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Bharat ranked 90th in most corrupt countries

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A news item says this:


on a corruption scale of 1 to 10 India ranked 2.8.

It was 90th among other countries. BDesh was the worst and so #1.


India's taxpayers spends $7B a year for corruption.

That is about $7 or around Rs. 350 per person per year.


What % of the population wants to remove corruption?

I would guess about 70%. That is 700,000,000 or 700M people.


If each of them donate Rs. 10 a year towards removing corruption, then the fund amount would be Rs. 7B


Why not make a fund like this and use it to remove corruption? An oranization employing social workers, sadhusm swamis, leaders, etc could be formed to develop programs to make bharat free from corruption.


wht other ways you could think of to remove corruption please?


those who accept corruption are able to live happilu without getting bribes, and those who giv ebribe also can live happily without paying bribe.


so why be so greedy and ruin the nation and its poor people?

it is sin.


if any one has better info about corruption, please share.


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Sorry, that's a joke. Seroiusly I hope YOU were joking about such a thing. Death penalty should be exclusive to murderers and terrorists, and that too, must be done with overwhelming evidence that they are the culprits.

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difficult problems require tough solutions.


suppose there were an under org. of anti corruption radicals. only a few could be enough.


suppose they do this:

when they find out for sure that some one took bribe,

they would send him to haven,

and put a note at there saying:


this man took bribe. it is sin. we do not need sinners.


now, suppsoe this happens a few times.

then my guess is that corruption would go down very fast becase no one wants to go to haven so fast.


just a thought.

it ought to work.


to say or think that corruption is just a way of life is very sinful. it is adharma.


sever problems require sever sacrifice too.


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"now, suppsoe this happens a few times.

then my guess is that corruption would go down very fast becase no one wants to go to haven so fast.


just a thought.

it ought to work."



Thats what the saudis are doing in saudi arabia...cutting peoples hands and heads off for stealing ..is it working??? there what are the repurcussions through soceity...


---thats a thought too---

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<< Thats what the saudis are doing in saudi arabia...cutting peoples hands and heads off for stealing ..>>


that is per korna and hadith.

they do not listen to anything else than that bookd.

those who live there hae chosen islam.

so theyget what they believe and enforce on others.


<< is it working??? >>

no muslim has raised that question.

so why you or i ask it?


the idea has worked succcessfully in making jazz music popular in US. i think the remedy has potential to work well.


what you propose to eradict corruption please?


for one to say something would not work is easy, perticularly if one gives or takes bribes.


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Firstly a punishment should be as severe as its crime...not more than its crime.

Secondly what if an innocent person is killed acciddntally?? The karma for that will not only be on the person commiting the execution, but also on the people supporting the act. Thats the problem with the deat penalty in the US today,a lot of innocent people have also been killed along with the guilty. The bad karma for that will be on the people commiting the execution.


"that is per korna and hadith.

they do not listen to anything else than that bookd.

those who live there hae chosen islam.

so theyget what they believe and enforce on others."


Thats a very wrong statement you have made, a lot of saudis don't like having their hands and legs cut off, but they cannot do anything about it... since the saudi dictatorship is so powerful because of the american backing and funding they get.


<< is it working??? >>

no muslim has raised that question.

so why you or i ask it?

YEs a lot of have people have asked that question in saudi arabia itself....they get put in prison or executed for asking that question. Those people cannot rise up against their own government because the united states financialy supports an islamic extreemist country like saudi arabia.

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<< is it working??? >>


no muslim has raised that question.

so why you or i ask it?


<< YEs a lot of have people have asked that question in saudi arabia itself....they get put in prison or executed for asking that question. Those people cannot rise up against their own government because the united states financialy supports an islamic extreemist country like saudi arabia. >>


That is a baseless argument. it seems you want to shift the blame on US very illogically, whereas the actual blame goes to islam and those who choose to live by islam and in an islamic country. Besides, US is not telling saudis to follow islam. the "friendship" is for oil, not for islam.

US actually would be happy if saudis give up islam.


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"That is a baseless argument. it seems you want to shift the blame on US very illogically, whereas the actual blame goes to islam and those who choose to live by islam and in an islamic country"


If it is a baseless argument what base do you have for your argument...or better what proof do you have for your following statement...


