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why pakistan failed. india listen up.

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"When the sacred months have past, slat the idolators wherever you find them, take them captive and besiege them, and prepare for them ambush."


An idolaters is a person that admires intensely and often blindly one that is not usually a subject of worship...


...pretty clear isn't it? The world would be better without such people...there are quotes in teh Vedas where tribes are killed for followng ghosts etc...because they are worshipping wrong people...



"When thy lord inspired the angels, saying: I am with you. Make those who believe stand firm. I will throw fear into the hearts of the disbelievers. Then smite their necks and smite of them each finger."



True, anybody who doesn't follow Allah will end up in hell. But Allah just refers to God - so it is not aimed at disbelievers of Islam, it is aimed at disbelievers of God...atheists will end up being smited by the Lord in the asuric planets...(Bhagavad Gta says 'he who continually follows demoniac deteriorates to worst planets and ultimately don't reach me'



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Such incidents have never been refuted by any muslim cleric so far.They all agree that it happened.In every biography of prophet they are mentioned.But they are justified.These books say that infidels deserve that punishment.


According to the Qur'an, "... some you slew and others you took captive. He [Allah] made you masters of their [the Jews'] land, their houses and their goods, and of yet another land [Khaibar] on which you had never set foot before. Truly, Allah has power over all things." Surah 33, v. 26-32, Dawood translation.


The late historian Itzhak Ben-Zvi, said "... the complete extermination of the two Arabian-Jewish tribes, the Nadhir and Kainuka' by the mass massacre of their men, women and children, was a tragedy for which no parallel can be found in Jewish history until our own day [century]...."


Its there in every islamic history books.Its been justified.No muslim denies that fact.He only argues it as just.

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...ok, so the interpretation by mullahs that biography of prophet muhamed is a bona fide scripture is wrong...


...but the facts are clear:


Muhammed was a shaktiavesa avatara (according to Prabhupada)


now do u think an avatara would do such vile acts?


I don;t think so, and so I would very much recommend that you don't carry on insulting Prophet Muhammed...


It's also quite interesting how these quotes about Muhammed killing Jews were not in existence before the whole Israel-Palestine conflict - this suggests that Mullahs just made it up in order to justify terrorism...

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<< Islam prohibits Muslim soldiers from harming civilians, women, children, elderly, and the religious men like priests and rabies >>


in 1947 when pakistani army started invading and occupying kashmir, the whole army began and contiued raping kashmiri women for some time, perhaps a few days.


so, muslims, either you agree

that that rapings were per islam,

or you quit islam.


in contrast, india took over some part of pakistan in a war, and then gave it back after the war. this was a mistake just as prithviraj did mistake for 17 times with ghauri.


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so now the pakistani army speaks for muhammed and the whole of islam?


Rapings are not per islam


The Pakistani army represent a nation with political not religious motives - they do not represent Muhammed or the Koran...

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Jai Ganesh



(so now the pakistani army speaks for muhammed and the whole of islam?

The Pakistani army represent a nation with political not religious motives - they do not represent Muhammed or the Koran...)


Wrong, my friend.

Pakistan means the land of the pure, carved out in the name of Islam, so any thing they do it represent their so called religion.


Jai Shree Krishna

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<< so now the pakistani army speaks for muhammed and the whole of islam? >>


if not, then why they sustain a nation based on islam only?

besides, there is no separation of church and state in islam.


<< Rapings are not per islam >>


then why islam produces rapists in large numbers. why?


<< The Pakistani army represent a nation with political not religious motives - they do not represent Muhammed or the Koran... >>


so, pakistan is made on a wrong principle - islam?

why you waste time here.


should you not preach paksitan?


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"Wrong, my friend.

Pakistan means the land of the pure, carved out in the name of Islam, so any thing they do it represent their so called religion"



A nation is carved out in the name of Islam. Does that mean everything that the nation does Muhammed and the Koran is to blame?


India carved out in the name of Hinduism. Does that mean that the corruption evident in the Government, Police and Army is per the teachings of the Vedas? I don't think so. So your argument fails there.

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"if not, then why they sustain a nation based on islam only?

besides, there is no separation of church and state in islam"


The nation of Pakistan is based on a false interpretation of Islam.


According to Islam, the country should be governed using Islamic principles, such as no alcohol.


Islam states that women should be treated with respect and kept happy, because the success of a household is dependent on the happiness of the women.


Hence if women are raped, that straight away goes against the teachings of Islam. So why do you blame Islam? Why not blame the Pakistani Army and leave it at that?

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"then why islam produces rapists in large numbers. why?"


Islam does not produce anything. Correction: FALSE INTERPRETATIONS of Islam produces rapists, terrorists etc...


"so, pakistan is made on a wrong principle - islam?"


Does Pakistan treat all the children of Allah as equal? No. Therefore it is not based on Islam in essence. One should therefore condemn Pakistan for not following Islam properly. Not condemn Prophet Muhammed or the Koran.


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<< The nation of Pakistan is based on a false interpretation of Islam. >>


who need to understand, the pakistanis or the hindus who are the victims of islam?


how many pakistanis or muslims did agree with your abouve position please?


please spend all your time with muslims and tell htem you know correct islam.


any of your time spent here is a waste.


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