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The seers are mysterious beings related to the origin of both man and knowledge. Often represented as 'human' sages, they nevertheless are conceived as eternal powers, symbolizing the primordial energies responsible for all manifest creation. They are 'seers' by virtue of being able to see the divine law which governs all creation, and indeed sustains it.


According to the Shatapatha Brahmana, these seven are the 'authors' of the Vedic hymns. Their names are, Gautama, Bharadvaja, Vishvamitra, Jamadagni, Vashishtha, Kashyapa, and Atri. Here inscribed in the 'takri' script as the 'sons of Brahma,' are these very names. They sit surrounding a small pile of smoldering ash, much in the tradition of Shaivite saints.


Siddha Sri Agastiya Maha Muni stands out as the senior-most Guru, who had initiated a galaxy of eminent Gurus and Siddhas down the ages, and who had established and nurtured the ancient Dravidian civilization lasting several millennia.


He is also acknowledged, in occult circles, as the head of a representative Group of Rishis entrusted with the guiding of the destiny of India and other nations called the 'Sapta-Rishis', as disclosed in certain ola-leaf manuscripts called 'rishi-vakiyams' and also in Theosophical writings. Sri Agastiyar is also considered the author of several Rig Vedic hymns in Sanskrit, connected with the Aryan civilization of the North.


Sri Agastiyar's role


In the Ramayana saga, which is deemed by historians to have taken place about 9000 years ago in the Treta Yuga, Sri Agastyar is reported to have appeared before Rama himself on the day before the final victorious termination of the war with Ravana, the hitherto invincible king of Lanka, and initiated Lord Rama with a special divine mantra to counter the effect of the powerful boons that Ravana had earned from the gods by his great tapas.


It is significant to note that, according to geophysical research based on the movement of continental plates, the Lanka of Ravana was situated in the continent of Lemuria, also known as Kumari Kandam, which was a land mass, connecting the Deccan plateau in South India and the island of Ceylon, with intervening straits to be crossed, with Madagascar on the West, Australia on the East and Antarctica on the South, until it sank into the Indian ocean in stages over 3500 years ago, as mentioned in the writings of the German geologist Wagner and the eminent Indologist Sir T.W. Holderness.


Sri Agastiyar


The researches done by Fr. Hears and Sir John Marshall the archaeologist and other scholars into the archaeological finds at Mohenja-Daro and Harappa point to the existence of an earlier highly developed Dravidian civilization in the deep South which had influenced the Indus-Valley Aryan civilization of the North.


The available historical evidence relating to the Dravidian civilization commences with the records, that have come down to us, of the Tamil literary writings during the past 12,000 years, which have been divided by historians into three periods, called the First Sangam period from 9,600 BC to 5200 BC, spanning the Staya and Treta Yugas, the Second Sangam period from 5200 BC to 1500 BC spanning the Treta and Dwapara Yugas, and the Third Sangam period from 1500 BC to 300 AD spanning the Dwapara and Kali Yugas.


According to the present minor cycle of four Yugas, namely Sathya, Treta, Dwapara and Kali Yugas in their descending era of 12,000 years and ascending era of another 12,000 years, as stated by Sri Yukteswar in his famous treatise called 'Holy Science' we are now in the ascending era of Dwapara yuga since 1800 AD, having completed the Kali yuga period lasting from 600 BC to 1800 AD.


The Mahabaratha war, where Lord Krishna propounded the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna, is reckoned to have taken place during the Second Sangam period about the year 3100 BC.


The First Sangam which was founded and nurtured by Siddha Sri Agastiyar, lasted for 4,400 years and had its centre in the city to Dakshina Madura in the continent of Lemuria. The Second Sangam, which was also established under the patronage of Sri Agastiyar, lasted for 3700 years and had its centre in the city of Kavatapuram in the continent of Lemuria, after the records in the city of Dakshina Madura had gone under water.


The Third Sangam, also sponsored by Sri Agastiyar, lasted for 1800 years and had its centre at Uttara Madura namely the modern city of Madurai, which lay north of the earlier centres, after the whole of the Lemurian continent had gone under water.


After the commencement of the gradual inundation of the Lemurian continent, it is reported that Sri Agastiyar led a migration of Dravidians to Java and Cambodia and Central and South America. The legends of the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs of South America regarding the founding of their cultures by tall bearded white-robed teachers confirm the traditional view that the Lemurians, under the guidance of their Siddhas, colonized North and South Ameirca, as well as the Nile valley, where they founded the Egyptian civilization.


