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kashmiri indians sing pakistani anthem

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a news article says that pakistan's national anthem is getting more popular in kashmir as music of the cell phones.


so here again the invaded islam is doing its business.


why so? becaue most people now there are muslims even when they are indian nationals by brith, and muslims care for islam, not nation.


but why muslims are majority in kashmir?

becaue islam has been invaded there, and after invading they have killed the local kashmiri pandit hindus.

many kashmiri hindus even now are living out of kashmir like refugees for several years. that is due to terrorism of islam in kashmir.


so, then what can be done?


- singing enemy's nathem should be illegal and punishable heavily.


- populate kashmir with many hindus - firebrand type- not gandhian cowards.


but then why the gov. of india is not allowing hindus to go in kashmir? why they need visa for it?


because the anti-hindu gov. does not care for the majority hindus or the vedic dharma.


- what else? please share your thoughts and solutions.


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why do you go to kashmir?Come to coimbatore my previous native place.There is a place called kottaimedu with 100% muslims.(around 20000)There you can see celebrations and crackers busting when pakistan wins in cricket matches.


even when i was in school we watched a cricket match in classroom.When India played on pakistan in world cup quarter finals(1996) whenever anwar and sohail hit boundaries two students applauded happily.I thought they were doing it for a joke.But then i found out they really enjoyed it.Except them all were hindus and christians.One hindu boy used a very abusive bad word against them both and guess what?They beat him black and blue next day.When school head master suspended them he got a call from a kerala congress district head and they were reinducted next day.


why do you have to go to kashmir?Does edhka maidan(hubli) belong to india?We have natioal flag flying in kashmir but not in edhka maidan till date.


BJP should rule India for 1000 years with somebody like uma bharathi at helm.Thats the only solution.




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as long as we have Indians who know little or nothing about India's glorious past. With pride comes power. ANd with power, you crush enemies of India/Hinduism. Unity cannot be artificially constructed. It comes NATURALLY, once pride takes its rightful place in every Indian's heart. That's why germans succeeded and we fail and fail repeatedly. It is because most indians lack self-respect, whereas Germans, despite being poor in the thirties, virtually held the whole world to ransom, by sheer force of spirit. Learn from the germans. Let's stop behaving like inferior p-sec indians. Jai Hind!

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I agree with you. Unless hindus learn about their past and learn abou their religion nothing can be acheived. The revival of hinduism among hindus is much much more important than tackling islam. Once hinduism is revived ampng hindus islam can be easily defeated...but trying to defeat islam without trying to revive hinduism among hindus is a total waste of time.


Sending soldiers(hindus) into the battle field without any arms or equipment ( the true knowledge of hinduism) is a waste of time...the enemy will find it easy to slaughter them...but once you arm the hindus with hinduism then it is so much easier to defeat the enemy. Thats why it is important to first teach the hindus about hinduism second tackle islam....not the other way round.

I agree with you , you cannot artificially build pride and love for hinduism...it only comes from the study of scriptures and the knowledge of hinduism.

During the times of ramayan and mahabharata....hindu sages and sadhus through intense tapsya gained enormous spiritual strength and they could defeat armies of asuras...unfortunately we don't have hindus like that anymore because of kali yuga..if there were hindus like that asuras would not have a chance.....so we have to strengthen the hindus first before tackling the asuras...of course this is difficult to do in practice as a lot of hindus eat meat and drink alchohol...and that is not the fault of the muslims...it is our own fault.

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<< Sending soldiers(hindus) into the battle field without any arms or equipment ( the true knowledge of hinduism) is a waste of time...


muslim soldiers always have gone into battles without any knowledge of dharma, and they did achieve what they always want - forcible conversions or killing, and possession of lands.


sure, hindus need to work internal as well as external.


if a hindu does not know hinduism well, and if some one invades his home, he still has first duty to throw the invader out or even kill him if necessary. you cannot say, "wait, first learn hinduism well before throwing out the invader."


islam problem is sever and needs urgent action in bharat.


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---if a hindu does not know hinduism well, and if some one invades his home, he still has first duty to throw the invader out or even kill him if necessary. you cannot say, "wait, first learn hinduism well before throwing out the invader."----


YEs but one of the reason a lot of hindus tolerate the practices of the asuras is because they don't think that there is anything wrong with them. That can only be corrected through the knowledge of hinduism. To fight the invaders one has to first have pride in his religion...that only comes form the study of hinduism.

Muslim invaders have always had pride in their religion thats why they have succeded....their pride and faith is their weapon...if hindus don't learn about hinduism how will they have pride in their religion? We need a weapon too.... Pride cannot be artificially created.


"muslim soldiers always have gone into battles without any knowledge of dharma"


YEs but they have always thought that they were doing the work of god, and they have had complete faith and belief in what they were doing. We have to first instill faith and purpose in our soldiers first.


Let me give you a simple example....krishna said to fight adharma...adharma includes eating meat/beef, drinking alchohol, selfishly hurting others.,......Now how can we tell our hindu brothers that we must fight these asura muslims because they lead a life of adharma when a lot of hindus themselves eat meat/drink alchohol and are selfish??...they don't see anything wrong with what they are doing....BUt if we teach them the hindu way and show them that what they are doing is wrong then they will be more willing to fight. This is just a small example there are many more issues that can be taught to other hindus.


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no disagreement generally.


<< Now how can we tell our hindu brothers that we must fight these asura muslims because they lead a life of adharma when a lot of hindus themselves eat meat/drink alchohol and are selfish??...>>


our police and arny force are kshatriyas too, ad they do eat meat. However most do no eat cow.

dharma allows meat eating for kshatriyas, but not as the first choice.


just because a hindu eats meat, and he sees muslim eates meat, does not mean the hindu thinks a muslim is not a asura.


no hindu invaded other countries, and no hindu forced others to convert to hinduism. that is per dharma.

can you say this about the islam followers?

if not, then that is the wrong for which they must be punished.


even the most sinner has all the right to throw out or kill an invader in his home or country. islam has invaded by force, and so has no place on the vedic land.


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