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I have not committed any crime: Seer

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I have not committed any crime: Seer


Press Trust of India

Posted online: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 at 1138 hours IST

Updated: Tuesday, November 30, 2004 at 1631 hours IST


Chennai, November 30: Kanchi Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswathi has described as 'an absolute lie' the police claim that he had 'confessed to his involvement' in the Sankaraman murder, Tamil Nadu BJP unit president C.P. Radhakrishnan, who met the seer earlier in the day, claimed on Monday night.




"I have not committed any mistake. Why should I make a confessional statement?," the seer, arrested as the prime accused in the case, had told him (Radhakrishnan) and senior party colleague Sushma Swaraj when they called on the former at the Vellore Prison, Radhakrishnan said in Chennai.


He said the Shankaracharya told them that the police claim about his confession was an "absolute lie".


Radhakrishnan said the health of the seer was 'alright', but he (the seer) was worried about attempts aimed at 'character assassination'. He was also bothered about the attempts to 'tarnish' the reputation of the mutt, Radhakrishnan said.



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Hello Barney


do u reely think the police would take such a drastic and dangerous step !!!!


well I m not partisan on this issue; but u know it makes me think the other way as well.


I hope I am false in this , coz I want the Shiva Bhaktha to be a real and sacred one.


well we will see (Kaalaye tasmaye namaha -The time which is the dependent factor and it shows the truth)


Hari bol



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Are you from tamilnadu, iam from tamilnadu and i know about the police they go to any level they want.


If he confessed the case is close aint it . Produce him in the court and punish him . Y still investigate .

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Long long ago, in a far away country called tamilnadu, there were great policemen.


In the Jungles of the far far land, was a tiger which nobody could catch, and which was troubling the people.


The people approcched scotland yard to catch the tiger. They brougt their best detectives, and walked out of the jungle empty handed.


Then the people of the farway land approached american.... they too were not able to catch the tiger....

They approached all other countreis, and nobody was able to catch the tiger.


Finally they came to Tamilnadu police.

The TN police went into the forest, there was lot of beating and crying, and finally they came out with the rabbit in hand, beating the rabbit heavily... and the rabbit was heard crying" I agree.. I am the tiger...dont beat me.... I agree.... I am the tiger...dont beat me..."


And now the "Tiger: is gone, the people of far away land lived happily ever after.

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The IG wants a confession because certain people [only the corrupted police know] wants this case fixed for reasons only known to the evil one. IG demand the SP concern to get the confession and after hours and hours of interogation still no confession. Than again a call from IG " I want a confession" in a stern voice. SP comes out with a statement to satisfy IG " Kanchi Seer confesses to murder". After hearing the expected news IG is satisfied and the evil one too is happy. How is that for a plot?

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Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisances unto him!


This is an article in a leading paper and also this story was corroborated by me friend. Do look at it and judge for yourself- is it a FACT or FICTION?




Kanchi seer threatened to bump me off: Tamil writer Anuradha Ramanan

In more trouble for Kanchi Shankaracharya arrested in the case of murder of his Mutt's former official, well-known Tamil writer on Monday alleged those close to the Sankara Mutt had made attempts on her life.

Writer Anuradha Ramanan told reporters here that she was invited by a woman to the Mutt as it had plans to start a religious magazine Amma in 1992.


She had visited the Mutt and met the Shankaracharya Jayendra Saraswathi five times then. During one of the meetings, she alleged the seer had threatened her life. She also levelled allegation of misconduct by the seer.


Ramanan said she had consulted a woman police officer, who is close to her, on lodging a complaint but did not do so as the future of her daughters would be spoilt.


She charged some persons attempted to kill her by having a lorry dash against a car in which she was travelling.


Another attempt was made on her life when she was admitted to a hospital, she alleged.


Recently, the chief of the special team, probing the Sankararaman murder case, Premkumar, accompanied by a woman Inspector Saraswathi, had interrogated Ramanan and she had given a detailed statement, she said.









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Hare KriahnA,


This case of attempted rape is completely baseless.


Do not know from where the news media gets something like this.


The news media at first printed an article that Sri Jayendra Swamy cofessed. Lter another news comes out that the Swamijee did not confess according to Seer'r own words.


Then another article comes out that Seer tried to rape one lady callecd Anuradha Ramanan, while he was enjoying with another lady.


After 1 or 2 days, the other mysterious lady surrenders and it is found that she is a cancer patient and never visited the Kanchi Mutt at any point of her lifetime. She wsa a beneficiary of Kanchi Mutt's help receiving 3000 rupees per month.


Also this woman Anuradha Ramanan is known well in Tamil Nadu for her loose character.


So there seems to be a concerted effort by certain groups to malign the GOOD SWAMIJI's name.


