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Is God a christian?

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Is god a christian?If we use logic we should know that he isnt. But it is interesting to know that christians believe so.Their god


1)says that only christians will go to heaven and others will suffer in permenant hell.

2)Asks christians to eat meat

3)forgives their sins with a confession.


Whats wrong with this?plenty


There must be only one god.All agree to that.He created us all.He created so many religions.So all of us must be his sons and daughters.So how does he favor christians over others?


They say that God came as jesus to save us all.If we did not listen to his message and convert we all will go to permamnent hell.But i have something to ask.


No messenger came to america till columbus.So what about those people?Did they all go to hell, since they did not convert?It wasnt also their fault.So for 14 centuries they all went to hell for no mistake of theirs.


And Bible says only sinners die, death is the punishment for sinners. Then it fails to explain why children at age 1 and 2 die.What sin did they commit?


And the reason for the spread of premarital sex,drug addiction,murder in west is only due to the practice of confession.Jesus will forgive all their sins.So do any sin, and confess on sunday. Thats all. They did not have a concept of making amends for your sin.None told them you will have to repay for your sins in next birth. So they do all these sins,without any fear of god.Why wont they?Jesus died for all the sins of mankind.So whatever sin you are going to commit it has already been forgiven.Son of god has died for it already.So commit sin.


And all non-christians will go to hell.By that logic Mahathma gandhi buddha talai lama(previous one) all are in hell.What did they do?They werent christians. But Ted Bundy the serial killer who murdered more than 25 women cruelly is in heaven.Why?he confessed to a pastor before being electrocuted. What sort of religion sends Gandhi to hell and ted bundy to heaven?


Will any christian care to explain?


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Actually Jesus didnt any of em which xians claim. The bible which they follow itself is not a genuine one.


to know about real teachings of christ & his travel to india visit :-






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/images/graemlins/smile.gif Om Shri Pujyaya Guru Raghavendraya Namaha

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dear priya_ vaishnvaa,


thank you for such a nice post!

you are an intellectual kshatriya!

keep up.


this is what i pray to krishna that most HK's and Hindus become intellectual kshatriyas, if they cannot become a physical ksnatriyas. (and all do not need to become physical kshatriyas, only a few if/when necessary.)


when it is shown logically and rationally

that the competing barbaric ideologuies have no real ground to stand on, no person with sane mind will follow it.

and then the god given dharma - sanatana dharma - will be understood and followed by many. peace is possible then.


again, dhanyawad!



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<< Actually Jesus didnt any of em which xians claim. The bible which they follow itself is not a genuine one. >>


what is the use telling to the nin xians here?


did you convince any xian -pope - what you are trying to convince us here?


if not, you are wasting time.

if pope (one who leads xian world) does not belive you, why should we?


even if we believe it,

what good does it do to us?


what good does it do to you?



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Another major objection is:

1. What will happen to the souls born before JC?

2. They could not have accepted JC anyway.

3. If they believe in reincarnation, they would have attained salvation after reincarnationg after JC. But they dont believe in reincarnation.

4. So are the souls born before JC are ever in hell for no fault of theirs?

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this is what i pray to krishna that most HK's and Hindus become intellectual kshatriyas, if they cannot become a physical ksnatriyas. (and all do not need to become physical kshatriyas, only a few if/when necessary.)



There are many Hks who are kshatriyas, the days of Maha-rathas as in previous yuga are long gone, most Governments are controlled by Sudras (hey I think even i could do better lol), nice thought though, don't think it will happen any time soon..


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"most Governments are controlled by Sudras "


The more the population is for a particular community, the more political clout they have.


Thats one reason why India is going to gutters.


Indian politicians are happy when the muslim population goes up. They are happy when SC /ST population goes up.


And spiritual heads like Shankara are ridiculed. And people like Periyar are praised.


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Have i told this to christians?


Yes,I have.To many,many.Just visit ,visit a group called atheism and you will see that I have told not only this, but also basics of hinduism. Just give Priya_vaishnava in search engine in that group and you can see my messages.I have posted it in so many christian websites.Have debated it for long.


What is the use of telling us?


So that you can tell it to others.By the way,did you know this before?


The time of India becoming a guru to the entire world has come.

