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White people/non Indians stick to your own culture!

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Why do so many white people/non Indians embrace hinduism? Can't they be proud of their own culture and heritage? I am tired of all these liberal left wing marxist brainwashed hippy whites embracing the ancient Indo Aryan culture. Everytime I see a white guy with a om tatooed on his arm, I seriously want to slap him across the face! Instead, he should get a cross or something, something that resembles his own culture and heritage.


WHITE PEOPLE-----> Stick to your own culture, anybody who knows Indians knows we are some of the most racist people on the face of this planet. We like to stick to our own, we're not into the international bolshevik criminal race mixing conspiracy. WE want to keep our bloodlines pure....go back to being jesus freaks white people.

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To Smm P38-People who embrace our culture are our family members.You have no rights to stop them.Using words like "I will slap them" shows that you arent that matured.Why cant you learn hinduism properly?

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you are right, everyone has to embrace his own culture... sanatana dharma is the everyone's culture


(the origin of all religions including hinduism, christianism, buddhism and so on..)

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I find this very sad - and even hurtful. Hinduism has so much to offer especially in these dark days of the Kali Yuga. If some are wise enough to see the greatness, the light, and the possibility for liberation, for JIVAN MUKTI in a world of increasing chaos that gets darker by the day...

I cannot understand why one would feel so hateful toward any who seek the truth in the sacred texts. I cannot imagine what my life would have been without the Bhagavad Gita.


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smmp38 should be a non-Hindu and a non-indian.


He thinks, he has done something intelligent by posting that nonsense here. No Hindu would call all Hindus as being racist, and no Hindu would encourage other non-Indian Hindus to become christians. This shows that smm P38 must be one looser christian or a muslim.

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Your statements are ignorant and show that you have not grasped the concept of hinduism. In this day of declining hindus we need as many people who embrace the values of hinduism. Most hindus today are turning away from hinduism..a lot of them are also converting to other religions..hinduism is on the decline. We need as many hindus as we can get.

Ever heard of Stepehen Knapp...he is an american hindu...he has done more to spread the word of hinduism than most of us hindus could ever do.

Last but not least, the values of hinduism are for everyone interested.....god handed down the values and principles not for indians alone....after all our true identity is atman not human, so bloodlines are irrelavant.



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You are an ignorant fool. You obviously do not follow the teachings of life and religion very well. Religion is man made and culture is a born reflex encouraged from generation to generation. You don't seem to now how to embrace the two as one. Your negative feelings will keep you from progressing on that spiritual path. Your spritual blessings will come from only the good you do...nomatter what "Godly" path you choose.You don't seem to be doing well with "your" own reigion-at least the "non-indians" who embrace the Hindu religion have found thier right path, stay positive, and do good things with thier newly found religion. You probably could you use some teachings from them being you haven't learn anything from your own people\culture\religion. Please find a better way to be a spiritual human-only the ones like you will expire first when we call upon the destruction of mankind. Thanks, white woman raised christian gonna marry indian hindu.

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  • 2 weeks later...
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my roots are aryan (i am latvian so these even greater sanscrit roots for me then any other indo-european person)and yes i am a white skined person with several hindu tattoos and you slap me i will break your nose as i am very good at aryan martial arts. the indians share hindu culture with us. as a caucasion i am from aryan stock and not from christian of hebrew or jew stock for that matter, europeans have not ties to bible religions as we are not semetic peoples. yes there is a international bolshevik criminal race mixing conspiracy i do agree with that, but hindu religion is a slap in the face to the liberal bolshevics. but indians are the same race as white caucasions (DNA tests prove that) so you are a idiot!

hinduism is my culture any indian that tries to deny me this is not a hindu he is a ethnic bigot. your dislike of whites is nto racism by the way is ethnic bigotry only. we the same race twit



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For sake of history : Hinduism is and was not restricted to Indians only. It was predominant religion in Cambodia and Indonesia to name a few countries. Cambodia has the worlds biggest ancient Hindutemple, Angkor Vat build by Cambodians. Those who have seen it wil agree that its beauty in unsurpassed


Even better example is Indonesia. Biggest moslimcountry now but in possession of many of the worlds most beautifull old Hindutemples like Prambanan build in 800 by the Javanese. Hinduism is still much alive in island of Bali and other places in Indonesia. All of them non-Indian Hindus with their own style for at least 2000 years


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And, even if people in those countries did give up Hinduism for Islam or what not, let's not forget that the Ramayana is very popular in SouthEast Asian countries. Now, to the author of this thread, are you going to get mad at them for having remains of Hinduism prevalent in their culture?


I think it's good that others see Hinduism for the beauty that it has. Too many people have already distorted it so much and tried to make us look like fools.....why would you want to get mad at a non-Indian for embracing Hinduism in a positive light?

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However well Stephen Knapp thinks he can speak for Christianity he is grossly mistaken. He says this:


"Most Christians feel that they are bound to go to heaven simply because, as they say, Christ died for their sins. This is one of the basic principles of Christianity, which was an idea that originated from the apostle Paul. How do I know this? Because I was born and raised a Christian for 20 years of my life and seriously studied it out of my own conviction for several years as well. So, many Christians seem to think, and some even say, that even if they cannot give up all of their sinful habits, all they have to do is believe in Jesus and that he died for their sins, and they will be saved. It’s very simple. So when they compare Christianity with other religions, this is one of the reasons why they point out it is so much easier than others. They especially do this when preaching to Hindus or Buddhists in their attempt to convince them to convert. Yet, mere belief in Jesus and his crucifixion as being all you need to be saved is a controversial point. Not all of the gospels that were in circulation when the New Testament was compiled agreed that the crucifixion was an act of atonement. Nor when you really study the teachings of Jesus is this elementary thinking advocated. It is a little more complicated than merely believing in something, which the next few pages will point out. This means that it may not be so easy for just anyone to claim to be a Christian and have an easy path to heaven." http://www.stephen-knapp.com/do_all_christians_go_to_heaven.htm


There are so many mistakes it's hard to know where to begin or what to tackle first, so I'll only take on his first point, that he was "born and raised" a Christian.


Firstly, it is impossible in biblical Christianity to be "born" a Christian. *Every Christian* must be converted when he/she is of compentent age and understanding. Every conversion account in the bible proves that the people being converted were adults who (1) heard and understood the messages, (2) Believed, trusted it and had faith in it, (3) repented from sin, (4) confessed with their lips that Jesus is the Christ, the 'Son' of the Living God, and then, (5) they were immersed in water FOR the remission of their sins so that God's Holy Spirit would take up His place in their bodies as His own temple!


There are a few posters here who seem to think that "converting" is some kind of a crime against humanity, and yet that means nothing more nor less than converting one's hatred to love or convertings one's ignorance about something to enlightenment. We were all very selfish beings when we first came into this world, but most of us have converted ourselves from absolute selfishness to selflessness and consideration of others.


Anyway, it's impossible to be born a Christian. There are certainly some sects, such as ROMAN Catholocism and others who say you can be "born" a Christian, but they deny the biblical form I just mentioned above.



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