All media repors are full of lies.

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Hare Krishna,


dear anand,


Once in your life think. When media lied about seer confessing and wrote so much lies on every issue to slander Swamijee, how do you know that this case of Anuradha Ramanan is true ?


Why are Hindus like you so foolish and blind inspite of knowing that media has lied so much ?


Go to the following website to know the truth.



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Hare krishna!




My friend,


I can turn back the table and ask you the same question. Why are you so blind and why are you so foolish. There are 2 sides to a coin. You see one side and I see the other.


So, please refrain your emotional self and stop calling people names and the link you sent me is again BIASED.


You talk as if TRUTH IS HIDING IN YOUR BACKYARD and as if you know the seer upclose. Tell me, objectively, what makes you think he is innocent-


because he is representing HINDU faith and you are a HINDU?

Say if this person was a Christian or Muslim, what will be your reaction?

Again, just because he is a "seer" does not eliminate him from the law.

I know the law is all corrupt and can "make believe" stuff.

Iam from Tamilnadu and I know how screwed up they are.

Now, iam not talking about that.


Iam talking about- your claim that the "seer" is innocent.

In this age of Kali, Krishna says there will be many imposters in the garb of SWAMI?

How do you know this is not one?


You give me solid proof or any personal experience about this man that he follows his "PHILOSOPHY" properly.


This is what I have seen from my childhood, that,


1.he fights with his senior GURU and runs off. It clearly says in the Vedic scriptures that a disciple should be humble and have an attitude of a fool to serve the GURU humble and gain knowledge. The GURU Iam talking here also is very revered and saintly. I believe the GURU because he was very saintly and followed his philosophy as he preached it. No matter how much the GURU can be wrong, the disciple should be there and yet if the disciple is correct he should say it in a way that he does not dis-respect his GURU. But this man, runs away during the month of Chaturmasya, a month where SWAMIS are supposed to be strict and refrain from travelling, to another state and openly to the public disrespects his GURU. How much will he hurt his GURU because of this action. If you say you are a swami, then you should behave like

one. Ultimatly, his run away was disrespectful to his GURU which is the worst thing any disciple can do.


2. I have seen this swami many times on TV on public appearance on opening ceremony of many public functions like banks and jewellary stores. His GURU never once spend time on the public scene like this. One has to remember, what this swami is preaching, if he is preaching ADVAITHA philosophy by Shankaracharya, then, according to the philosophy, you should follow the Advaitha rules of everything is one and the same and as a person who has renounced FAMILY life ( a sanyasi) the rule is he should not involve in the political scene. OK. if this is Kali and it is unavoidable, he can involve in the Political or public scene only to spread ADVAITHA PHILOSOPHY and not opening BANKS and JEWELLARY STORES.


Whatever he does, he should lead life that he preaches, and I dont see any shred of evidence reflecting his preachings and his lifestyle. I have seen him for 15years, and he led a life of public and pompous life like a KING unfitting a SANYASI, and if it is unavoidable to be in the PUBLIC EYE- it is ok to be in the PUBLIC EYE it should STRICTLY be to spread ADVAITHA PHILOSOPHY.But this man was in the public eye for more than one reason and personally for all the wrong reasons.


Clearly, in the scriptures, it is said,




if so he should not be involed in this kind of public behavior just like a politician helping one bank or private organiztion in their activities. It does not fit a SANYASI for it is not the role of a SANYASI. A role of a SANYASI is to PREACH GOD"S PHILOSOPHY. END OF STORY. HIS LIFE 24hrs should be dedicated for that, not going to Public functions and ceremonies like a GRAHASTHA. Just compare his GURU and this man, you will see the difference. Both were sanyasis and both followed the same philosophy. YOU DECIDE!


This arrest to me is no surprise. But, again, this is my opinion and as an outsider, I respect the OLD GURU but am not impressed with this seer.


You can say all you want but this man has no credibility as far as iam concerned.


I dont care if he is a seer or anybody if he does not live his life in accordance to his Philosophy and in accordance to his position as a SWAMI/SANYASI.


FYI: He is also the person who said KRISHNA did not claim to be HIMSELF as God in the BHAGAVAT GITA. He follows Advaithism and I dont know how he can give out a statment about KRISHNA AND GITA.


I can go on about so many things from his intervension in Tirupathi Balaji's temple the problem he created there to Palani Murugan, the problem he created there.


Its a SHAME you dont see a person based on his activiies but just because he is a HINDU ICON representing HINDU FAITH. That does not cut it my friend. AGAIN, all what i said is my opinion and you have yours, but I did not call you NAMES just because I dont agree with you.





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HAre Krishna,



I can turn back the table and ask you the same question. Why are you so blind and why are you so foolish. There are 2 sides to a coin. You see one side and I see the other.