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<--- And spiritual heads like Shankara are ridiculed. And people like Periyar are praised. -->


not only shankara. also acharyas like Ramanuja & madhava are also worstly ridiculed.


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Again regarding whats the use of telling us?


To defeat the enemy you should know him first.You should know him better than what he knows about himself.He came and won partially here.He won over 5% of our population,since he kenw our weaknesses better than us.Do you know his weakness?


Today every Hindu has so many tasks before him

1)Stop conversions

2)Ramjanmabhoomi krishnajanmaboomi and viswanath temple

3)defeat terrorism and re annexe POK

4)Convert the west

5)Make India a super power before our life time


So constantly we shopuld discuss enemys weakness and his strengths.I wanted your opinions on that.I wanted whether what I said was right or wrong.So that I can post it in christian groups.You people also can do the same.

Kindly pick up pentecostal sites and paste it pls

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"4)Convert the west"


I think Christianity is already on borrowed time here in the west... as education increases, I think it only natural for religion to diminish.


So, to think you can "convert the west" is even more insane than the Christian crusade of converting westerners. Nobody has any reason to believe in Hindu sillyness anymore than Christian sillyness.


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Anything Brahminical and anything Hindu is ridiculed.


The reason I said Shankara is, I am from Tamilnadu and Kanchi Shankaracharya is the head of Tamil Smartha Brahmins.

There are a lot of Saiva mutts and Vainava mutts which are equally ridiculed.


In Political meetings some politicians have said, " Dei Kirukka".


In Tamil " Dei" is a language of disrespect.

Kirukka is a mad man.


There cannot be any worse offense than this.


It is the same politicians that said, Srirangan temple has to be demolished with Tanks and the stones from the temple have to be used for buiding houses of the poor. Why cannot these politicians demolish their houses and give bricks from their broken houses? Why cant these politicians demolish churches and mosques? WhyOnly Srirangam temple?


Its time hindus get political and exercise a political influence in India.

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I translate that to mean:


Anything hindu related is ridiculed.


Gibberish... I am from Hindutown and some guy is the head of some organization.


Some sort of hindus are ridiculed.


In some organizational meeting politicians talk gibberish.


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Hi priya ,


If god was christian , then it would mean that God came into existence only in 0 AD , That makes no sense as it would be like saying that People existed before GOD. It would be appropriate to say that God was there even before xianism and that Jesus/Christian god is just another roopa or form of GOD.


To give you an example, GOD is like air , we cant see it but its still there , You will know the value of Air only when u r out of breath . Similarly GOD is there its just that you cant see it and only when one is in trouble u start beleiving in GOD.


So i guess people should understand this and start beleiving in GOD as a supreme being , not Krishna , not Rama , not Jesus but someone who created the prefect Universe. God to me has no face , SEX or any form . It can take the form that the eyes of the beholder wants.





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First of all we hindus should be united. We should respect all sampradayas.


Some people like priya ridicule "vaishnavas & shaivas" as secretarial as they dont worship other gods apart from vishnu/shiva. so priya is talking like "karunanidhi".


it is not enough that priya goes to xian forums & hammers them. she should first try to respect "vaishnavas & shaivas" rather than ridiculing their beliefs. it is basic right of a vaishnava/shaiva to worship/not-worship a particular god.


so people like priya should realise their mistakes rather than hammering vaishnavas&shaivas and be united with hindus.


otherwise whatever priya does has no use.

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God to me has no face , SEX or any form . It can take the form that the eyes of the beholder wants.


so you are a green chicken with red moustaches ad a big rolex watch at a leg

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God is not following any religion it is our discrimination between ourselves to create new and new religions every now and then and blindly believe that some decent creature is a God. (Some of the few are few of our Hindu so called God(s), Christ, Guru Nanakji, and what not).


God is you and if you believe it you are just a human with a pea sized brain and a small heart, which makes you feel better if you think in these terms. So is God too - with a supernatural virtual power existing in every living being.


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Dear Priya,


I really appreciate all your efforts in spreading the great word of Hinduism, but that does not mean that Christians are wrong either. I am not on a conversion spree, but you must see the other perspective too. Let me try to answer a few of your questions to the best of my ability


God is only Krishna: Agreed, but just as Krishna gives different "margas" to reach to him Jnana, bhakti, sankya… so does Christianity become one of the "marga." It is immaterial if they believe that theirs is the only way, they are surely wrong on that, but that doesn't mean that we must hold on to such a fundamental attitude either.


