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The attitude of petitioning to God for favours should be given up.

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Develop faith in God. All names are His--Rama, Krishna, Christ or

any other name. Every man is the embodiment of the Divine. True

human relations can grow only when this truth is recognised. The

first stage is where you recognise "I am in the Light." Next when

you realise, "The Light is in me," and finally you realise, "I am

the Light.I" represents love and light represents Jnana (Supreme

Wisdom). When love and light become one, there is Realisation. The

Bhakti Marga (path of devotion) is easier than Jnana Marga (the path

of knowledge). The Gita has extolled the Bhakti Marga. Love should

come from within, not enforced from outside. You should develop

disinterested and spontaneous love. The attitude of petitioning to

God for favours should be given up. Love of God should not be based

on quid pro quo, seeking favours in exchange for prayers and

offerings to God. The object of celebrating holy festivals is to

devote the day to meditation on God.


From today give up swaartha (selfishness), turn your mind towards

the Parartha (Supreme), lead a life of Yadaartha (Truth) and

sanctify your lives. Place your faith in God and do your duty to the

best of your ability. Saturate yourself with love and share it with

all. If you earn the love of God even to the slightest extent, you

will experience infinite joy.


– Sri Sathya Sai Baba


Sri Sathya Sai Baba's Divine Discourse on 15.9.1988

Sathya Sai Speaks, Volume XXI, Chapter 26: Devotion Is The Panacea,

Section: Truth is beyond Time and Space

Online: http://sathyasai.org/search/volume21/sss21-26.pdf

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The first stage is where you recognise "I am in the Light." Next when you realise, "The Light is in me," and finally you realise, "I am the Light."


--there's no possibility to realize to be the light, if one is the light, he's the light eternally.. no need of realization. The light never gets obscured by maya


You should develop disinterested and spontaneous love


--developing love is opposite of realizing that "i am the light". If everyone IS the light, there's no different individuals to build a loving relationship. So if everyone is "the light", love is not possible





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there's no possibility to realize to be the light, if one is the light, he's the light eternally.. no need of realization. The light never gets obscured by maya



You do not realize the light in you and that is what makes you think otherewise. Realize the light and all will become clear. When your inner self is clouded, you would not be able to see the light. First clear the haze than only the light is visible.



Your comment:


developing love is opposite of realizing that "i am the light". If everyone IS the light, there's no different individuals to build a loving relationship. So if everyone is "the light", love is not possible



What is your logic? It is because there is no realization of light in you and that is why you do have love for anyone. Look at the Muslim fanatics, do they have the light? No, and that is why they can behead another human being in the name of their religion. If everyone discovers the light only love will prevail and there would be no enemies among the human race. Use your good brain to good use. Discover yourself first before making fool of yourself.


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You do not realize the light in you and that is what makes you think otherewise

--this is an easy way to escape.. if i cannot understand until i have realized the light, so there's no need to give instructions to me and to teach me... so sai baba is useless. If he can give instructions, i can also consider logically


Realize the light and all will become clear. When your inner self is clouded, you would not be able to see the light

--intelligence is a gift of god, and using it is necessary to realize spiritual truths.

If i am the light i am eternally the light, if i have to realize it, i am not the light.... answer logically if you have an answer or you are following blindly


What is your logic?

--it is a logic.. if the goal is to be The Light, no one is left out to be loved by or to love the light. So there's no love.


Look at the Muslim fanatics, do they have the light? No

--one feature of fanatics is that they have no debate, no discussion.. if you advocate that we cannot debate but in some way we have to wait for "the light" there's not much difference. They are violent, but you also are violent because you are attempting to make me shut up and not use my intelligence


If everyone discovers the light only love will prevail and there would be no enemies among the human race.

--sai baba has said first that one has to discover that he's "the light". The light, god, brahman or whatever is ONE.. so if we discover to be The Light we became one. When we are one, the only one, the only one light, who is there to love?... so again, if one discovers love, he's not "the light", if one discovers to be "the light" there's no possibility to love


Use your good brain to good use.

--this contraddict your idea that i have to discover myself before using the logic


Discover yourself first before making fool of yourself.

--a fool is one who accepts blindly and, obviously, has no way to defend his theories.... think about it


the meaning of all your answer is "shut up and accept blindly..".. not so good

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