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Embodiments of love

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Embodiments of love! There is only one thing you have to offer to Me

today. Pray that people in all countries, may the entire humanity,

should be happy and at peace. "Lokaas samasthaassukhino bhavanthu"

(Let all the worlds be happy). Then alone there will be real unity.

Do not wish merely for the peace and prosperity of India alone. Pray

for the welfare of all countries. All are our brothers, whether they

are in Pakistan or America or elsewhere.


Whether you believe it or not, realise that I am able to attract

people from so many countries because of my all-embracing love.


If every person observes three things, he will be one with Svaami.

You will experience the Divine in you. As the following three are in

Me, I can declare firmly about them. They are three P's: Purity,

Patience and Perseverance. These three are in Me and around Me.

Anyone with these three qualities will be unafraid wherever he may



The most important quality is purity. Today everything is polluted.

Water, air and all the five elements are polluted. As a result the

mind of man is also polluted. How is purity to be achieved? Fill

your minds with thoughts of God, dedicate all your actions to God

and consider God as the inner motivator. Contemplation of God is not

a matter for derision. You need have no fear on that account. You

must have full faith in God, who is the universal sustainer. He is

the protector, but not the punisher. The punishment you get is the

consequence of your own actions.


Therefore, chanting the name of God, doing bhajans and performing

good deeds, engage yourselves in service of your fellow-beings.

Nourish love in your hearts. Love will drive away all bad-thoughts.

It will promote the spirit of forgiveness.


– Sri Sathya Sai Baba



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