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Kanchi AchArya illtreated in jail.

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"The police officials dealing with Sri Jayendra Saraswati’s’s case have repeatedly slapped acharya forcing him to confess. The acharya has also not had any food for the past three days. He has been denied even fruits that he asked. It is a wrong information by the media that acharya had the jail food. According to a devout constable in vellore jail the senior police officers in fact tried to force the acharya to have meat and non vegetarian food. Most of the police dealing with Acharya are Christian converts and are ill treating the acharya in prison to prove the supremacy of Christian church.




I am mailing from vellore and we are near the jail talking to constables. Please forward this mail to the concerned authorities if you know any of them. This is true and not pastime forward …please rescue our acharya".

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Well supposing this is actually happening, what is going to be done about it? Mistreating an acharya who might actually be innocent should be dealt with in a serious manner. Why don't his supporters kick up a fuss, why don't we see any civil disobedience? How come the Hindus are so docile? If he's guilty then thats a different matter but mistreating him while he still hasn't been proven guilty is wrong.


However this also makes me suspiscious about the apparent 'mystical' powers of this present Shankaracharya. I saw in a documentary that people are not allowed to touch Jayendra Saraswathi as he has aquired tremendous spiritual power which can be harmful to others. But if this Shankaracharya is being slapped and mistreated how come those jailers are suffering in pain now? It makes the whole thing look like a mockery! It makes his followers look as if they were fooled. After this episode will he still think that everything and everyone (including his jailers) to be God?

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Hare Krishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada!I offer my humble obeisances unto Him!


It is true we dont know if he has committed a mistake or not. How can a post in a forum change things when physically people there are not doing anything on the ground.

I am a Hindu & believe in the scriptures. But, I have to say, no offence to anybody, I am having doubts on this Acharya as a true follower of Sankaracharya. Actually, I had this doubt from the beginning.

I dont think, the Police, under the rule of Jayalalitha a strong follower of Kanchi Mutt, will arrest the seer. So, my assumption is if they have arrested the seer, it is because they must have strong evidence against the seer, if not I dont think Jayalalitha government will allow this arrest.

So, we have to wait till things unfold. Personally, I never believed in this Acharya but had sentiments for the previous acharyas in the Mutt.

If he is a real spiritual person, no matter what the problem, Krishna will protect him, if not he will meet his fate. Because Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita, that he will protect his devotees, eventhough the Acharya only believes in the impersonal and void form of Krishna. Neverthless, he indirectly follows Krishna.So, if he is innocent, krishna will protect him.

This is another proof of how Advaitism is outdated in the age of Kali,their head proponent is in trouble!





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This is another proof of how Advaitism is outdated in the age of Kali,their head proponent is in trouble!


This concept of yours is stupid, y blame the car for the drivers fault. ISKCON also has faced serious sexual and other allegation does that mean it has failed as well.

Grow up.

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I am aghast at the reaction of HK followers. I also go to ISKCON temple and beieve in Vaishnavism.


I posted the original message of AchArya being illtreated.


Most of HK followers are fools I think eventhough I am myself HK follower. I am telling the TRUTH when I say I am HK follower.


There are many situations where innocent people were killed for no crime of theirs. A good example will be christian god Jesus. By your logic jesus is guilty of crime and sins and so he suffered.


To take this as a chance to prove Vaishnavism is the most disgusting thing to do. May you idiots get some intelligence.

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All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisances unto Him!


I understand you are a follower or supporter of Acharya. But, getting emotional and calling people IDIOTS is not the right thing to do.


I expressed my views and ISKCON philosophy has nothing to do with my views.This is my personal view I hold from the beginning(even before being an ISKCON person). Like I mentioned before, I have respect for the earlier Acharya who I believe was very devout. But, from my personal view point, I dont think this Acharya is like his Guru.


So, getting emotional and caling names is unwanted and clarifying my statement that Advaitism is outdated- I still stick to it. Simply because it is very very difficult to follow to the extent of impossibility and also the Acharya holds the topmost post in the present Advaita school and if he falters what to speak of others. As far as ISKCON is conerned and people getting caught for wrong doings, you are right. But, the people caught did not hold an exclusive position like the Acharya and also, one has to accept the people caught had different backgrounds and were not in the system from the day they were born. But, the Acharya was in the system from his very young age and if he is prove guilty- then it is a sad day.

