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why can sri krisna justify a means to end?

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Krishna when He descends does follow the priniciples of Dharma. He used to rise early and meditate {on Himself lol}. He did everything a householder would do. For if He didn't then people would follow His example. What instance are you reffering to in particular?


Krishna says in the Bhagavad Gita He is our best friend seated within our hearts. But do we trust Him? No! So Krishna tests your faith 'how much this person trusts me I shall see'. Don't friends in material life do the same? Similar yes but of-cource not the same. By the way nobody is above God. Lord Brahma offers some amazing prayers:




Go read you'll be glad you did:)

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In the Gita it says that Arjuna HAD to fight. After all the 'kauravas' did to them. Still because they are devotees they tolerated so much. This was not normal warefare, it was of epic proportions. Ganga-putra Bhisma is one of the 12 Mahajana's. Yet even he was killed in the Battle. {for he did not try to stop when Dushanan was trying to offend Drapadi} and for this he was killed. Call it favouritism. When Bhisma was fighting so valiently with Arjuna, Krishna was about to break His promise 'not to fight' and was about to kill Bhisma, but Arjuna stopped Him.


Krishna went to Karna before battlefield and asked him to declare that he was the Kunti-putra. But he did not as he was oblidged to Duryodhana. So now tell me how weak the reasonings are.:)

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Jai Ganesh



(Ganga-putra Bhisma is one of the 12 Mahajana's. Yet even he was killed in the Battle. {for he did not try to stop when Dushanan was trying to offend Drapadi} and for this he was killed. Call it favouritism. When Bhisma was fighting so valiently with Arjuna, Krishna was about to break His promise 'not to fight' and was about to kill Bhisma, but Arjuna stopped Him.)


You reason ill if you think Bhisma pita was killed, even in this mrityoulok it was his choice to die. He chose the moments to leave in utrayan.

Bhisma made Krishna break his promise ready to save Arjun, made him take up weapon as he promised he would, what wonderful lila befitting a great mahajan.


Jai Shree Krishna


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