It is significant to note that Edgar Cayce the well-known 'sleeping prophet' of America, had in the course of his recent voluminous psychic messages given out by him while in a state of trance mentioned a similar sinking of the continent of Atlantis in stages into the Atlantic ocean over a period of several centuries between 12,000 BC and 10,000 BC, before the sinking of the Lemurian continent.


Archetype of all Gurus


Maha Avatar Kriya Babaji of the Himalayas, the lineal Guru of Paramahamsa Yogananda, Yukteswar and Lahiri Mahasaya, who is well nigh 1800 years old today, still retains a young physical body of a 16 year old youth, as a result of his divinising the cells of his physical body, after receiving initiation from two of the greatest Siddhas of all time.


Siddha Boganathar instructed him in the higher Kriya yoga techniques, for six months at Kataragama in Sri Lanka in the year 214 AD and sent him thereafter to his own Guru Siddha Agastiyar at Couttalam in India, where Babaji had the final initiation in Kriya yoga, after he had practised severe austerities of 48 days to invoke the grace of Agastiyar, who finally appeared before him in his physical body emerging from the adjoining forest, and showered his poorna blessings on him.


These facts were disclosed by Babaji himself in 1952 to two of his disciples V.T. Neelakantan, Theosophist of the early days, and Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiah, when he materialized in physical form from his abode in the Himalayas in the shrine room of V.T. Neelakantan at Surammal Lane, in Egmore, Madras.


Among the several Siddhas initiated directly by Sri Agastiyar were, according to certain sources, (1) Thirumoolar, the author of Thirumanthiram described as one of the greatest texts of yoga and mystic truth ever written, who lived for over 3000 years in South India in the pre-Christian era, and (2) Thiruvalluvar the author of the world famed classic scripture the 'Thirukkural', who lived 2000 years ago.


It was the Immortal Sri Agastiyar who originally taught and transmitted to several of his disciples over the ages the Kriya Yoga techniques of divinising the cells of the body and.


(1) Rendering the physical body deathless for centuries, (as in the case of the 18 Siddhas and Kriya Babaji), or


(2) Enabling the physical body to disappear completely and resurrect in a glow of light into a subtler vibrational field, (as in the case of Adi Sankaracharya and the four great Saiva saints namely the Nayanmars and Kabir of medieval times and Ramalinga Swamigal as recently as 1874), or


(3) Enabling the physical body to be placed in a tomb in Jivasamadhi at will, in a state of suspended animation, where the blood circulation and the breathing have stopped but a luminous Pranic energy keeps the body-cells alive, with the possibility of the Siddha dematerializing the body in the tomb and materialising it outside in a completely different locality and living out an extended span of life for several years as in the case of some well-known Siddhas of modern times namely Sri Raghavendra Swami about whom a popular film had been made recently, Sri Kulandai Ananda Swami whose last Jivasamadhi is in Madurai city, Sri Muthukrishna Swami who is deemed to be an amsa-avatar of Sri Agastiyar and whose Jiva Sambadhi is in.


Vallioor and Sri Sadasiva Brahmendra, the well-known Avadhuta Swami whose principal Jiva-Samadhi is in Nerur near Trichy.


The writer of this article had the opportunity to view and pay homage at the shrines, where the Jiva Samadhis of the last three Siddhas are situated.






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There is also another great place where I was last week called Shantikunj ( www-awgp--org) where there is a temple of statures of Sapt Risihi's.

This is the palce where sapt rishi's came to meet founder of Gayatri Pariwar ( Pt. Sriram Sharma Acharya ) to discuss the plan to uplifet the entire humanity and next to it the place where Risihi Viswamitra did his tapa to bring Gayatri Mantra to Earth.


You may want to read the autobiography of Sriram Sharma Acharya ( My life , it's legacy and message) which can be downloaded from literature section ( Englsih) of www-awgp-org. In this book, he describes his journey to deeeper sections of Himalayas to meet his ageless Guru and also meeting with many Rishi's from yore..



I am very intersted in the subject and please fell free to write to me..


Vipul PAtel ----patelvipulk--at--hotmail.com

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The seers are mysterious beings related to the origin of both man and knowledge. Often represented as 'human' sages, they nevertheless are conceived as eternal powers, symbolizing the primordial energies responsible for all manifest creation. They are 'seers' by virtue of being able to see the divine law which governs all creation, and indeed sustains it.


