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From The Mahabharata

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From The Mahabharata, Sauptika Parva

Sections VI/ VII

Translated by Sri Kisari Mohan Ganguli



Aswatthaman, the son of Drona, said: I shall at this hour seek the protection of the puissant Mahadeva! I will take the shelter of that god, that source of everything beneficial, viz., the lord of Uma, otherwise called Kapardin, decked with a garland of human skulls, that plucker of Bhaga’s eyes called also Rudra and Hara. In ascetic austerities and prowess, he far surpasses all the gods. I shall, therefore, seek the protection of Girisha (Siva) armed with the trident.


I seek the protection of Him called Fierce, Stanu, Siva, Rudra, Sarva, Isana, Iswara, Girisha; and of that boon giving god who is the Creator and Lord of the universe; of Him whose throat is blue, who is without birth, who is called Sakra, who destroyed the sacrifice of Daksha, and who is called Hara; of Him whose form is the universe, who has three eyes, who is possessed of multifarious forms, and who is the lord of Uma; of Him who resides in crematoriums, who swells with energy, who is the lord of diverse tribes of ghostly beings, and who is the possessor of undecaying prosperity and power; of Him who wields the skull-topped club, who is called Rudra, who bears matted locks on his head, and who is a Brahmacharin (celibate). Purifying my soul that is so difficult to purify, and possessed as I am of small energy, I adore the Destroyer of the triple city, and offer myself as the victim. Hymned thou hast been, deserving art thou of hymns, and I hymn to thy glory!


Thou art robed in skins; thou hast red hair on thy head. Thou art pure; thou art the Creator of Brahman; thou art Brahma; thou art an observer of vows; thou art devoted to ascetic austerities; thou art the refuge of all ascetics; thou art the leader of diverse tribes of ghostly beings; thou art three eyed; thou art dear to Gauri’s heart; thou hast for thy excellent bearer a bovine bull; thou art the protector of all quarters; thou hast the moon as an ornament on thy brow!



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