They eat meat: So what, we sacrificed meat to the Vedic gods! We still sacrifice animals to Durga and Kali(shakti puja). A white bull was sacrificed to Indra every year before the rains. Which sloka of Bhagwat geeta, Rig veda say that we must not eat meat? In ashwamedh yagna Ram sacrificed a horse???


Forgive sins with confession: Let me ask you a question: Have you never sinned??? Touch your heart and tell me that you haven’t. Is there any one in the forum who hasn't sinned??? We all sin, so what is the harm in “sincerely” confessing your sins and asking for forgiveness from God. If God is a merciful loving God Krishna, will he not forgive you if you ask for forgiveness?


I am not here on a Christian conversion brigade, but Christianity just openly agrees that we are all sinners because we all sin. But, our job is not to judge whether someone else is a sinner or not, our job is to repent for our sins. Whether Ted Bundy or Gandhi is in heaven or not is not decided by man (whether Christian or Hindu) only Krishna/God decides whether we have a place with him or not. Isn't that true???


You raised a very good question: No man came to America before Columbus, and that just proves that Christianity is not the only way to go to heaven, but that also raises another question: Is Krishna the only way too because no Krishna consciousness came to America before the 60s. The native Americans in the prairie get no food other than buffalo meat because all they have other than buffalo is grass. S9o they eat only buffalo meat for food. Do you think that God will not give them place in his heaven because he placed them in grasslands with no food other than buffalo meat. What about people in Alaska they eat only walrus and seals; they have no saag and sabji with roti and chawal. Then according to our discussion they should have no place in Krishna's heaven, huh?


God is one and he loves all of us. That is the only truth; we just have different names and ideologies to explain the same point. What do you think???


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Christianity is 2000 years old, but its concepts come from Judaism(Jewish) faith which itself is 5000 years old. So, Judeo-Christrianity what we call Christianity is one of the oldest religions of the world too, and it was born not in the west but in Jerusalem/Israel.

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Is god a christian?

..god is not christian, neither hindu, buddhist, muslim and so on


1)says that only christians will go to heaven and others will suffer in permenant hell.

..this is a lie... there's ten commandments (good for every religion) and in these commandments there's never written that a chirstian will go to paradise and others to hell


2)Asks christians to eat meat

..there's "thou shalt not kill"... the problem is the misuse, not the doctrine


They say that God came as jesus to save us all.If we did not listen to his message and convert we all will go to permamnent hell.

..it is true, if you do not respect and woship jesus... or the principle he represents (he perfect spiritual master, manifestation of paramatma), you'll go to hell


And Bible says only sinners die, death is the punishment for sinners.

..where's written?


And the reason for the spread of premarital sex,drug addiction,murder in west is only due to the practice of confession

..not true... confession is largely not used also between strict practitioneers


Will any christian care to explain?

..before study a little... then study your own religion.... then shut up, there's no use in making religious wars



dear priya_ vaishnvaa,

thank you for such a nice post!

you are an intellectual kshatriya!

...if this is the kind of intellectualism you like we are lost


when it is shown logically and rationally

..of course


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<--- ..before study a little... then study your own religion.... then shut up, there's no use in making religious wars --- >


Good point. You have made a goos post.


yes thats what people like me are telling priya to first understand the philosophies of hindu religion clearly. but she's not doing that.


She first doesnt have any clear idea of "hindu" religion itself.


She says that following "vaishnavam & shaivam" is a harm to hindu religion. i think shes from mars or jupiter.


So you can see that she doesnt respect/understand her own religion, so how can we expect her to understand other religion.


She feels "pride" in telling that she has visited xian forums & explained greatness of hindu religion. I think shes just a kid craving for recognition & some people here support her.


Just like theres no use in telling about xianity in this forum, as no one will be much intrested, so do xians will not intrested to hear greatness of hindu religion. i dont know why priya is going to xian forums & hammering them ?


Actually priya seems to be follow "no philosophies" . actually priys hasnt even understood about "advaitham", but she claims "advaitham" to be supported by vedas, without even understanding it. Reason she tells is "Adi shankara" cannot be wrong. So is she telling that "Ramanujacharya" is wrong ?


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