---"no muslim has raised that question.

so why you or i ask it? "


because I can show you proof of saudi citizens who have raised that question and have been punished by the saudi governement


----"That is a baseless argument. it seems you want to shift the blame on US very illogically, whereas the actual blame goes to islam and those who choose to live by islam and in an islamic country. Besides, US is not telling saudis to follow islam. the "friendship" is for oil, not for islam.

US actually would be happy if saudis give up islam"


Oh really?? How come the US is calling the invasion of iraq "operation freedom" then???? They say they want the iraqi people to have democracy and want to free the iraqi people.....how come they don't invade saudi arabia as well???? Don't they want the saudi people to have democracy just like the iraqi people???

Because they are more interested in oil money than helping the average saudi citizen. Remember the majority of the islamic countries do not cut off peoples hands and heads off...saudi is an exception...the us still does business with them.


---"Besides, US is not telling saudis to follow islam. the "friendship" is for oil, not for islam.

US actually would be happy if saudis give up islam."


Why doesn't the US stop doing business with saudi then???

You yourself have said all countries should stop buying oil from saudi and stop supporting their government but the US does exactly opposite of that. If the friendship is for oil only...then they have chosen to ignore the fact that the saudi government is a brutal regime...so they value oil more than religion???..that is not good dharma.

A lot of the oil money in saudi arabia goes to support terrorism...and the us still buys oil from them.


Because if it were upto me I would never buy oil from saudi arabia if I knew my money that I was paying them was going to fund terrorism....but the US does not think the same way.


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Why invariably get into muslim related stuff. The question is regarding corruption in india. You people have turned it into something else. Thats bad i believe. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

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<< How come the US is calling the invasion of iraq "operation freedom" then???? >>


because it would free iraqis from saddam's cruel rule.


another thought is that this is an unavoidable clash of the cultures as samual huntington has prediced in his book.

both these cultures are active strongly in their ways to dominate the world lands and lives. the invasion in iraq is a wedge in the islamic land. if you see the map, then you will see from left israel, jordan or syria, iraq, iran, afghanistan, pakistan and india. it is a sandwich of alternative islam and non islam (democratic) countries.

if iraq and afghanistan give up hardcore islam, then xianity (demcracy) would win and dominate in theose lands and become a model for other muslim countries. this US has a plan for 50 or so years. besides, the cost of the war can be paid or recovred from the oil that is there. afghan war was paid by opium trade money from afghanistan.

this is just a thought. only god knows the truth.



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'because it would free iraqis from saddam's cruel rule'


How come then doesn't the US leave iraq now after saddam has gone?? How come the American companies are making billions of dollars in profit??? That shouldn't be part of the plan to free the iraqis...if the americans are truly interested in freeing the iraqis then they shouldn't make a single dollar from iraqi stolen oil. Right there we see americas true motive to invade iraq.

Secondly I am waiting for america to invade saudi to free its people from their cruel monarchy....that'll never happen..here also we see how much america cares for the saudi people..

Last of all did you know that saudi provides financial support to pakistani and afghan terrorists????

Now where does saudi get so much money to give to pakistani terrorists????

Oil money from America is one of main sources...so american money is indirectly being used by the saudis to fund the pakistanis.....Do you think that the american secret service does not know this????? They know everything that goes on...they know that their money is being used by the saudis to fund pakistani terrorists who attack indian bases.....do you think the americans care???

Not at all.

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<< How come then doesn't the US leave iraq now after saddam has gone?? >>


becaue saddam's supporters (baath party) are not captured.

besides, the victims of saddam do not know how to form and run a gov. that would not allow any future saddams to come to power.


<< How come the American companies are making billions of dollars in profit??? >>


becaue of greed and oppertunity.

you can tell your favorite company - a krishna conscious company - to compete with them too.

please do it.


<< That shouldn't be part of the plan to free the iraqis...if the americans are truly interested in freeing the iraqis then they shouldn't make a single dollar from iraqi stolen oil. Right there we see americas true motive to invade iraq. >>


oil and desire to implant a better culture than islam are the motives. the location choice is a militry stategy of long term effect to retain world superpoer status.

this is just a view.


