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Fake Materialisations?

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Ability to Materialise since childhood

Ever since Sai Baba came under notice as a young boy pulling sweets out of a paper bag at school and distributing same to his friends, many have speculated about Sai Baba and his ability to materialise objects and where that ability comes from.



Since 1943, Witnesses tell

Sai Baba's ability to materialise objects has not been doubted from 1943, when he was acclaimed an avatar, nor even before that declaration. In those early days, witnesses recorded materialisations of nectar called amrith, diamond rings, and many, many witnesses told stories of the materialisation of food, of flowers, garlands, idols of Ganesh, Shirdi Sai Baba, Krishna, Rama etc. Pendants, japa, mangala sutra for marriages, photographs and portraits, many many early devotees, from Anjaneyulu, the Excise Inspector in Uravakonda, Sakamma, Kamalamma, Subbamma, his mother, his father, friends, devotees, all witnessed a constant flow of materialisations. Even then, in those days, there were doubters and critics.

In 1960, Sai Baba addressed doubters

Faith can grow only by long cultivation and careful attention. The old are haunted by the demon of doubt. I know there are many here who are afflicted by doubts. They think that I have hidden a vessel of Amritha in a spot in the sands previously fixed and known to Me only. That is why I now asked some, from among those people themselves, to decide where we sit on these sands. Kasturi suggested this morning that since the thousands who have come to see the Amrithodbhava cannot get a close view on this flat river bed, a mound of sand be raised whereon I can sit. I did not agree because I knew these doubters would immediately infer that the Amritha was hidden previously under the mound that was heaped up on purpose! This doubt is truly a component of the Rakshasa nature, for it eats into the vitals of Bhakthi. It clips the wings of joy, it dampens enthusiasm, it tarnishes hope. Such men cannot attain the goal even at the end of a thousand births. Of course, when doubt assails you, welcome the chance to see and experience and clear the doubt. But do not later deny the very truth of which you were once convinced and listen again to the voice of hate or foolishness. Do not put faith in the words of men into whose hands you will not entrust your purse; as a matter of fact, it is the words of such men that are now leading many astray. Really, this is a pitiable state of things, isn't it? [ 23 Nov 1960, Sathya Sai Speaks Vol 2]

Man of Miracles

Sathya Sai Baba has often said, "Miracles are my visiting cards". It is largely through miracles and materialisations that Sai Baba becomes known to people - materialisations of vibhuti, and other substances on pictures of Sai Baba - these are well known phenomena that are mentioned in books and attract visitors to to both place'Man of Miracles' himself, Sai Baba.




Scientists' Examination and Investigation

Associate Professor of Psychology at University of Iceland, para psychologist Dr.Erlendur Haraldsson came to India several times to investigate Satya Sai Baba's paranormal powers.The result of his efforts over ten years is the book "Miracles are My Visiting Cards. It has a scientific examination and analysis of miracle and materialisation stories. Of more interest is the interviews with the editor of an Indian Magazine, RK Karinjia and Sai Baba. The following extracts are taken from the 1994 publication, "God Lives in India" with permission of the publisher:

Magazine Editor Interviews Baba


Q: What is the significance of the Vibhuthi

and the trinkets that you materialise and gift to

people ? Is there any need for a God - man to

demonstrate such miracles which any magician can

conjure ?


Baba : So far as I am concerned, this is

evidence of my Divinity. It is not by any means an

exhibition of Divinity....



Q: Still I do not understand why you should

materialise rings, bracelets, watches and those kind

of trinkets ?




Baba : Most people desire talismans symbolic

of my protection. So I provide them. When they are

in trouble they FEEL the grip of the ring, bracelet or

watch to remember me and call me to their rescue

so that I can help them. On the other hand, if I give

them something that they cannot wear, they are likely

to store it and forget about it.


The main thing is that these trinkets or

talisman, by whatever name you call them give

people a sense of security and protection they need

in time of trouble or crisis and create a symbolic link

covering the long distances between them and

myself. When the devotees need me, these objects

flash the message as if by wireless and I instantly

come to their rescue.