Again, I ask sorry If i offended anybody by saying what I think.Please dont group ISKCON by my personal views.





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jayendras arrest has nothing to do with advaitha whether he is innocent or good.


I also dont see any point in comparing him with his predecessor paramacharya.To me,jayendra was more relevent since he visited dalit hamlets and stopped conversions and fought for ramjenmaboomi.He was the need of the hour.


Paramacharya was like a guru to whole world.He did not involve himself in politics.But jayendra stood for hindus.comparing them is like comparing apples and oranges.


To jayendra jail or mutt both must be the same.Even bharatha was blamed for a sin which he did not do for 14 years.Jayendra must not bother about jail or a palace.


Also as somebody pointed out its not krishna punishing an advaithi or saving an advaithi.Its a leela of krishna.Thats all.He can make criminals great saints like valmigi.He can make learned saints criminals like sukrachari.

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Nobody can harm jayendra in prison.Even if he is beaten or fed unholy food he will see it as a test given by god.Nobody can hurt and advaithi.But he should comeout,since he has a job to do.To defend hinduism from pseudo secularists and conversions.He will come out unhurt and more resolved like how rama came out after 14 years.

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Yeah but you must admit that for him to even be in Jail, he must have done some sort of bad karma to deserve this. I'm not saying he did anything bad as murder but something must've been done maybe in a previous life for him to go through this ordeal. And if he really was a true holy man, where's the mystical powers he aquired? If people are not allowed to even touch him, how come the police are doing so right now and they haven't been afftected?


I hope that if he is innocent that the Hindus in India kick up a big fuss and stage strong protests against the leftists, fanatic dalit groups, the police, the media and the politicians with vested interests. They have all played their part in this. The anti-hindu bandwagon needs to be dealt with severely. They really need to be exposed. I'm still shocked a Dalit girl was calling for the Kanchi mutt to be demolished! You expect that kind of nonsense to come out of a fanatic muslims mouth, but not a (so-called)Hindu.

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Ask the same question why Jesus could not save himslef from cruelty and bodily harm inflicted upon him by the Roman soldiers. Talk is cheap. People can make all sorts of stories eventhough they know nothing of it. Even in US there was a conspiracy of an innocent kindagarden school teacher aged 61 and her whole family were worngly charged in court for child sexual abuse based on one mentally illed mother of a child and the over zealous TV reporter and his mistress for fame. Eventually the case was thrown out of court after the family members spent almost seven years in prison pending appeal. So, you do noit know the real fact here and the motive of the police and the government in this conspiracy. I say all Hindus in South India should go on nation wide hunger strike or relinqquish their ration cards or citizenship to show they mean bussiness. No use talking and making assumption. It is a clear case of conspiracy and the Hindus should not allow the authorities to get away by using their power vested upon them by the people.

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Was it his bad Karma to suffer such? Why only question Hindu pontiff's suffering why not question the Christions why Jesus being the son of God and mystical; powers yet could not safe himself from the torture of the Roman soldiers. I think the Hindus have lost faith in themsleves as well as God and the reason for such is selfishness. I hear them talking alot but no action. I'm a Malaysian and yet I feel what the pontiff is going through now but what can I do? If only I had been born in TN I would have become suicide bomber and plunge myself onto the CM or her palace. It's a shame the Hindus in TN are silent and pretend as though nothing has happened. See what the Palestinians did when their Muslim leaders were killed or aressted. In fact the whole Muslim world cry out for revenge but here in India I see the Hindus only talk and make srories for themselves. I'm ashame of them now.

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Hare Krishna,



I think the Hindus have lost faith in themsleves as well as God and the reason for such is selfishness.



I am the original poster. I agree completely that the Hindus in India are very very selfish. I am in US. I was very very disturbed for last 4 days. When I said this to some Hindus from India, I find that they are least interested. They were more interested in discussing cricket match and having tea. This is the state of affairs.


Another person says what if he is guilty etc. They have become fools. They do not see why the imam of jama masjid was not arrested for having 14 arrest warrents on him.. Hell they do not even know this.


Some fools here even say take this as an opportunity to bash advaitha. "Look your seer is not GOD. May be he is guilty, this is Kali Yuga and you cannot trust anyone". These idiots do not even try to know who is this pontiff before giving a judgement.