By mentioning that you are a fool, I am not acting out of emotion. That is my observation. You are a fool. Otherwise you must have noticed all the lies put out in newspapers. One day they say Seer confessed, the next day they turn topsy turvy. So any intelligent person should read the news article like rape attempts very very skeptically.


As for Seer being innocent, he is oinnocent until proven guilty.


Even the so called two witnesses who shouted in the Court told that they were forced and physically tortured by police to frame the Swamijee.


So any rational person should by now understand that there is some serious conspiracy behind all that has happened.


But some idiots do not get it after seeing overwhelming evidence of malpractice in getting the seer framed up.


Probably only fools like you pick just false negative news on Swamijee because you feel that Sri jayendra Swamijee does not look and behave the way you want.


Please read through the history of events and see rationaally before you make irrational and foolish arguments.

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Hare Krishna,


As for the Swamijee's two incidents


1. He running away from his Guru: This does not mean the Swamijee is criminal. Sometimes people disagree.


2. Him appearing on TV in banks, TV etc. does not mean he is a criminal. Istead Sri Jayendra Swamy was doing it for the benefit of larer Hindu community and foolish Hindus as well.


Now instead of picking certain silly reasons to incrminate him as criminal, why not consider all the good things he did like opening hospitals , schools, helping cancer patients, and hell lot of a good work. He also broke the tradition of not allowing dalits into his mutt. This man has done a lot of good.


Foolish Hindus need to know this.

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Well that also could be true!


but my point is that the step they have taken in that case would be very very risky! I mean if the truth comes out they they cant even come out then (forget about indian law) the tamil local people wouldnt even care to spit on them


Hopefully everythings goes right and the seer comes out of the jail



Hari bol


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First. Her charges are completely untrue and baseless. The Mutt is in consultation with its legal counsel for initiating criminal action against her immediately.


Why has she raised this issue after 12 long years?


Is it not incredible that a writer with the power of the pen in her hand, (who writes copiously in several publications regularly including her biography) chooses not to wield it when she needs it most? She claims to have spoken to a senior police officer and yet does not file even a written complaint, much less an FIR. (We have unconfirmed reports that the police officer who is now stationed in Goa, has denied this incident totally.We will share more details on receipt).


Why is she choosing this moment now? Who has instigated & why? One wonders.


Today’s issue of Malai Murasu (1-12-2004) carries an interesting rebuttal from Ms. Mythili Raghavan, an ADMK functionary. She is the lady who is supposed to have accompanied Ms Anuaradha Ramanan to meet His Holiness. Ms. Raghavan points out that the writer has written a series of biographical sketches about prominent people for 27 long weeks. Topping it all was the one on His Holiness. Ms Raghavan says that whatever Anuaradha Ramanan has claimed is ‘fraudulent and a total lie’

(Poi & Pithalattam!). She wonders about the calibre of some one who writes a positive biographical sketch and subsequently levels such serious charges against the very same person.

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Hare Krishna!




Clearly, you dont understand, not one place in my whole essay I accused him of being a criminal. Why are you making it bigger than it really is.


All I said is his actions in the past in the garb of a Sanyasi is unfitting and better to relenquish the Sanyasi form and be an ordinary man. I never said he is a criminal. He might be or might not but I will not support him blindly as you are just because he is a SWAMI.


Personally, Iam not impressed with him and I justified based on the contents earlier.

So, read the post properly and dont compare apples to oranges.





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Hare Krishna,


In other words even if he is innocent and is framed(evidence of this can be seen when the alleged hired killers being forced by TN police), you do not care.


Is this your way of saying "Since I do not like that Swamijee, I do not care even if he is framed. I will close my eyes and shut my ears."


Nice attitude. Is this what you learnt in your place ?


Pure SELFISH fools.

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what makes you think he is not guilty?


First, he is very UNSANYASI like in his actions for all these years?


If he is behaving like an ordinary man all these years in the form of a sanyasi, then what makes you think he is innocent?


Tell me on what GROUNDS ARE YOU SUPPORTING THIS MAN? apart from the fact that he has been framed?


Can you give a strong RATIONALE behind your statement saying that he is framed.



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what makes you think he is not guilty?



What makes you think he is guilty ? I need not prove that he is innocent. In any court one is innocent until proven guilty. Your question is irrational.



Can you give a strong RATIONALE behind your statement saying that he is framed.



Inspite of the truth that came out from the two guys who shouted in court that they were forced to lie against AchARya you still think he is guilty and that he is not framed.


There is not one single evidewnce that he is guilty as far as I have seen.


I do not know how to argue with FOOLS like you.

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1. The police have still no proof of his involvement.

