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the shudra power

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yakAsakau shakuntikA'halagiti vanchati

Ahanti gabhe paso nigalgalIt dhArakA (Yajurveda 23.22)


"Where the hardworking cultivtors are cheated and robbed of the fruits of their labour, there the government does harm to the people, and in consequence, the people swallow up the extorters."


this only happens by unity (labor unions) and use of arms if so necessary, i believe.


i wish no hindu extorts a shudra - a loborer.


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/images/graemlins/wink.gif<font color="red">Maadhavji,</font color>

<font color="brown">

Sudras are already united. They are not so foolish as were in the past. For which democracy or violence you are talking about ? In the ancient past, sudras were not allowed to go to school, the teachers of that time didn't teach them. They were in totally darkness. It was the Aryan pandit's rule.

If you talking about the modern violence (sur asur), then they are in first row and others are behind them.


I am unable to understand clearly your post. Please . . . . . .</font color>



<font color="red">Om namah shivay ! </font color>

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<< Sudras are already united. They are not so foolish as were in the past. >>


are all laborers paid fairly and respectfully?


<< In the ancient past, sudras were not allowed to go to school, the teachers of that time didn't teach them. They were in totally darkness. >>


this was malpractice of hinduism.


<< It was the Aryan pandit's rule. >>


it was adharma, anarya karma.


<< If you talking about the modern violence (sur asur), then they are in first row and others are behind them. >>


please tell more about it.

if they are fighting asuras, then they do need support from the hindus as well.


inter-varna strife is not needed.

each varna has his karma as described by krishna in gita.


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who are asuras you have mentioned in ur posting.


each varna has his karma as described by krishna in gita.


If this sentence is true there is no brahmana at allin the current times .

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/images/graemlins/smirk.gif<font color="brown">Maadhavji, </font color>


it was adharma, anarya karma. <font color="blue"> ---What was anarya karma ? To teach them or to throw them in to the darkness ? </font color>


inter-varna strife is not needed.

each varna has his karma as described by krishna in gita. <font color="blue"> ---Maadhavji, that was dwapar yuga. Brahmins were divided karma before Shri Krishna's incarnation. Brahmins were the head of Hindus and they didn't teach Vidya / knowledge to others because, they thought, if others become wise then how their (Brahmins) business will run ! So they made them labor, slaver and uncultured. But now, here in my work place, sudras (anaryas) are administrators and Brahmins are working under them.</font color>


If this sentence is true there is no brahmana at allin the current times .

-<font color="blue">--Saketramji is saying truth. But that varna discrimination was the blunder mistake of that time, and it had been done by Brahmins. The lower caste people had no any respect in the society. Higher caste people used to hate them. That was the reason of our internal violence and lower caste people were converted to other religions. So we, our country suffered the slavery of alien invaders.

Also Indian Hindus(we) are suffering yet.</font color>


<font color="brown">Om Namah Shivay ! </font color>

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---What was anarya karma ? To teach them or to throw them in to the darkness ?


krishna says in gita a vasrna is determined by guna and karma, not by birth. a brhmana should study scriptures, understand dharma, practice it, and perach it to interested.

to not do it and say, "i am a brahmana" is adharma or malpractice of dharma. a shudra is defined by his guna and karma, he then has no guna and karma for a brahmana, and to act like a brahma would not help him or the society. India has seem many saints and sadhu born in shudra families.



inter-varna strife is not needed.

each varna has his karma as described by krishna in gita.


---Maadhavji, that was dwapar yuga. Brahmins were divided karma before Shri Krishna's incarnation. Brahmins were the head of Hindus and they didn't teach Vidya / knowledge to others because, they thought, if others become wise then how their (Brahmins) business will run !


a true brahmana does not thinkin that way.


<< ---So they made them labor, slaver and uncultured. >>


no. no one can check the progress of another, though some do try to check, pull legs of another who wants to progress.

the vedic people never kept slaves in the sense non hindus kept slaves. some shudras choose to serve as dasa to kings and rich families. in return they would be cared like a part of failiy. and they alwasy were free to quit of they chose to. hinduism does not support slavery.


---But now, here in my work place, sudras (anaryas) are administrators and Brahmins are working under them.


both these class you mentined are by birth, i guess,

and therefore not real varna.

however, i know that after independece, the anti hindu gov. has put unqualified shudras into politics, and education area jobs, even when they do not have any qualification for the job. this is foolishness, and consequently all suffer, are suffering.



<< If this sentence is true there is no brahmana at allin the current times .>>


yes, it is hard to find real brahmana in current time.

we need to encourage and support brahmana development.


---Saketramji is saying truth. But that varna discrimination was the blunder mistake of that time, and it had been done by Brahmins. The lower caste people had no any respect in the society. Higher caste people used to hate them.


that was not according to hinduism as given in gita.

krishna does not say one verna to hate another.

per the scriptures, if you think a vedic society as a person striving to progress spiritually, then bahmanas were its head, kshatriyas its arms for protection, vaishyas its belly for nourisment, and shudras its legs for labor.

althoug head is more valued than arms,

which are more valued than stomach,

which is more valued than legs,

each part is dependent upon the other three.

therefore i am saying inter-varna strife is not good.


---That was the reason of our internal violence and lower caste people were converted to other religions.


some, not all. others chose to remain hindus.

however, it is true that if the hindus do not treat shudras as they should be treated per dharma, then they will become an easy target for conversion. a janitor is a shudra, every soceity (hindu, muslim, xian) needs janitors. all hae janotitors. if hindus behave with shudras per dharma, they shudras will nave no motivation to give up hinduism.


---So we, our country suffered the slavery of alien invaders.


not solely because of hindus mistreating shudras.

the real reasons why islam and xians ruled over hindus in bharat are many.


-- Also Indian Hindus(we) are suffering yet.


so, we need to practice dharma as given in gita.


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/images/graemlins/frown.gif<font color="brown"> Maadhavji, </font color>


that was not according to hinduism as given in gita.

krishna does not say one verna to hate another.

per the scriptures, if you think a vedic society as a person striving to progress spiritually, then bahmanas were its head, kshatriyas its arms for protection, vaishyas its belly for nourisment, and shudras its legs for labor.

althoug head is more valued than arms,

which are more valued than stomach,

which is more valued than legs,

each part is dependent upon the other three.

therefore i am saying inter-varna strife is not good.

<font color="blue">


---The Gita is the mystic way forever.

ShriKrishna and his actions, preaching are to be followed.

Real knowledgeable Brahmin is seldom nowadays.

Only kshatriyas are the arms is not enough in this cyber era.

Vaishyas are busy to earn and collect money through legal and illegal ways from the poor people of India from that age to till time.

You can find in Indian states UP, Bihar, Jharkhand, Uttaranchal and other states what a discrimination, how people hate others because they are Sudras.

You can count the spiritual and scientific brains in India who are their majority.

Yes ! Each part is dependent on other and others are also dependents on each too. I also say that "inter-varna strife is not good."


<font color="brown">

Om Namah Shivay ! </font color>

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