According to the Shatapatha Brahmana, these seven are the 'authors' of the Vedic hymns. Their names are, Gautama, Bharadvaja, Vishvamitra, Jamadagni, Vashishtha, Kashyapa, and Atri. Here inscribed in the 'takri' script as the 'sons of Brahma,' are these very names. They sit surrounding a small pile of smoldering ash, much in the tradition of Shaivite saints.


Siddha Sri Agastiya Maha Muni stands out as the senior-most Guru, who had initiated a galaxy of eminent Gurus and Siddhas down the ages, and who had established and nurtured the ancient Dravidian civilization lasting several millennia.



Interesting article. Do you think it would be fair to say that the Sapta-rishis were the founders of Hinduism? They are without a doubt the earliest Rishis we've had in a long line of sages within Hinduism. Do you think the original sages were Shaivite and the article indicates that and Siddhas are very much associated with the Shaivite tradition. But their approach of worshipping different manifestation of God looks very much like the Smartas.

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The seers are mysterious beings related to the origin of both man and knowledge. Often represented as 'human' sages, they nevertheless are conceived as eternal powers, symbolizing the primordial energies responsible for all manifest creation. They are 'seers' by virtue of being able to see the divine law which governs all creation, and indeed sustains it.


According to the Shatapatha Brahmana, these seven are the 'authors' of the Vedic hymns. Their names are, Gautama, Bharadvaja, Vishvamitra, Jamadagni, Vashishtha, Kashyapa, and Atri. Here inscribed in the 'takri' script as the 'sons of Brahma,' are these very names. They sit surrounding a small pile of smoldering ash, much in the tradition of Shaivite saints.


Siddha Sri Agastiya Maha Muni stands out as the senior-most Guru, who had initiated a galaxy of eminent Gurus and Siddhas down the ages, and who had established and nurtured the ancient Dravidian civilization lasting several millennia.


He is also acknowledged, in occult circles, as the head of a representative Group of Rishis entrusted with the guiding of the destiny of India and other nations called the 'Sapta-Rishis', as disclosed in certain ola-leaf manuscripts called 'rishi-vakiyams' and also in Theosophical writings. Sri Agastiyar is also considered the author of several Rig Vedic hymns in Sanskrit, connected with the Aryan civilization of the North.


Sri Agastiyar's role


In the Ramayana saga, which is deemed by historians to have taken place about 9000 years ago in the Treta Yuga, Sri Agastyar is reported to have appeared before Rama himself on the day before the final victorious termination of the war with Ravana, the hitherto invincible king of Lanka, and initiated Lord Rama with a special divine mantra to counter the effect of the powerful boons that Ravana had earned from the gods by his great tapas.


It is significant to note that, according to geophysical research based on the movement of continental plates, the Lanka of Ravana was situated in the continent of Lemuria, also known as Kumari Kandam, which was a land mass, connecting the Deccan plateau in South India and the island of Ceylon, with intervening straits to be crossed, with Madagascar on the West, Australia on the East and Antarctica on the South, until it sank into the Indian ocean in stages over 3500 years ago, as mentioned in the writings of the German geologist Wagner and the eminent Indologist Sir T.W. Holderness.


Sri Agastiyar


The researches done by Fr. Hears and Sir John Marshall the archaeologist and other scholars into the archaeological finds at Mohenja-Daro and Harappa point to the existence of an earlier highly developed Dravidian civilization in the deep South which had influenced the Indus-Valley Aryan civilization of the North.


The available historical evidence relating to the Dravidian civilization commences with the records, that have come down to us, of the Tamil literary writings during the past 12,000 years, which have been divided by historians into three periods, called the First Sangam period from 9,600 BC to 5200 BC, spanning the Staya and Treta Yugas, the Second Sangam period from 5200 BC to 1500 BC spanning the Treta and Dwapara Yugas, and the Third Sangam period from 1500 BC to 300 AD spanning the Dwapara and Kali Yugas.


According to the present minor cycle of four Yugas, namely Sathya, Treta, Dwapara and Kali Yugas in their descending era of 12,000 years and ascending era of another 12,000 years, as stated by Sri Yukteswar in his famous treatise called 'Holy Science' we are now in the ascending era of Dwapara yuga since 1800 AD, having completed the Kali yuga period lasting from 600 BC to 1800 AD.


The Mahabaratha war, where Lord Krishna propounded the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita to Arjuna, is reckoned to have taken place during the Second Sangam period about the year 3100 BC.