You are right. Hindus in India are extremely selfish. They are so satisfied in getting food everyday and sitting their butt in a chair and watch TV with tea. They do not care for dharma. They do not care about their Gurus and Saints being illtreated and framed up, but they are more concerned about cricket matches.


I personally wish that they all suffer for this kind of selfishness. They should suffer so much that they should realize how selfish and foolish they ghave been.

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Hare KRishna!


All glories to Srila Prabhupada! I offer my humble obeisances unto Him!


Jayandra Sarasawthi follows a line of philosophy and he should act in a manner that reflects the philosophy. I dont like him not based on some whimsical notion. I have been following him from my childhood days. You compare him to Jesus or Valmigi or Bharata, this is not correct comparison. All of them had different missions and also their lifestyle reflected their mission and philosophy.

But, Jayendra from the beginning from whatever I have seen led a public and pompous life. Looked like he never lived like an ascetic. One can see the marked difference between the senior Acharya's lifestyle and this persons.I am not comparing but it is essential to see the difference because both of them followed the same philosophy and the only difference is the senior Acharya stuck to his pricinples. He was indiffferent to Politics and public life. He lived like an ascetic. But this man, in the garb of an ascetic, lived like a politician and today he is facing the music.

You might be a fan follower of the Acharya or a "good Hindu" but Iam not against the Acharya philosophy or anything like that. This whole thing boils down only to this man and nothing attached.

and dont compare him to Jesus or Valmigi or Bharata. All their lives they were saintly. This man I guess was more interested in public life than spiritual.

Ok. Even if Iam wrong, how can you justify the statements made by the Shankaraman who dedicated his life for the Mutt earlier and because of the mishaps(due to the seer) in the Mutt left the Mutt and became a manager in another temple. Lets assume the seer has nothing to do with the death of Shankaraman, but what is the justification for all he said about the seer's wrong doings. If you are fair, you should look at both sides of the coin. There is no reason a person who was a follower of the senior Acharyas of the Mutt, leaves the Mutt and goes out. There is something fishy that took place and we cannot just keep a blind eye because we are all Hindus.





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"Well supposing this is actually happening, what is going to be done about it? Mistreating an acharya who might actually be innocent should be dealt with in a serious manner. Why don't his supporters kick up a fuss, why don't we see any civil disobedience? How come the Hindus are so docile? If he's guilty then thats a different matter but mistreating him while he still hasn't been proven guilty is wrong.


However this also makes me suspiscious about the apparent 'mystical' powers of this present Shankaracharya. I saw in a documentary that people are not allowed to touch Jayendra Saraswathi as he has aquired tremendous spiritual power which can be harmful to others. But if this Shankaracharya is being slapped and mistreated how come those jailers are suffering in pain now? It makes the whole thing look like a mockery! It makes his followers look as if they were fooled. After this episode will he still think that everything and everyone (including his jailers) to be God? "



Ever heard of the name Jesus Christ? You know, the guy who was crucified in front of the public, who was tortured, mocked, etc.? And he was supposed to be the "Son of God", someone who had mystical powers? Why didn't he use them there when he was being mocked and ridiculed and tortured?


Any true follower of God won't use his powers to hurt others, and may just take the pain and suffering quietly, whether they have the ability to prevent it from happening or not.



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Ok. Even if Iam wrong, how can you justify the statements made by the Shankaraman who dedicated his life for the Mutt earlier and because of the mishaps(due to the seer) in the Mutt left the Mutt and became a manager in another temple.



What was contained in Shankaraman's letter. Just because this person did not like on how the seer was using funds does not mean the seer was using it for bad purposes. It could be based on certain issues where agamas prevent certain actions for Sannyasis.


One issue was Shankaraman was said that he opposed seer's plan to fly to China. What is so unethical about this ?


Just because a person writes criticizing the seer does not imply that the seer was acting in a criminal way.


For once why not use your intelligence and read the newspapers properly. You will see that all of the media is acting against the seer and yet they did not provide any proper evidence for his wrong doings. They are all circumstantial evidences. The police really do not possess a shred of evidence against the seer. That is why police is leaking systematically to malign the seeer's image.


Most of the so called Hindus are idiots aand selfish. That is why all this suffering is heaped on innocent people. In Kali yuga only criminals will be free and good people will suffer. This is Bhagavan's will. Hindus have lost their intelligence and lost their faith, as Barney said, due to their utter selfishness.

