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If the planet earth, its environment and nature so very conducive to the evolution of life are taken for granted, the intricacies of the various phenomena and the highest degree of Intelligence behind their systematic functioning do not get revealed. Only deeper thoughts, constant efforts, and the most basic analysis of the cosmic forces and functions reveal the limitations of the human mind compared to the universal source of knowledge despite the fact that man, in reality, is a portion of Brahman. It has been possible to grasp scientifically to some extent the laws that operate in material phenomena. And yet, the mystery of matter’s creation and its interrelation with space (aakaash) continues to be unresolved in science for centuries. At the spiritual plane, where more fundamental issues like soul, life after death, consciousness, and attributes of love, compassion, and truthfulness are attempted to be understood, science as well as intellect become dumb. It is here when the deeper inquiries are made, the concept of God comes to the scene. Where atheism is blocked, theism begins to provide answers to the inquiries made.


Higher than the science of matter is the science of aakaash, and higher than science of aakaash are the spiritual laws. But higher than both the scientific and spiritual principles is the Phenomenon of God, who incarnates time and again in human society as a human being to restore peace and love on the planet, and also to show the supremacy of God over the laws of science and spirituality and the demonstration of His omnipotence. Though not impelled by a sense of pride, but to reveal the basic universal truth and to impart knowledge to the seekers of the truth is the reason that He incarnates. The One Who is the creator of the countless beings, who is the Architect of this gigantic cosmos, who is the Cogniser of each entity in this universe, can certainly comprehend the ailment of society, and arming Himself with appropriate Powers He incarnates on earth at a time and place that He alone chooses.


The Incarnation of God in human form is an Experiment by Divine to demonstrate to mankind the ideal character and behavior that one should endeavor to possess. Rama Avatar with twelve Kalas was that of maryada purushottama, that combined in Him the ideals of son, husband, brother and a just-ruler. (Kalas is the plural of Kala; meaning "Godly aspects" associated with power.) Krishna Avatar with sixteen kalas was a Purna Avatar. The Avatars though born in different eras and having different Divine Powers, possess highly pronounced state of the absolute attributes of Brahman in being truthful, omniscient, and ever blissful. The Prophets too exhibit similar Divine qualities, and their life and teachings provide clear- cut guidance and directions at crucial stages of the progress of human society.


The religions arise from the upadesh of the Prophets like Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. The similarity in different religious preaching occurs due to the common substratum of Brahman, wherein alone lies the seed for all material and spiritual phenomena. While the outer forms of religions like rituals, mode of prayers and other subsidiary details may vary depending upon the specialty of regions, climatic conditions, time of the advent of the Prophets and Avatars, the basic principles are rigidly the same. There is only one eternal Brahman, only one eternal aakaash, and indeed, only one universal religion, which is eternal (sanatana) religion.


It is amazing the way nature performs her functions so smoothly and apparently automatically. The germination of seeds sprouting into different kinds of plants each drawing its respective elements for nourishments from the same soil; the male and female principles multiplying plant and animal life; the sustenance of vegetation on soil, and in turn, plants providing food to the living creatures; the phenomena of night and day, the changing climates, the cycle of the evaporation of water from the seas forming clouds and rains, the water then flowing back into rivers and to the seas; the blanket of life supporting atmospheric air around the planet, the sunlight and its heat sustaining the living beings; the harmonious and uninterrupted working of all these organized systems and phenomena are the real pointers towards a living Intelligence of the highest order far far beyond the conception of the limited human faculty. The Incarnations of God do not come in the way of functioning of nature, and yet they convincingly demonstrate abilities they possess to control nature. Brahman wills to create and the aakaash starts moving and churning; Avatar wills to give to a devotee some token of His love, and nature produces it spontaneously for Him; man wills to do a noble task and with perseverant efforts and God’s Grace achieves his goal. That is the difference between man and God. Unless God wills, man cannot reach his desired goal. An Incarnation is born to reveal this mystery and thereby educate humanity that man is subservient to God.



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The Incarnation of God in human form is an Experiment by Divine to demonstrate to mankind the ideal character and behavior that one should endeavor to possess



again blasphemy...

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blasphemy is not in vedas, it is in your interpretations: the avataras as an exepriment to demonstrate the correct behaviour


you are saying that's all mythology, exactly like fanatic christians and muslims

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