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Which religion/ideology has ground to talk human rights?

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Which religion/ideology has moral ground to talk about human right violations?


today's news is that US attack near najaf shrine in iraq

has caused many muslim world "human rights" groups and indiviudals to protest it.


who invaded india over and over for 1000 years and caused hindu genocdes?


who destroyed rama temple in ayodhya

and built a mosque on top of it?


who destroyed bamian buddha statue in afghanistan?

(note that the current afghan gov. also is not thinking of rebuilding buddha bamian statue.)


does that ideology has any ground or right to talk about human right violations?


in my view, any religion that has invaded other countries or forcibly convertred others has no right to talk about human rights violations.


tell it to others please if you could agree to it.


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1) Which religion/ideology has moral ground to talk about human right violations?


All religions are sent down by God, therefore all can talk about human right violations. We are all human beings, all children of God, so we all have that right.


2) who invaded india over and over for 1000 years and caused hindu genocdes?


The moguls...


...but then Christians have done the same thing, as have Jews etc


3) who destroyed rama temple in ayodhya and built a mosque on top of it?


Who then destroyed the mosque and built a temple etc...



4) who destroyed bamian buddha statue in afghanistan?


The Taliban...


5) does that ideology has any ground or right to talk about human right violations?


One cannot generalise all these instances to to one ideology. Moguls had their own ideology. Taliban have their own ideology. There is not one Islamic ideology.


6) Hindu emperors have also invaded other countries. That is a fact...


7) If the Muslims forcibly converted the Indians, then how come there were always hundreds of millions of Hindus?


8) The religion of Islam has teachings which have been misinterpreted by its followers. We should therefore condemn those followers who misinterpreted those teachings. We should not condemn the ideology it self, but we may point out the weaknesses in the ideology, and explain that the reason for the misinterpretation is that Islam has a low level of spiritual understanding...


9) What you say is totally impractical. What do you hope to achieve by your comments? Even if someone did agree with you, how would you go about suppressing their right to make comments on human rights without restricting their human rights?


10) The only way the ideology of Islam is going to result in less violence is if we use the advanced Vedas to show the true meaning of Mohammed's (pbuh) words...Not by condemning the religion itself - that will only acheive more conflict - is that what the Hindu community wants?








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either you are a muslim or a hindu hater.


you do not know the pain and suffering the hindus have gone for 1000 years from islam 9 or do nto want to let othere know it.) so do not try to preach the hindus how to solve their problems of islam.


<< 8) The religion of Islam has teachings which have been misinterpreted by its followers. >>


go preach the muslims and see if you can convince them.

do not come here till you can get at least one muslim that agrees with you.


for us, islam is what those who follow it cause problem to us and the world. so preach them, not us.


i do not understand why you have so much urge to preach to the victims of islam? and what is your preching? This: " you victims of islam, islam is good. do not throw it out of your country." and you assume hindu are fools. not any more.



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"either you are a muslim or a hindu hater."


I am neither - I am spirit soul...


"you do not know the pain and suffering the hindus have gone for 1000 years from islam"


And suffered at the hands of the British...but why only concentrate on Islam? All religious communities have suffered at the hands of others...The mlecchas suffered repetitively at the hands of Vedic emperors - one only has to read the Mahabharata to be sure of that...



"do not try to preach the hindus how to solve their problems of islam."


I'm preaching to those who are making the mistake of trying to take on a whole religion like Islam - which is just going to cause conflict...what is better? to convert the way Caitanya converted the Kazi...or to convert the way you are saying, by totally disrespecting the Koran and Muhammed (pbuh)...


"go preach the muslims and see if you can convince them.

do not come here till you can get at least one muslim that agrees with you."


I know at least 100 million Muslims who do not commit violence or terrorism - therefore they are not misinterpreting their scripture...there are maybe a 1000 so-called muslims who are terrorists - why condemn the other 100 million?


"those who follow it cause problem to us and the world"


like i said, at least 100 million (99.99%) of Muslims commit no violence, no terrorism - so your argument fails...


"i do not understand why you have so much urge to preach to the victims of islam? and what is your preching? This: " you victims of islam, islam is good. do not throw it out of your country." and you assume hindu are fools. not any more"


Why do I have urge? Prabhupada told us to preach to the most fallen - the Muslims are the most fallen. Why did Tribuvannatha Prabhu go all the way to Palestine to publish the Gita? Because he cared for Prabupada's mission, unlike you...


My preaching: Try to understand that the religion of Islam points to a higher reality, which can be found in the Vedas. More specifically, it can be found in Krishna Consciousness. If you want to to know who is the real person, the form behind Allah, please read the Bhagavad Gita and Srimad Bhagavatam...


...if that preaching doesn't work, I'm not going to turn in to a tyrant and condemn Islam, I will simply tell them to firstly: chant Allah, and secondly: to not believe the propaganda hurled at them by the Islamic clerics. Mohammed (pbuh) did not ask Muslims to forcibly convert anybody - why else did he say that 'all creatures are children of Allah and very dear to him' 'do not cause pain to fellow children of Allah' etc...does that sound like an intolerant message from Mohammed (pbuh)?...


I know for a fact that this would be more successful then your technique of condemning everything Muslim...


