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veda vyasa

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Vedavyasa is still present in Badarikasrama in India.


Lets see..


Sukadeva Goswami the son of Vedavyasa, spoke it..


How did Vyasadeva get this knowledge of Bhagavatam..


Sri Narada, where did he get it from?..


Lord Brahma, where did he get it from?


KRSNA. its Eternal I guess. !



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vyasa was born to satyavati (matshagandha) before she merried to king santanu. she was a very beautiful daughter of a fisherman.


Bhisma is 20-30 or so years older than vyaadev.

bhisma left the world, and vyasa has not.


vyasa witnessed the whole mahabharata war and worte it down with ganesh as the scribe. vidur, pandu, and dhritarashtra were biologically vyasa's sons. so, vyasa actually saw his own familiy's great war, and he remaind unpurterbed. occasionally he would come from his hermitage and advise one or other, as mahabharat indicates.


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"Vedavyasa is still present in Badarikasrama in India."


You must be joking! I guess this sort of belief is the reason Hindus or HK's do not get taken seriously and are laughed at!


Veda-vyasa lived at either 3000BC or 1500BC. Though some believe Veda-Vyasa (Krishna-dvaipanya) is the same person as, or reincarnated as Sage Badarayana - the founder of Vedanta and the one who wrote the Brahma Sutras.

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Lord Parasurama, Lord Veda Vyasa , Lord Hanuman are immortals.


So LOrd Badrayana Vyasa & Lord Veda Vyasa are same.


Moreover, it is said Vaishnavas dont die.


We should also remember that great vaishnava saints like Sri Ramanujacharya, Sri Guru Raghavendra swami, Sri Vadiraja thirtha etc.. are now and then appearing before the true devotees & we can feel their presence. So Vaishnavas are immortal. Its no joke. Im serious.

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while the hindus easily accept such words of the vedic scriptures, non hindus find it difficult to believe.


this is due to their prior sanskaras or the influence of the culture they are born in.


the non hindus know only of the body, not the soul.

wule they think of the body only, we think of the eternal soul within. so, technically no one dies, but some are forgotten, or their work is forgotten, or their message is rejected. so, that it the real death of the person.


hanumanji, parasuram, vedvyasa, etc. are immortal because their message is not forgotten, it will be respected and followed for ever. that is why they are immortal.


besides, the currrent rule of the nature that one dies in about 100 yers, is not our rule. it is made by krishna, and he can change it any time for any person. so, it is also likely that these immortals are living in their original body also. now, whether they are physically meeting to the people or not, does not matter mostly; because their message is same and eternal. without meeting vaysadev, one can derive complete benefit from his works - puranas and mahabharat. so, thus they are eternal. a hindu can understand this very easily. for others, still it may be difficult.


a non hindu wants to live here in this material world and wants maximum enjoyment with the senses. meat eating and wine makes them very lusty, and on top of it they take viagra. this is like a monkey drinking wine. this is the miserable condition of this misguided western culture.


the vedic culture however, does not place importance on the body which is temporary, and is just a means to go to god. so, a hindu controls his senses. tapa is importnt part of hindu life. many holy days are for fasting. in contrast, the west fasts only during the sleep. as long as one wakes up, he/she eats something even before brushing or taking shower or going to bathroom. this is their break-fast.


prabhupada tried very hard to explain the vedic views to the west. some pious one understood him. others did not. thfor this, he said that meat eaters cannot understand dharma.


history of this material workd is very important to the non hindus. their BOOKs are just history books. gita on the other hand is not a history book. it is the essence of a unviversal dharma.


those who want to understnad dharma and the hindu concepts will understand it. those who come here to defameor criticise hinduism will not understand it, or will not agree they understand it.


while a hindu has no problem with any one with any opinion or belief (as long as the person or the ideology is not out to take away the freedom to practice hinduism), a non hindu just cannot stand the existance of any one with different opinion or belief. so, now jodge. which religion is better?


yes. vadvavasa is immortal.


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Here I want to know u all about manifestation according to geeta.

In the god's view,u and me AND all living beings life's are already completed.Bcoz in the view of god every thing is past why bcoz he is the future.

Here all of us make a look at our culture.Everything goes fast but for what.The people like us don't know.So only saints are informing to us about the right way.According to hindu dharma there was a systematic approach about living.But now everything is going fast without any goal.Before adopting any cultural activity which is outwards(western) we should think first.

All we are in kali maya.Not possible to escape.Is there any people without selfishness.No

So only few people are trying to know about inner mind(soul).

My friends intially think about what is th structure of our body and from where we were came.Origin of life.

So yogis knows this.

Anjaneya the great rama bhakta he knows every thing about future.He is always for ever.

