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Dear devoties,pliase help me,I'm sick...(((

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Hare Krishna.

Maybe some of You remember the situation with Indradiumna Maharaj of ISCKON.After the acsident He was very ill,and couldn't moove the leags,and even couldn't suppose that some good day he will come back to his life as it was before.But suddenly one girl of his african desiples has come to him and told-"Maharaj,don't warry,I'll treal You!!!

That african girl ,or her friends made some ritual of Vodu,or something else.Next day Maharaj was healthy like before the acsident.

So?I really need somebody give me this help,becose I'm ill from the birth,and it make me feel horrible every day.I need the real help,Krishna doesn't help me,what can I do???

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Dear guest,


Hare krisna,


i dont know that story what u re telling; if thats true then u should be tryin to contact Indradiumna Maharaj.


I am afraid I cant help in this. Well its sad to hear that u re suffering from something right from ur birth ( past birth deeds make that) , Well pray krishna fully; surrender unto him fully; i am quite sure he will give what u want (Mookam Karothi vaachalam - He can make the dump to speak and blind to see).


Krishna always helps; I bet , u need to ask him without any ego.


I can only pray for u


Hari bol





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//if thats true then u should be tryin to contact Indradiumna Maharaj//


If somebody knows the e-mails of the devoties that are in good tought with the Maharaj?


//Krishna always helps; I bet , u need to ask him without any ego.//


My dear,if I was without any ego,I was not writing here!!!

Please,understant this.

It's like you need the spoon when you're takeing a lunch,and not after you've finished it.


Thank you for your reply!


If somebody can really help me,please,let me know.


I'm sorry for my english ..it's not my mother language..


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Krishna is very cruel,imho.He is entertaining,but I'm suffering.To have a comprehension that we are fallen is almost like to think that I'm a God.But I'm not.I haven't created the karma,and the spiritual warld.

So,I don't have any idea,why I must to suffer?

But please,friends,don't write here the fariy tales about my false ego.The thing that I have taken a birth like eternaly conditioned soul doesn't tell ,that I was a libirated jiva once.So,why Krishna is so cruel,why some of jivas are so lucky,and have never suffered in the matireal warld,and the others are so unlucky?

Are you still thinking,He's marcyfull God?

Do you really suppose,that we have left Goloka Vrindavana?

Do you think is it possible?





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Krishna is the most kindest person of all. He is the "Karuna Sagara", so don't even think of such things, let alone write and post it on the net.


Sufferings are only because of past deeds. ( mebbe in this birth or previous births )


We don't question him when we enjoy life, so why blame him when we don't?


In the Mahabharata, Kunti prays to Krishna to always keep her in difficulties, so that she can always remember him.


Bhima, Hanuman, Draupadi are all instances of characters who have highlighted that surrendering and serving Krishna in difficult situations, is the best way to go.


You don't have to look for Krishna anywhere, he's in your heart. My experience says that if you meditate on that image of Krishna in your heart, you'd find your purpose of life.


Wishing you a speedy recovery.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Have you tried seeing a guru for ayurveda/yoga and pranayama? There are instances of peple being cured of cancer through yoga but with the right guru ofourse. Finding he right guru is the hardest part, because there are so may gurus out there.

Ofcourse if you can find the maharaj's disciple who helped him that would be helpful too, which ever works for you. Dont limit yourself to one type of treatment.

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Dear freind,


sungazing may help you heal your sickness.

for additional information, please visit






There are also on the subject. I also have a boklet describing the HRM sungazing method with Q/A and testimonial ( free) and I can email them to anyone who may be interested.

please send me an email at patelvipulk[at]hotmail[dot]com



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