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I have started doubting the deceased sankar ramans ideas itself. If you know the that mutt is going in a wrong way y not make the accusations public, instead writing letter to jayendra and kind of black mailing. Iam kind of wondering y sankar raman did not make it public.what was he expecting in return to the letter to jayendra ?

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Hare Krishna!


Iam fair!Just like you are arguing from one perspective, Iam arguing from another perspective and just because the papers are not saying what you want doesntt mean everyone is selfish and idiotic.


The fact is both of us do not have hard evidence to prove anything. But, I stand my point that there is something to Shankaraman's death and the Mutt is involved in it.If the Seer is the head and has responsibilty & power to control the money flow and everything, he should know what is happening. It is easy to say whay did not Shankaraman make things public or why did not he go to the police, nice to talk. Clearly, he saw that if he did that, his life will be endangered and now he is dead.


He is dead because he was involved in the Mutt and something happened and the seer is the head of the Mutt and he is the responsible person.So, conspiracy against Hindus or whatever is happening, those are all vested bad interests now taking advantage of the situation.


But those people did not cause the problem, they are only feasting on it. We should be interested in the cause and see who actuall did the mistake.


So, dont get all emotional and say there is a Hindu conspiracy going around and everyone should react. Yes, people are using this situation to badmouth Hindu and stuff. But, it is more deeper than that and if the seer is innocent, I am sure he will come out tiumphant.


Iam willing to wait and see what really happened and Iam not blaming anyone right now. My personal view is Iam not impressed with the seer. But, till the evidences come out, we have to wait.





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{Ever heard of the name Jesus Christ? You know, the guy who was crucified in front of the public, who was tortured, mocked, etc.? And he was supposed to be the "Son of God", someone who had mystical powers? Why didn't he use them there when he was being mocked and ridiculed and tortured?}


Well, for a start let me say that there is no historical evidence that Jesus actually existed. There is proof however of spiritual figures from before him (e.g. Buddha and Zorasta). The Christians believe that Jesus died willingly for the sins of all others, so that explains why he went through the torture and died. But if you become a good Christian and belive in Jesus and no other, your sins are wiped away and you will go to heaven when you die. I personally this this idea is a little absurd, so the Jesus story doesn't hold much water for me.


According to the law of Karma we suffer due to past actions and as we know Advaitists put alot of emphisis on the self not believing in things like 'God's grace' and the only way out is through our own self-effort until all past karmas have been satisfied. Being a spiritual man, Jayendra Saraswathi should not be affected by this ordeal, he should come out spotless just as he was before he went in. He realises that anything negative that may surface will pass and he should remain unattached to prevent being affected by future karmas.




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  • 1 year later...

Whether Sankararaman is right in blackmailing or not the Sankaracharyas were guilty and there was proof,he must be lucky to get out cause Jayalalitha is a brahmin and she faked the arrest being fair and then she let him walk away easily after sometime in jail,if it was Karunanithis government Sankaraacharaya will still be in jail.

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Its a lie that the police had slapped him,if they did he wouldnt have been alive,if he was so pure how did god allow him to be slapped?If it was his karma to suffer,so he did and now hes out,so quit whining,just because he is a Hindu doesnt give him a right to do what he did.

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That is what you are and your kind. Politicians including Jayalaitha and Karunanith are corrupted to the core and yet the people of TM has done to punish them instead people like you are tryig to be a Judge and Jury here. I know 70% of Tamilians in Tamil Nadu are morons of the first degree and we know their ploys. You people are only willing to receive but none to give but when comes to talking oh! yes, plenty to talk. Talk..Talk...Talk...


The police in Tamil Nadu are corrupted to the core too and you people can do nothing about it. The Officer in-charge of the Kanchi's arrest is a corrupted office who will do anything for money. He would even be prepared to sell his wife for money. So I am not amazed by the ongoings. I still remember when India refused to accept any foreign funds for the Tsunami victims saying it is self sufficient but TM CM Jayalitha requested for MR2 million from the works minister of Malaysia. What a shame.


There is now a curse on the people and government of TM for

humiliating the Hindu pontifs and that curse is going to cause the downfall of TN and its government. Just sit back and see the events unfold before your eyes within the next couple of months. Also Karunathi is not a saint and he is an atheist who have spoken against Hinduism. That is why he paid the price and it is not over for him as this is the ground for punisment for those who speak evil of Hinduism. I'm enjoying the senario here. You too have been added to the list.

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