So yogis and rushis gave some guidlines to us from vedas and puranas.So we have to follow.But at present we are in the darkage.Not possible to follow such rules.


If I bores u please excuse me.

If u have any interest I will prodcede in the next mail.

Thank u


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<< But at present we are in the darkage.Not possible to follow such rules. >>


an easy path in kali is

hari naam sankirtan.

but each varna needs to carry on its duties well.


i do not understand what you mean by the subject line.


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My reason is in dark age some abnormal events will happen.Atuclly at present we are using computer.So what actually it is.We all are now depends upon these type of things.Knowledge increasing day by day.So the distrcutions also increasing day by day.That means we r not in a good conditions.Global warming bcoz of human beings.But not from amimlas and birds.Now the man distroying the nature by oil products in the form of smoke.Do u know each drop will become smoke.Day by day number of vehicles percentage rising.Polution also rising.

Only I gave one example about this.All most of all

countries are trying to gather nuclear and chemical weapons.Any time those may be come outside to use then what happen?

Any body will not control that.That is the result of ghor kali yuga.

For securing good people god manifest soon sure.



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an easy path in kali is

hari naam sankirtan.

but each varna needs to carry on its duties well.


harinam samkirtan can be performed along any duty given by karma and gunas


if we do it, karma and gunas turn in yoga without any separated effort

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however, it only saves us from doing adharma.

it does not influence asuras to stop adharma,

and when they do adharma we are the victims.

(and then to say , "only god will help us" is a very pessimissic attitude and useless. god helps those who help them selves - act according to the word or krishna given in gita.) so, the need is to be pro-active to not only not do adharma but to kill (expose to all and defame) the ideologies that promote adharma.


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dear ramkrishna,



yes, i understand what you are saying.


oil or the culture of automobiles produces environmental problems.


oil is a strategic commodity.

that means whoever has oil can win wars.

beign so, every counry wants oil.


just as surabhi cow or kamadhenu caow was giving anything you wish (the rishi wished), mother earth is giving oil free. our puranas have story tht says there was a fight for to possess kamadhenu. same is happening for oil. in varioud forms, the world is fighting for oil and the land that gives oil.


teh oil the earh has is limited.

one day it will be all gone.

if the empty oil wells are not filled with water, them the earth crust may sink in causing earthquake like situation

(these are my thoughts, i am not a geologist.)


the western countries, knowingly or unknowingly are up to using up all the oil of other countires before they can use their own. why? because plane (bombers, spy planes) need oil to fly. a counry without oil cannot bomb another country by plane but by missiles. and plane bombng is more accurate than missle bombing it is cheaper too. so, teh western counried will not say that they want to deplete other countries' oil first, but in praactice it is happening.


as long as there is oil in a land, ther will be fight for it in one form or another. also, a country with chel oil advances intechnology and progressses economically. although god has made neccesitis availabe for all on earth, some do not like another advance. "i am the greatest, you cannot be greatest or powerful" is their mentality. so, they adopt various ways to keep others down. one nice way to keep other down is give them some necessities like food free. this makes the recipient lazy and he will not advance in any way, most likely. anoher way they use to keep others down is keep them fighting within and with the neighbors. small countires - babies of yesterday - are given help to get strong enough to cause problems with their large neighbors. the mentality of those powerfuls who do such a thing is not spiritualor ethical. but tht is how the world is, and we ned to deal with it, with our own policies and strength.


yes, god has promsied he comes when necessary.

but he does not tell at what time exactly he will come.

and he has not said us to remain passive.

even when arjun said he does notwant to fight,

krishna said to fight. so, we have to be active

according to dharma.


one way would be if we have oil, do not sell it to others, or sell in a small quantity only to get most essential thigns we need to maintan our independence. also develop technologies that give enenrgy without oil.


plants and factories that produce bombs and missiles etc, and otrhe consumer goods, produce polution. in a few years hina would be poluting much more than USA., and and china knows it. then need is to find technology tht would nto pollute. cars runnning on alcohol or organic oils is one thing.


nature has its own way to get well.

if we the world pollute, we will die, many of us by the pollution. then there will be some devades or centuries without polution or oil. inthis time nature will restore the environment. this assumes that polution is a reversible process. if it is not, then teh earth will be a junk planet,

not suitable for living being who are living now.


perhaps god could make different kinds of living being that eat smoke and produce oxygen as a waste product.


but we hae to face the problems of today.

dharma -gita - krishna is our guide.

sankirtan is fine, but the time demands karma yogis.

pro-active karma yogis.


bharat needs karma yogis.

yes, pray god to come,

but always act as he has directed in gita.

never never remain passive.




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