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Abhishekam is an important part of idol worship. Normally, abhishekam, or bathing the idol, is performed to the gods (in the form of idols) with Panchaamrita. It is a mixture of cow milk, curds, pure ghee, sugar and honey. Devotees also mix banana and coconut water in Panchaamrita.

After completing the abhisheka, the panchaamrita used for the purpose is consumed by the devotees as teertha.


It is said that panchaamrita, being the mixture of various milk products, has medicinal values and will provide health and nourishment to the body. However, since it is used for worshipping the god, there are spiritual values too attached to this teertha. For non-believers, the fact that it adds to the health would convince them to consume it.



Milk: Cow milk gives memory and strength to the body. It can be digested easily. It also gives lustre to the body. Doctors prescribe milk as an alternative to food as it contains three types of proteins, 19 amino acids, 11 types of fats, six vitamins, eight enzymes, 25 elements, sugar and others. Milk provides the required calcium and phosphorous to the body.


Curds: Curds consists of cream, butter and ghee. It increases memory and eliminates the heat in the body. The medicinal values present in curds may cure few types of fever. It is advisable not to take curds in the night.


Ghee: Ghee increases memory, intelligence, strength, life span, eye sight and heat in the body. According to scriptures one should not eat food without ghee. It also gives lustre to the body. It contains carotine and vitamin ‘A’.


Honey: Honey, according to aayurveda, would neutralize the poisonous material, which might have entered the body unknowingly. Honey also stops vomiting sensation and is good for the eyes. It can be digested easily and gives great energy. Honey contains iron, calcium, magnesium, manganese, ‘B’ and ‘C’ vitamins. It is good for anemia patients.



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