2. THey are running case after case, and digging for evidence but nothing is found out.

3. And they solve an assault case after 2 years? What were they doing till then?

4. How come the shankaracharya remained out of the radar until his 70th year... and all of a sudden her has lot of cases right from murder to sexual harrasement in front of him in just one month?


I can understand your hatred towards advaita acharyas, but you are an idiot, who cannot even think of basic facts.

In the courts of TN he is facing charges becos he rubbed powerful people on the wrong side. In your court he is guilty becos he is an advaita acharya.


What do you mean UnSanyasi? YOu mean to say he should not preach for hinduism? and seek publicity to save hinduism?


What makes you think he is a common man? He has remained a brhamachari and followed the rituals steadfast from his birth.


Better not call him MAN...He is swamiji for lot of people.


You are no better than the foolish public prosecutor who called the acharya "Undesrving Criminal".

Shankaracharys is going to emerge victorius out of all the false cases, and idiots like you will repent for the rest of the lives.

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You are nothing but a bias person. Or otherwise you are a saddist who love to see others suffer. Would you believe if I say your mother had an affair with your father's best friend or that you wife is unfaithful to you? What if this news is flashed in the local daily and people start talking and how would you convience them that all these stories were fabricated by someone who is against your progress in life. Think and think again do not simply say that the Seer is guilty as though you saw the crime in person. Let the police proof their case and the see if the afabricated eveidence stand in court. TN police are famous for their corrupt pratice and being watch dog for the government and politicians. They are employed to act for the government and politicians and not to protect the rights of the people. Jayalalitha had a list of corruption case while in office during her last tenture and now she is in power to wreck onnocent people's life. But the truth will prevail and the eveil one will be vanquished soon. If you do not have faith even your mother's or your wife's chaste would be questionable.

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Hare Krishna,


Dear Guest,


All Vaishnavas are not against Advaitis. This moron who thinks he is equipoised by not taking a stand is a fool. I have been calling him a fool in all my posts and will continue to call this Anand a fool because he is a fool.


Swamijee deserves all respects and I know the amount of asceticism they undergo. This guy probably was not treated like a VIP when he entered the mutt. Probably the Swamijee did not act the way he wants Swamijee's to act.


These guys are so selfish and faithless in God. That is why they act and speak foolishly making sure of self-destruction.

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Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!I offer my humble obeisances unto Him!


I see you people are very attached to seer and personally I dont have anything against him but iam not impressed with him either.


But, at the same time, I never said anywhere in my post that he is guilty and at the same time I never said he is innocent.But, you guys jumped all over me calling me a fool and an idiot and that I have no faith in GOD.Thats ok.


To a extent Iam an idiot and fool and probably I dont have 100% faith in God to dedicate my life completely for HIM. Anyways, you guys pretty much decided the verdict of the case, I dont think there can be any objectivity here.


Before I leave, I will like to clear my standing one more time, I have respect for his GURU because he followed what he preached and I dont think this swami follows what he preaches, thats my contention. I have nothing against Advaithism and I never said he is a criminal. Just like, with no evidence, you argued for him, I argued against him and that too, not that he is a criminal in this case but that he did not live according to his preachings.


Atleast hope you guys chant Krishna's name properly.











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You said:


Clearly, in the scriptures, it is said,





That is what the Seer sees in all and that to you is wrong. This is the 21st century and Seers like him would not be like a hermit hiding in the caves. He has a duty to the Hindu society and it demands that the Seer is seen and spoken to in public. That is one way of spreading the teaching of his master.




You said:


Iam talking about- your claim that the "seer" is innocent.

In this age of Kali, Krishna says there will be many imposters in the garb of SWAMI?

How do you know this is not one?



So did the Jewish Torah and the Jews crusified Jesus. Here the Seer is not claiming to be son of God and yet you want to crusify him. What a bias idiot you are. You are ignorant and blinded by your doubts and ego and so you don't see the truth. I've seen many like you in my journey of life and all of them had met their destiny with fear. And I hope you would not want to be in their shoes. Life's journey is an uncertainity only when you reach there you would know the result so do not just make assumption by mere rumours and spectculation. Even if you know the truth it is wise to be humble and not show that you know too much coz that would be your downfall in life.


Tell me my ignorant friend, what would be the benefit the Seer acquire by murdering Sivaraman?


1. Can he inherit all the wealth of the organisation?

2. Can he transfer all the wealth inot is personal name? 3. Was he in danger of losing his title or position to Sivaraman?

4. Were there any evidence to show that the Seer was involved in any illicite business or bad vices that Sivaraman wanted to expose?


In fact if you have any evidence of such I dare you to produce them to the authorities and convict the Seer otherwise I advice you to just shut up and go about your daily business of putting your own house in order.







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