Q: What about the Vibhuti materialised by

you? We would like to know its relevance because

your critics are trying to discredit you by sending

round magicians who produce exact replicas of



Baba: What I materialise is a manifestation of

Divinity with a potent significance as well as

symbolisation. It is symbolic of the cosmic, immortal

and infinite nature of all forms of God, Atma or the

Spirit - that is, what is left when everything worldly,

transient and changeable has burnt away...


...It is in order to press home this lesson that I

materialise ash for those who come to me with love

and devotion. Like the other materialisations, it also

acts as a talisman healing the sick and giving

protection to those who need it. It is the symbol of



The Phenomena of Materializations:

It is pertinent to recall that not all materialisations occur in Prasanthi Nilayam, as a result of direct physical activity by the person of Sathya Sai Baba in his presence. What many critics and the evidence rendered very conveniently overlook is the multiple recorded materialisations and other phenomena in India and elsewhere in the world done by Sathya Sai Baba.


Phenomena materialised

by Sai Baba Personally Phenomena materialised Elsewhere

Vibhuthi Vibhuti on Shrines


Earrings Vibhuti footsteps


Lockets Kumkum, Amrith,

Butter on pictures and idols


(Rosary beads) Fruit

Statues, Linghams,

Lingodbhava (Golden Lingham) Photographs

Pictures of Gods

Medallions, Diamonds,

Precious stones

Pictures of Gods Letters taken at shrines

Food Vibhuti on letters offered at shrines

Wish Fulfilling tree

(many different fruits materialised) Flowers falling, garlands move, garlands become larger

Water from ground

Water to Petrol Writing on walls

live animals Vibhuti writing on pictures

Sacred Objects from the past

Precious Gems from the past

Wood from Cross of Christ








Examination of Materialisations

Materialisations and miracles immediately beckon the witness and the hearer toward the world of biblical miracles, the second coming of Christ, healers, miracle workers and gurus, with some overlay of magic, fakery and cult. It has elements of fascination that appeals to inner desire to believe that such manipulations of the seemingly resolute laws of nature might be true. And, if they are true, who or what is the doer of these miraculuous acts? Innate fascination, desire, curiosity, all these elements are at play when people attend to the matter of materialisations and miracles. Any assessment that generates belief or is based on intangible elements of proof, will create controversy. Many people demand proofs for suspension of disbelief. many more people see and see and see and do not enquire into the nature of any materialisations.




Conjured or Materialised,

True Guru or Charlatan?

Open or Closed?

Discussion and evaluation of this topic ranges from disbelief, to doubt, to belief in Sathya Sai Baba as God and SatGuru.


The simple facts are so: Sai Baba moves his hand in the familiar circling motion, something appears from his downward facing hand. We shall name this a sign. The sign is evaluated. Signs tell a message and significance is drawn out of what is seen, heard, tasted, witnessed. One process of evaluation of the sign (be it a rosary, a ring, or a picture) is the Either-Or evaluation. This is the Open - Closed evaluation. It has no middle ground. Either Sai Baba is true God or true-guru or he is a fake, a conjuror, a magician. There is no room for further evidence or discussion. The door is open, or the door is closed. No further aspects around Sai Baba are admitted into consideration. Door opens and shuts on one criteria only.



Both this, and the other?

Other means of evaluation may be explored. One such means can include the material of the open - and shut method and assess that against additional evidence, and other useful criteria:

The Vedas proclaim what is seen reflects the seer (Sai Baba has often told in his talks that everything is 'reaction, reflection, resound');



Witnesses have to assess what they have seen and take it into their self-enquiry



It is the duty of the Guru to expose doubt and draw it out



The Bhagavad Gita speaks of creation as leela vinodi, 'the sport of the Lord';



The Both-And evaluation considers more options for exploration and assessment. Additional evidence may be considered. Evaluation is a process. There can be opportunity for self-appraisal vis-a-vis spiritual progress, analysis of Sathya Sai Baba and his action, and consideration of the purposes behind the phenomenon witnessed.