<< Secondly I am waiting for america to invade saudi to free its people from their cruel monarchy....that'll never happen..here also we see how much america cares for the saudi people..>>


it is oil. remember the vedic story of surabhi cow?


<< Last of all did you know that saudi provides financial support to pakistani and afghan terrorists???? >>




<< Now where does saudi get so much money to give to pakistani terrorists????

Oil money from America is one of main sources...so american money is indirectly being used by the saudis to fund the pakistanis.....Do you think that the american secret service does not know this????? They know everything that goes on...they know that their money is being used by the saudis to fund pakistani terrorists who attack indian bases.....do you think the americans care???

Not at all. >>


that is the quandry whenyou deal with a devil.


the best way in my view is to never deal with a devil.

no country should buy arab oil.

let them drink it.


democracy has its pitfalls.

the gov. does not have a single personality/policy.

opposite goals are being pursued at the same time.

you never know in which way a democratic country would behave in different situations and times.



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<<becaue saddam's supporters (baath party) are not captured.

besides, the victims of saddam do not know how to form and run a gov. that would not allow any future saddams to come to power.>>


Really, how come Saddam had the full support of the US in the eighties?? The very year saddam gassed 20,000 kurds the US doubled its financial aid to iraq. So the US was responsible in the first place for the rise of saddam hussein, they even supplied saddam with a lot of the weapons of the weapons of mass destruction. Now the US has to kill thousands of innocent civilians just to solve the problem it, itself played a major part in creating.



<< How come the American companies are making billions of dollars in profit???


becaue of greed and oppertunity.

you can tell your favorite company - a krishna conscious company - to compete with them too.

please do it. >>>


Then, you and a lot of other people that claim they are hindu should not support the US...just because all companies in the world are greedy does not mean we have to support some of them.. a real hindu would never do that...he fights injustice and adharma everywhere no matter where or by whom it is commited. When the US kills thousands of civilians to solve a problem it created in the first place and is greedy for oil it is OK, but when saddam(who was helped by the US in the past mind you) kills his own people he is a brutal dictator...that is not hinduism. Hindusim is fair.

Also a lot of people here have compared the US to arjun and india to krishna.....please stop doing that because arjun/krishna would never have that level of greed and opportunity as american companies.


<<<oil and desire to implant a better culture than islam are the motives. the location choice is a militry stategy of long term effect to retain world superpoer status.>>>


" to implant a better culture than islam" is a big joke...


<<that is the quandry whenyou deal with a devil.>>>

PLease don't make it sound like a quandary..

There is no quandary whatsoever..

When it is time to invade saudi arabia...the US has to make a simple decision "Millions of dolllars in OIL money that will make the bush family and his friends richer" VS STOPPING ISLAMIC TERRORISM.

We all know which deciiosn Bush took, bush's brother and many friends own a huge oil companies that are doing a lot of business with saudi arabia, he is more interested in making his friends and family richer rather than <<"to implant a better culture than islam">>. We see his sincereity over here.


"Ahmad Chalabi, who the US has installed as the country's civilian president has stated on more than one occasion that his first priority as president is to privatise Iraq's oil industry, which effectively means handing it over to US corporations.

There has never been any intention to allow Iraq's oil wealth to benefit the Iraqi people.""



If Iraq was still selling oil for cheap and doing business the way the US wanted it to...the US would have never invaded Iraq no matter how bad saddam was.

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  • 7 months later...

I agree with Death Penalty because people given responsibilities but abuse them for personal gains. Such people are the WORST terrorists a country could have.


Also, Sudras (those who are material minded) CANNOT become a proper politicians and leaders. The responsibility of educating youngsters MUST given to Brahmins who MUST educate them with beliefs in God. Those who have Kyastria spirit musst be given role to play in politics.


Right now, the world is in such a deep . because all kind of people playing politicians and corrupting it.

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Also, Sudras (those who are material minded) CANNOT become a proper politicians and leaders. The responsibility of educating youngsters MUST given to Brahmins who MUST educate them with beliefs in God. Those who have Kyastria spirit musst be given role to play in politics.


You see that I'm restoring barna to its normal state without simplifying either higher or lower side as good or bad people. I stand at my own point. The lower members always think it serves brahmins but clear is the fact: discr. is damaging barna system.

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