The First Sangam which was founded and nurtured by Siddha Sri Agastiyar, lasted for 4,400 years and had its centre in the city to Dakshina Madura in the continent of Lemuria. The Second Sangam, which was also established under the patronage of Sri Agastiyar, lasted for 3700 years and had its centre in the city of Kavatapuram in the continent of Lemuria, after the records in the city of Dakshina Madura had gone under water.


The Third Sangam, also sponsored by Sri Agastiyar, lasted for 1800 years and had its centre at Uttara Madura namely the modern city of Madurai, which lay north of the earlier centres, after the whole of the Lemurian continent had gone under water.


After the commencement of the gradual inundation of the Lemurian continent, it is reported that Sri Agastiyar led a migration of Dravidians to Java and Cambodia and Central and South America. The legends of the Incas, Mayans and Aztecs of South America regarding the founding of their cultures by tall bearded white-robed teachers confirm the traditional view that the Lemurians, under the guidance of their Siddhas, colonized North and South Ameirca, as well as the Nile valley, where they founded the Egyptian civilization.


It is significant to note that Edgar Cayce the well-known 'sleeping prophet' of America, had in the course of his recent voluminous psychic messages given out by him while in a state of trance mentioned a similar sinking of the continent of Atlantis in stages into the Atlantic ocean over a period of several centuries between 12,000 BC and 10,000 BC, before the sinking of the Lemurian continent.


Archetype of all Gurus


Maha Avatar Kriya Babaji of the Himalayas, the lineal Guru of Paramahamsa Yogananda, Yukteswar and Lahiri Mahasaya, who is well nigh 1800 years old today, still retains a young physical body of a 16 year old youth, as a result of his divinising the cells of his physical body, after receiving initiation from two of the greatest Siddhas of all time.


Siddha Boganathar instructed him in the higher Kriya yoga techniques, for six months at Kataragama in Sri Lanka in the year 214 AD and sent him thereafter to his own Guru Siddha Agastiyar at Couttalam in India, where Babaji had the final initiation in Kriya yoga, after he had practised severe austerities of 48 days to invoke the grace of Agastiyar, who finally appeared before him in his physical body emerging from the adjoining forest, and showered his poorna blessings on him.


These facts were disclosed by Babaji himself in 1952 to two of his disciples V.T. Neelakantan, Theosophist of the early days, and Yogi S.A.A. Ramaiah, when he materialized in physical form from his abode in the Himalayas in the shrine room of V.T. Neelakantan at Surammal Lane, in Egmore, Madras.


Among the several Siddhas initiated directly by Sri Agastiyar were, according to certain sources, (1) Thirumoolar, the author of Thirumanthiram described as one of the greatest texts of yoga and mystic truth ever written, who lived for over 3000 years in South India in the pre-Christian era, and (2) Thiruvalluvar the author of the world famed classic scripture the 'Thirukkural', who lived 2000 years ago.


It was the Immortal Sri Agastiyar who originally taught and transmitted to several of his disciples over the ages the Kriya Yoga techniques of divinising the cells of the body and.


(1) Rendering the physical body deathless for centuries, (as in the case of the 18 Siddhas and Kriya Babaji), or


(2) Enabling the physical body to disappear completely and resurrect in a glow of light into a subtler vibrational field, (as in the case of Adi Sankaracharya and the four great Saiva saints namely the Nayanmars and Kabir of medieval times and Ramalinga Swamigal as recently as 1874), or


(3) Enabling the physical body to be placed in a tomb in Jivasamadhi at will, in a state of suspended animation, where the blood circulation and the breathing have stopped but a luminous Pranic energy keeps the body-cells alive, with the possibility of the Siddha dematerializing the body in the tomb and materialising it outside in a completely different locality and living out an extended span of life for several years as in the case of some well-known Siddhas of modern times namely Sri Raghavendra Swami about whom a popular film had been made recently, Sri Kulandai Ananda Swami whose last Jivasamadhi is in Madurai city, Sri Muthukrishna Swami who is deemed to be an amsa-avatar of Sri Agastiyar and whose Jiva Sambadhi is in.


Vallioor and Sri Sadasiva Brahmendra, the well-known Avadhuta Swami whose principal Jiva-Samadhi is in Nerur near Trichy.


The writer of this article had the opportunity to view and pay homage at the shrines, where the Jiva Samadhis of the last three Siddhas are situated.

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