There is nothing gained by making lifetime decisions about the person or nature or role of Sathya Sai Baba on the basis of gossip or unverified second hand stories. Any decision based on second hand stories disposes of the unique human capacity of discriminaton and the intellect. Persons making such a decision act in self inflicted ignorance.)

The Vibhuti Pellet

Consider the reports of Sathya Sai Baba using a pellet of vihhuti, crushing it between his fingers, and distributing it to devotees.


Recently, one devotee reported seeing a vibhuti pellet fall from Sai Baba's hand in darshan, whilst he was walking around. No one else saw this. Later enquiry among those sitting either side of him and opposite him in darshan revealed that no other men present witnessed this. Only this one devotee saw it. The devotee is adamant and repeats "I saw the pellet fall". He has no doubt about it. Who is the play for?



If we take the elements of the Both-And evaluation and combine it with the sign-signifier-significance, some useful extrapolations may be made:





Signifier Significance

vibhuti pellet mind of the witness Exposes disbelief

(seen reflects the seer)

vibhuti on Sai Baba

picture overseas Sathya Sai Baba Guru's shakti not limited to ashram

diamond ring given to devotee is shown to be fake mind of the witness Witnesses have to assess what they have seen and take it into their self-enquiry

Sathya Sai Baba

obviously palms a ring Sathya Sai Baba Baba is playing on devotee projections (Guru task is to expose doubt)

Sathya Sai Baba

changes a 3 stone ring into one stone ring Sathya Sai Baba creation is leela vinodi,

the sport of the Lord

Sai Baba materialises article used by Krishna

Sathya Sai Baba Guru has mastery of time and space

Film evidence shows a necklace is handed to Sathya Sai Baba Sathya Sai Baba Sathya Sai Baba provokes controversy about his nature and his actions





The Play of the Atma

The purpose of the Sai Incarnation is to show the path of blessedness to those who have forgotten that path. Complacency does not merit belief; doubt is not dissolved by closing a door arbitarily and refusing to examine fact and experience further.


Controversy is a valid an instrument of divine self revelation just as glimpses of creation-ex-nihilo and the leela vinodi, the play of the Lord. If witnesses do not examine and assess both themselves and their own personal experience of the Guru, then no progress toward divinity is experienced, nor is divinity known.


We conclude that materialisation and the conjuror's trick of trade may occur in the text and the context of the faith journey of an individual devotee as shown earlier on this page. We conclude both materialisation and obvious palm tricks may be employed by Sai Baba in his task as guru to rid the devotee of maya, illusion, laziness, lack of faith, disbelief, tamasic slothfulness and uncritical acceptance of the stories of talebearers without proper enquiry.



Purport of Controversy

Sathya Sai Baba, in engaging in controversy, is challenging devotees and others to examine, evaluate, test and decide, as he has so often told in his discourses that each and any who come to him ought do. As guru and guide, Sathya Sai Baba is providing the different means needed for individuals to progress toward divinity. That is his duty as guru.


So BOTH true materialisations and AND conjured materialisations may exist in the repertoire of Sai Baba and his materialisations, for the various reasons noted above. Perhaps Sai Baba wants devotees to examine the basis of their faith in HIM and his acts more critically. Perhaps some need the rude awakening and goad toward discrimination that controversy so conveniently provides. Perhaps Sai Baba is Bala Krishna from time to time, at play and illuminating devotees to lighten up and not take it all so seriously.



Keep in Mind

One must continually keep in mind that Sai Baba as told that the path toward divinity and God-realisation is different for each and every person, and no two persons get to the goal via the same path. So these controversies will have different functions for different devotees and other witnesses. The only valid assessment of conjuration or fakery, if it is seen, is your own personal evaluation. What will be your basis of that evaluation?




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