It greatly emphasized the doctrine of Avathara and popularized the immortal texts of Harivamsa, Vishnu Purana and Bhagavatha Purana. They were based on God's Grace to erring humanity. Similarly, Saiva Agamas and Sakthi Agamas gave rise to the several Puranas and the many manifestations of God. Worship of Deities in these Avatharas and studying their texts helps to get high spiritual attainment and God-realization. Swami Sivananda says: "Worship the Avatharas at all times with all your heart and all your mind. Glorify Him in your heart and keep Him ever in your Thoughts. He will soon reveal Himself to you and you will feel His presence. This will lead on to attaining immortality and eternal bliss."




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"He is actually manifest but not comprehensible. Sri Vasudeva or Narayana is the Savisesha Brahmam or Iswara who takes the various forms to be understandable for our prayers."


that's attempting to capture the lord's reality with our poor human mind.. how can you know the intention of The Supreme Personality of Godhead in manifesting devatas and avataras?



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If Unmanifested Brahman has no qualities [sakti or power] and Maya is a shakti, how can this Maya come about, when Brahman as you say in the 1st place has to Sakti?


If you say indeed Brahman HAS shakti [impersonal Brahmajyoti] then you are effectiviely saying Brahman has Sakti therefore His own Sakti cannot overcome Him.


Which leaves a big hole in your Mayavadi theory, because if Maya cannot overcome Supreme Brahman [like Mayavadis say Souls are produced of Maya] and The Supreme Brahman which you say is impersonal cannot produce Sakti as its got no Qualities.


Then where is this Maya being produced?


If you say The Form of Krishna produces Maya, [Mayavadis say Form can have Sakti] and deludes the souls {in the Impersonal Brahmajyoti] into thinking they are materiliests but really are God. {Supreme Brahman] Then you are saying that the Impersonal Brahman produces the Form of Krishna, which in turn Krishna makes the Maya delude Himself, which in turn deludes the Souls who are in the Impersonal Brahmayoti.


Let me explain again..


If the Brahmajyoti cannot create Sakti without producing Form. Ok with me? So This Great amazing Brahmajyoti, so great, with me ok? HAS to create a Form, this form has to create Maya, with me? This form is not really a form. Its Maya with me ok? So THIS FORM must be pretty amazing. That it can delude the Souls in this Brahmajyoti. So your all thinking. Then MAYA is God! Hence ...




So who is better the impersonal Brahmajyoti or the Form which creates through His sakti Maya which can delude the poor souls.? Without this From Maya cannot exsist. As Mayavadis and everybody else agrees it cannot or does not have any sakti or power. Nirguna. It cannot desire. Mayavadis say only Forms have this. So..


If a form can create Maya, which in turn deludes souls even though they are meant to be GOD, Mayavadis say Param Brahman [supreme God] so Maya deludes these. And with what? A little form. And who is this Form..


Lord Krishna or Vishnu


So this form does this, I hope everybody is with me so far. So how can the Impersonal Brahmajyoti create forms to delude itself? If you say Param Brahman is greatest of great, then how can a small thing like Maya delude it? And come here to this hellish world? Whats the point of saying something is great? If the greatest is limited. If God is limited then does God even exsist. Become an Athiest [many Mayavadis do later on]. Come to a conclusion.


Mayavadis say this is only a play, later we go back to Brahmajyoti in the sky, and merge and become God. I can accept a small Jiva soul can sometimes be deluded by Maya, [i think we can all accept this haha]. But Param-Brahma? How can a small thing like Maya delude the Supreme-Brahman? If its unchangebale how can it be cut into pieces? Thats why this is called Mayavadi. Everything is based on Maya.


Thats why its called Maya [illusion] Vada.


So this oneness cannot even be thought of. Because Param-Brahman being unchangeable and eternal. Please think about eternal. If something is eternal is doesn't change. Being unchangeable. How can Maya which is so small change a Great thing? So all this is based on Mayavadi.


I don't wish to talk about Krishna personal form. But I can only say that only a person can possess Sakti. And all this can only be understood by the mercy of the Lord. Hare Krishna

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