In any case, you still haven't answered my question:


How do you practically hope to defeat an entire world religion like Islam?


You are an idiot for thinking it is even possible...






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Jai Ganesh



(And suffered at the hands of the British...)


How can we forget?



(but why only concentrate on Islam? All religious communities have suffered at the hands of others...The mlecchas suffered repetitively at the hands of Vedic emperors - one only has to read the Mahabharata to be sure of that...)


Looks like maadhavbhai is getting to you.


Which Vedic emperor? Ram?Pariksit?

and if there was a roug one was it to convert anyone?

Emperors i read about is like Raja Harishchandra who would give up everything to uphold Satya.many nice examples i can quote, an emperor who would give up his chariot to land support to a creaper. Vedic kings were rajrishis they lived by Dharma.


By the way which King are you talking about?


Jai Shree Krishna

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<< How do you practically hope to defeat an entire world religion like Islam? >>


i never said entire world.

my point is that islam has invaded forcibly in india, and it is not compatible with the vedic culture, or gita's message. therefore islam must go out of india. else the hindus will never have peace in their own homeland.


the histpry also shows that islam cannot be grateful to any non muslim (kafir) if kafirs do any favor to the muslims.

so, never hope they would be good to HK's. when the time comes, all kafirs meet the same treatment from the islamists: accept islam or get killed.


<< I know at least 100 million Muslims who do not commit violence or terrorism >>


they silently or secretly support the terrorists.

have not you seen evidence of this in recent history yet?



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we will be as bad as forcible convertors if we try to force islam out of india...


again, still no answer to my question:


How do u hope to force Islam out of India?


....i suspect you don't know because it is impossible

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<< How do u hope to force Islam out of India? >>


i have answered it before.

but the short reply is:


the same way you force an anti-krishna ideology out of your home. the counter question is this:


suppose your son of wife says, "i am a muslim, and per koran i have to convert you to islam or kill you. so, accept islam or else. you are a kafir for me."


now tell us: how you would keep this ideology out of your home? if you do not know the asnwer, check if your guru knows the answer.


still i know that you will says, "yes, i have this answer, and only my answer is best for all."


I would says, "it is best for you only. we have our ways per dharma/gita."


bharat is the home of the vedic people (the hindus).

so, hindus have all the right to control what ideology stays in or out of bharat.


an Hk saying, "i am not a hindu" and still trying to tell the hindus to not take gita's message of how to deal with the asuras is not right. also the HK assuming that all the hindus are advaities and enemies of vaishnavas is not right either.


xian culture make one believe that only xians have monopoly for everything: who is teh only god, what hsi tehonly way to go to god, who should keep the nuclear waepons, etc. so, those who became hindus comng from xian culture still hold the monopoly ideas: "ours is the only way" despite the fact that krishna gives all possible ways.


the hindus would be better off if you just chant and do not waste time here.


also it is adharma to preach the victims (the hindus) to tolerate an aggresor and violent ideology in hindus' own home.



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Guest had answered this question as


"who invaded india over and over for 1000 years and caused hindu genocdes?


The moguls"


Moguls invaded India only in 16th century.Do you know the difference between moguls and muslims guest?Were mohammed ghaznavi,ghouri,alladin gilji,thuqlaq moguls or muslims?


he again says


who destroyed bamian buddha statue in afghanistan?


The Taliban...

But did they go against the preachings of quran when they did so?

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"the same way you force an anti-krishna ideology out of your home"


So you think using force is compatible with Krishna consciousness? Krishna is so merciful that he doesn't interfere with our free will. Are you saying that we have the right to force others when Krishna doesn't?


The way to get an anti-Krishna ideology out is by preaching. I hope you don't mean forcing people to follow the four regs etc...


"suppose your son of wife says, "i am a muslim, and per koran i have to convert you to islam or kill you. so, accept islam or else. you are a kafir for me."


now tell us: how you would keep this ideology out of your home? if you do not know the asnwer, check if your guru knows the answer."


Yes, if my son or wife said that, and they were trying to kill me, I would kill them first...but that analogy is irrelevant since 99.99% of Muslims in India are not threatening to kill us if we don't convert...


"bharat is the home of the vedic people (the hindus).

so, hindus have all the right to control what ideology stays in or out of bharat."


The kshatriya administrators have the right to govern the country with the Vedic ideology...they do not however have the right to kill people if they do not follow dharmic principles...if your point is that we should keep a Vedic ideology in Government, then I agree with you...


Now if the people don;t follow the Vedic principles, the Govt should give incentives and disincentives...measures such as outlawing animal slaughter for example...If they still don't follow, your idea is to force them out of Bharat...how would that be done? Forcibly migrate them out of Bharat - or kill them? I would once again like to ask you how would you like a government to force them out? Through any means necessary? We can have laws that imprison people for animal slaughter, alcohol-drinking, illicit sex etc?


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  • 10 months later...

Muslim society suffer now simply because of their past Karma.


They forced hundred of thousands to Islam (against their will, BUT give nonsense of speech that such conversion is against Islam today, to save their own faces), kill those who wouldn't convert, destroy temples (when Hindus never destroy any before) and plot (with Christians) to destroy Hindus' heritage and history.


Now, they are suffering due to their own Karmas. Best if none of us pity this fools.

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